Teddy Bear at the Top of the Messageboard | xltronic messageboard
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Teddy Bear at the Top of the Messageboard

offline Mr Brazil from Oh Joan, I love you so... on 2007-12-17 07:39 [#02155142]
Points: 1970 Status: Lurker

Is his name Mohammad?


offline Mr Brazil from Oh Joan, I love you so... on 2007-12-17 07:41 [#02155143]
Points: 1970 Status: Lurker

Snow would have been better, but Mohammad the Holiday Bear
is still IDM. I suppose.


offline darkpromenade from Australia on 2007-12-17 14:14 [#02155252]
Points: 2777 Status: Regular



offline Broken_Drum from United Kingdom on 2007-12-17 15:06 [#02155269]
Points: 207 Status: Lurker

I think he should be called Big Dave.


offline Zephyr Twin from ΔΔΔ on 2007-12-17 15:11 [#02155273]
Points: 16982 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

I kept staring at him hoping something really IDM would
happen, like rave lasers projecting from his eyes, or
perhaps 3000 RDJ-faced maggots could burst through his
belly. You know, something.


offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2007-12-17 16:33 [#02155301]
Points: 24571 Status: Regular | Followup to Zephyr Twin: #02155273

Isn't the fact he does nothing IDM enough for ya?


offline Zephyr Twin from ΔΔΔ on 2007-12-17 16:35 [#02155302]
Points: 16982 Status: Regular | Followup to marlowe: #02155301 | Show recordbag

Doing nothing makes him XLT, not IDM. :D


offline cuntychuck from Copenhagen (Denmark) on 2007-12-17 16:42 [#02155303]
Points: 8603 Status: Lurker | Followup to Zephyr Twin: #02155302



offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2007-12-17 17:34 [#02155318]
Points: 39879 Status: Addict

Rhubear on acid


offline Mr Brazil from Oh Joan, I love you so... on 2007-12-17 17:37 [#02155319]
Points: 1970 Status: Lurker | Followup to recycle: #02155318



offline fleetmouse from Horny for Truth on 2007-12-17 17:46 [#02155325]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker

And with the addition of benny bear, finally xlt 2.0 was
complete and the commoners did rejoice.


offline Co-existence from Bergen (Norway) on 2007-12-17 17:47 [#02155326]
Points: 3388 Status: Regular

Hold my bells if it isn't the ressurected Bruno sittin' up

Haleluja and a merry ol' christmass to ye all...



offline Co-existence from Bergen (Norway) on 2007-12-17 17:48 [#02155327]
Points: 3388 Status: Regular




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