from Milan on 2001-06-13 16:02 [#00009487]

Letter to Richard D. James
Dear Richard, how are you? I'm fine.
I have a request for you: Why don't you release something new? You have to understand that we waited enough time, now we would like to see something new.
I know that your hard-disk is full of new stuff, now me and all your fans want a real new album with 10, 11 and more songs; we'd like happy if you will release a double cd like was SAW II.
Richard I want an innovative real album, like ICBYD or RDJ Album.
Windowlicker was great but it has only 3 tracks...
I'm curious to listen the evolution of your sound and style, I want to see where you can arrive.
Richard stop on minute to drive your tank and amaze the word with your music.
Thanks for your attention.
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-06-13 16:14 [#00009488]

yes.yes.yes.(same as above, less spelling mistakes very good comment though) what else can richy boy come up with?
from London on 2001-06-13 16:38 [#00009492]

He should release some massive 12 CD box set of all the stuff he's never released. That would be scary!
from Milan on 2001-06-13 17:10 [#00009494]

eh, eh, eh... spelling mistakes are my speciality...
from yemen on 2001-06-13 17:36 [#00009501]

Release a Selected Ambient Works Vol. III album with not one, not two, but three cds. Excellent.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-13 22:11 [#00009523]

RDJ claimed to have written 200 fucking tracks in 1997 alone. And the son-of-a-bastard has been teaching his computer to write its own music. I'd definitely like to hear something like "Selected Computer-Generated Works Volume 1," or hell, even his algorithms. But even if i had to buy a 12-CD set just to get some new Richard D James music, I sure as hell would do it without even thinking twice.
from the uk on 2001-06-13 22:14 [#00009524]

it has been said before, he wont release in case he looses fans because it sucks
i still need to get aquainted with old aphex, so im not too bothered
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-13 22:28 [#00009528]

What i think he should do is RE-ISSUE SAW 85-92!!!! So we new AFX fans can hear his classic material!!
One thing though -- please do not let the US companies cheat us American fans out of good tracks like they did with SAW2!!!
If they're going to fuck us like that, they can at least give us the common courtesy for a reacharound!!
*mind fell in the gutter for a second, so he picks it up and sticks it back in*
from London on 2001-06-13 23:35 [#00009535]

Organ Dude: I said in an earlier post that Rich has stopped his whole computer generated project because it was too difficult.
A new Ambient album would be fucking lush though! I'd buy it the day it came out.
from Australia on 2001-06-14 03:04 [#00009548]

I think that if he did release a new album he would try and make it as wierd as possible,... this way if no-one likes it,.. It's because they're not "smart enough" to get into it,.. or it's too complex for them,.. but I'm sure that it'd be done well,.. as for not releasing stuff because he'd lose fans,...
HE DOESN'T GIVE A SHITE,.. HE JUST WANTS THE MONEY (Which is fine by me, because I just want the music :))
from seattle washington usa on 2001-06-14 05:24 [#00009554]

hey if RDJ really does read this thread, (a haiku) please check out my shits. you may or may not like it. my cat likes it too.
tell me it sucks in a lengthy e-mail so i can show my friends!
from Milan on 2001-06-14 08:41 [#00009591]

Hey Richard D. James, listen me...
R E L E A S E____A___N E W__A L B U M, W I T H__A__C O V E R__AND__10/11/12/13__C O M P L E T E L Y__N E W__S O N G S__, T H A N X.
You are not a weakling little child, you're the king of electronic music, you're the most electronic performer, you're not Fat Boy Slim, you're RDJ.
Make us dream!
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-06-14 09:21 [#00009596]

all of you people sucks. remember: Rich isn't a artist who make sound for others, so you can't wish a "SAW III" with 3 cd's. rich makes music when and where he want, he don't look at other peoples and think "yeah, that's great, now i make a new album to answer my art" no, that isn't rich.....rich takes time for his music, perhaps he comes never back, perhaps he makes track for himself an not for the fans, i think he wouldn't give names for his tracks, i think he like to give colors or some tastes, no? rich is a one man xperience, you can't say "Rich bring a new album" so at all afx fans, take time and listen to all his old shit, sample his drums & rhytms (like afx114 or something) change the pitch and speed, add efx, and send it to your sampler an make bastard noize everywhere you can make them.......greetz at all
A[cid]PH[Value]EX[cited] never die !!
from Milan on 2001-06-14 16:11 [#00009663]

Richard, listen me... release a new album, it would be a great thing for this society.
I know you're reading this Topic, I know it's a your own choise to release something new or not... but I hope you'll do the right thing...
________________________________________________ WooÆ’erAttack
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-06-14 16:15 [#00009665]

yes you say it WooÆ’erAttack, Rich...i'm from switzerland ( i dunno if you know them) so.....i dunno perhaps 300 peoples (total 400'000'000) in this country know your music....perhaps 200 but not more, really not more, so....please bring some stuff .... i miss it really! and....when you've got time....come at zurich ... i did forget the date 4 august 2000, i wish i had a gun.....
bad english i know
on 2001-06-14 16:48 [#00009667]

not a fuckin nother ambient album. theres 3 cds worth of that already.
we need like a RDJ album part 2 or sumthin which is totally mental. mayb sumthin a bit like complex equation which wud be cool.
from USA on 2001-06-14 17:35 [#00009671]

