Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-10 22:52 [#00009109]

from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-10 22:53 [#00009110]

Do you think anyone who reads this forum actually thinks Nsync themselves were influenced by Nsync, and would be influenced by your opinion of them Sucking?
lol :)
from manchester on 2001-06-10 22:54 [#00009111]

well aren;t we just a little ball of hate for all things good and pure?
N Sync are not suppsed to be artists, They are an advertising campaign for music. And so what if they don't do any work? Does it really matter?
Let pop be,listen to what you want and let everyone else do the same :-)
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-10 22:55 [#00009112]

WHAT THE FUCK?! are you pro-nsync?! WHAT?!
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-10 22:55 [#00009113]

hedtwin: Right on my brotha!!!
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-10 22:57 [#00009114]

answer me!
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-10 22:59 [#00009115]

No, we aren't Pro-Nsync, but we don't need to worry ourselves about Nsync because they aren't of any concern to us...
Do you see Nsync fans going out of their way to insult Aphex Twin fans on their messageboards?
Just because you hate something [and I sure hate em :DD] doesn't mean you need to constantly proclaim how much ya hate em!!
Oh and another thing, I hate em!!
Lick me!
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-10 23:01 [#00009116]

no im not gonna lick you. but seeing a friend of mine over to my house saying "oh my god this is disgusting" when she picked up my come to daddy cd, i think thats offending. she also likes that pop pretty shit. so piss off!
from manchester on 2001-06-10 23:02 [#00009117]

listen justin, one of the things that i liek most about the peopel who listen to IDM is the fact that most of them are pretty chilled out. They don;t have the really pretentios teenage behavour you get from moshers or the FAR TOO drug orientated culture you get with the more commercial sectors of dance.
People who like IDM like IDM. That is it. There are types of music they don;t like, but they don;t usually feel the urge to start a hate campaign against those artists and anyone who listens to that kind of music, cause what would be the point?
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-10 23:04 [#00009118]

"oh my god this is disgusting" when she picked up my come to daddy cd!!!!!!
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-10 23:10 [#00009119]

I'm sorry dude but you just don't get it... lol.
You remind me alot of myself when I was like 11 and listening to skinny puppy :D
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-10 23:12 [#00009120]

cool you listened to skinny puppy at 11?! AWESOME!
that also means im gonna change, too! awesome! now i dont have to go out of my way to hate nsync?
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-10 23:14 [#00009121]

I listened purely to classical, mostly bach, till I was 10- I'm not sure the first time I heard them, but I know I was hooked when I heard Ogre on the Descent2 soundtrack.
SP was origonally my inspiration to start making my own music...
It was a thing of beauty :D
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-10 23:46 [#00009122]

and yes, pop fans DO go after Manson fans by protesting and saing shit like "the devil sux" and all of that shit!
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-11 00:06 [#00009125]

What do you mean NSync weren't influenced by Afx and SP? Of course they were, it's blatently obvious. I'm beginning to think NSync influenced Afx. Those 5 guys are obviously very talented musicians, cutting edge, in fact. I'm amazed at their talent, especially at their age.
NSync have definitely been teaching Squarepusher a few tricks - just check out Squarepusher's latest track 'My Red Hot Car' for evidence - what an NSync rip-off!
...and boy is Justin Timberlake cute!
Next thing you'll be telling me Britney doesn't write all her music or program all her synths. I bet she's got an ace home studio that'd put RDJ to shame. She can get some ace synth sounds out of her Nord Lead Modular. Again, so much talent for someone so young.
Chris "NSync convert" Ochre.
Of course you'll have realised that everything I've just written is a joke...
nekta killa
from in a bin on 2001-06-11 00:18 [#00009130]

that was damn funny, but the way the other post described this song was pretty funny 'aphex rape' lol richard probably gave it to them cos he was bored and wanted more money he he :)
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-11 00:28 [#00009135]

RDJ is always hinting that he's had chart success with other acts. In the recent Index interview he replies to the interviewer's question 'Would you like to achieve mainstream chart success?' (or words to that effect) with 'How do you know I haven't already?'
I wouldn't be surprised if he did produce NSync's 'Pop', nor would I particularly care.
from Can. on 2001-06-11 01:33 [#00009146]

Justin..calm it dude, it's okay..the best thing to do when it comes to pop (if it really aggrivates you) is to ignore it, turn off mtv and dont listen to the radio..I'm not saying i'm a total non-conformist, but they rarely (sometimes) play good music on both, though there are special shows on both formats of broadcasting that have good music once in awhile. Pop music doesn't bother me because I have aphex and whatever else to keep me satisfied. Chris--enjoyed your recent post, very funny :)
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-06-11 02:58 [#00009154]

hey chris or anyone who might know: do you know where i can read the index interview?
i barely remember phobia saying he was going to try to get it on this site, but i may be wrong.
greatly apprectiated ...
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-11 03:27 [#00009160]

Sure, go to this thread on ElectronicBBoard.com to have a look at some scans of the interview. EBB is a great BB by the way.
http://www.electronicbboard.com/Thread.cfm?CFApp=2&Thread_I D=5933&mc=7
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-06-11 04:10 [#00009166]

very cool. thank you very much
from Lincoln on 2001-06-11 04:29 [#00009169]

ROSS: where i live...there's an IDM radio station that plays everything you wouldn't expect to hear. that's the only station i listen to... 90.3 krnu
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