Just leave him alone. He is not going to read any of this, and if he does he won't give care. He doesn't know us and he doesn't care about the ideas we have. Just wasting your time. If you want to hear some new forms of music that is cool and or weird, then make it yourself.
from USA on 2001-06-14 17:37 [#00009672]

"and if he does he won't give care" sorry, I meant, He won't give a shit
from California on 2001-06-15 00:38 [#00009734]

cheech wizard
from age on 2001-06-15 00:40 [#00009735]

and it went straight past
Wim Jongejan
from Zwartewaal on 2001-06-15 00:56 [#00009741]

new material within a year, this is an absolute. Hes just keeping everyone guessing , longing and craving, but he shall return, dont fool yerself.
reliable sourced have informed about the new material, it shall happen within a year!!!
from Milan on 2001-06-15 07:46 [#00009779]

Richard? Richard? Richard?
Release or not Release, this is the problem... ... ... ... ...
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-06-15 08:02 [#00009781]

froget it he don't read it, he isn't a popular artist and answer you questions. when he make a album for his fans, it will be shit!
from Milan on 2001-06-15 08:56 [#00009792]

MAP: I know that... this is only a game. Sometimes it isn't so bad to joke. . . . . Why Richard? Why? sigh, sigh, sigh.. Release or not release? . . \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/[][]Æ’ER_________________ _
rob fragilenine
from what was that song again? oh yeah, its called on 2001-06-15 16:43 [#00009829]

he's probably planned this whole 'i quit' thing so that he waits a few years (5 or so) and then comes back with a new album that is 10 times better than anything he's ever released. he's probably thinking 'woahahahahahahaha...' right now.
ps. i was looking around on cdnow.com and i saw an aphex twin album called 'the best of aphex twin'. does anyone know what this is?
from Milan on 2001-06-15 17:27 [#00009830]

Rob: I saw it, too. I haven't idea about what is it.
P.S.: I'm thinking that Daft Punk waited 5 years, between Homework (1996) and Discovery (2001).
Depeche Mode waited a lot between Ultra and Exciter. There are many example. Aphex Twin released Windowlicker in 1999, it isn't much time.
I don't understand why many people is so pessimist about a new Richard's album.
Richard, I'm feeling you're ready to exit with a new masterpiece.
What kind of video are you preparing? What kind of sound?
Give us a signal...
|___________________________________________\/\/°°oOo°° ƒER
from miami on 2001-06-15 18:15 [#00009833]

who is this woofer guy talking to!? where am i!? god some one help me! what are you people looking at!!? STOP LOOKING AT ME!!!!
Rough Spittle
from London on 2001-06-15 18:40 [#00009841]

Woofer, what is it with all the hAx0r language? Give it a rest with all the \/\/?ƒe® shite, please.
And also, are you insane? RDJ isn't reading this, and if he is, it gives him more incentive not to release if all his fans are weirdy stalker people.
from Australia on 2001-06-16 04:40 [#00009911]

Richard apparantly does surf the net and look up stuff to do with him (I don't remember where I first heard this so I can't help you) and I think he'd just look at it and laugh,.. I know that our asking for a new album is not phasing him in the slightest,.. but he's probably sitting at home thinkin "hehehe,... these guys are pathetic,.. they have no idea,.. hehehe" or maybe not,.. but you get the point
from Milan on 2001-06-16 14:55 [#00009945]

TekN010G: I'm agree with you about all. It's better that I don't know what RDJ is thinking about this stupid topic, eh, eh, eh... but Richard is too intelligent to think that I'm serious to write this kind of things. This topic is obviously a joke and it's funny to read the answers of people like Rough Spittle.
Rough Spittle: What's the meaning of hAxOr language? Why are you so negative? Don't you like this topic? Why are you writing on this topic? Excuse me, too many questions today...
thanksomuch: Are you a newbye, here? Please to meet you. I'm WooÆ’erAttack but some friend call me woofy. If you want I'll not look at you... it's a promise.
Happy weekend to everybody!
_______ \/\/ _______
from Milan on 2001-06-18 07:44 [#00010121]

Good morning Mr. Richard, Have a good Monday. By the way, are you ready to release?
AFX / PCP fan.
from Holland on 2001-06-22 22:08 [#00010727]

Maybe Richard will release something sometime. People are just grown into the fact that every few months there has to be a new release.
You see a lot that producers sometimes release records/cd's every few months or so and then it's quiet for a while.
This can have so many reasons. (long vacation / missing the feeling to produce / not wanna produce for some time / concentrate on other things)
There can be many options why Richard is not releasing new material.
When the time is right there will be something new. Patience is the word!!! :-)
Rough Spittle
from a scrag heap on 2001-06-23 13:10 [#00010757]

Woofboy: h4x0r language is when you litter your phrases with punctuation, numbers, purposely mis-spell things etc. eg:
this r0x (v)¥ ƒU©king hed ___---====````
you get the idea.
I'm not negative boi boi, I'm realistic.
rob fragilenine
from moo 309 on 2001-06-23 13:56 [#00010762]

well, nine inch nails took a long time between the downward spiral and the fragile, maybe that's what rdj is doing.
h4x0r talk? y0ur3 ju$7 j3@L'u$ B.c()z 1.m $() 133+ @|\|.|) y0()R |/|07!
from Lincoln on 2001-06-23 17:06 [#00010788]

blah blah blah
rob fragilenine
from moo 309 on 2001-06-23 17:24 [#00010790]

blah blah blah
unconditional vacuum cleaner
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-23 19:43 [#00010802]

come to think of it, so did Tool!
4 years between Undertow and Aenima. 5 years between Aenima and Lateralus.
Nine Inch Nails: 5 years between Pretty Hate Machine and Downward Spiral 5 years between Downward Spiral and The Fragile
the list could go on and on.........
i'm betting that if Richard does release something else, it will be the best he's ever done!
In the meanwhile, there's other great music out there!! Like take for instance, Wagon Christ/Luke Vibert, Bogdan Raczynski, Mu-ziq, Squarepuser........
from portreath - cornwall on 2001-06-23 23:30 [#00010820]

You sad bastards there is no chance RDJ would come and listen to your shite!
from Milan on 2001-06-25 08:04 [#00010914]

Rough Spittle: Sorry but I don't understand your h4x0r language...
You're a realistic guy but you write strange things...
es: You wrote... r0x (v)¥ ƒU©king hed ___---====````
The only thing I see is "FUCKING HEAD", isn't it?
Why don't you write simply in English?
blah, blah, blah...
from Milan on 2001-06-25 11:07 [#00010940]

Rob: I'm agree with you about this shitty topic, RDJ'll never read here...
Anotherthing is true... I'm really a fuckin' bastard...
from Milan on 2001-06-26 11:16 [#00011066]

Dear Richard what do you think if I try to drive your tank? I have a mission to complete.
from seattle, washington, usa on 2001-06-26 19:10 [#00011086]

two words, monkey trousers
from Milan on 2001-07-02 09:24 [#00011741]

...I was out for a long weekend, I went on my second house in a calm place... today I back in my office, I turn on my P.C., I take a look to my favourite messageboard and what I found? RICHARD D. JAMES aka APHEX TWIN will release a new double album...
It's simply incredible, I'm too happy, usually I hate Monday because I start to work, but this is the best Monday morning.
I want to say TANX to RICHARD and all the people believed he would release a new album.
If you read this topic you can see how many people were pessimistics and thought bad about this nice topic.
Today the dream come reality... Now we're all happy and we wait for this new masterpiece...
"DRUKQS", we're waiting for you...
from the UK 2 on 2001-07-02 09:51 [#00011749]

I just thought I'd say that I think that even if Richard didnt release Drunqs, We wouldn't of heard the last of him. He probably has loads of un-finished tunes. Also, if he's like me* and most other electronic music artists, Then he'd make it coz he'd enjoy it. I bet he just likes the fact he can share it with people, see what they think of it all, by reading all of this.
*I'm not an electronic artist......I just enjoy creating music and showing all my friends. Thats what it's all about.
on 2001-07-02 11:15 [#00011755]

he only released it because Wooferattack kept asking him to.
from the land of bordom on 2001-07-02 11:21 [#00011756]

Well...maybe, yea. The only way to find out is if he says it himself. What possessed Richard to release Drunqs. Was the wait planned? Does he create his music coz he enjoys it, does it for the fans or does it for the Internet music popularty. I doubt it's the last one. I know everyone would like to know the answer, But will he speak? Is he hear?
Will we ever know if he reads these Message Boards. Phobiazero :- Has richard ever posted a message here before?
from Milan on 2001-07-02 11:35 [#00011758]

goil: If only it were true... but I don't think so... Richard was too busy with new album for read my stuff...
My letter on this topic wasn't a serious thing, now I'm happy because a new double album is ready for us and it's really fantastic!
from the UK 2 on 2001-07-02 15:23 [#00011775]

Okay everyone! just realized its not called druKqs not druNks. Drunks would be cool but silly. SOZ everyone. My Bad.
from Milan on 2001-07-02 17:45 [#00011832]

Yeah, Drunks wasn't bad... eh, eh, eh... it would be nice...
from Milan on 2001-07-10 10:11 [#00013690]

... Sorry but it's funny read what the people wrote on this topic...
How many sceptical and faithless people were here? Perhaps some of the new AFX-CLONE was one of this guy!
Someone need to trust in Richard D. James more.
Long life to Aphex Twin!
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