Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-10 19:41 [#00009067]

1. I come from Stamford, Ct. 2. I LOVE Independent Industrial Metal artists: ie. Piss, Luxt, H|U|R|T|, Drop Shadow
3. I like Industrial Metal ie. NIN, MANSON, Stabbing Westward, Gravity Kills 4. I am a male (duh) 5. Im getting into TECHNO-Electronic(-INDUSTRIAL) 6. I saw the Aphex Twin video COME TO DADDY. Had money so bought the ep. LOVED IT like I LOVED Chem. Brother's brothers gonna work it out cd.
7. Went on this fan site. 8. D/L a lot of the fan mixes 9. Saw the funny-as-hell Windowlicker video 10. Then went on this BBS 11. A day later, I am writing this post to all of you.... 12. I think britney spears, nsync, fatboyslim, rap, limp bizkit, and any other famous thing/fad all suck and they should all BURN IN HEAVEN!
from i.v. on 2001-06-10 19:42 [#00009069]

i'm hoping you wouldn't hate aphex twin if it became a fad...
from the uk on 2001-06-10 19:48 [#00009072]

from i.v. on 2001-06-10 19:49 [#00009073]

1988 mcdonalds happymeal transforming milkshake
from uk on 2001-06-10 19:54 [#00009076]

i rest my case
from the uk on 2001-06-10 19:56 [#00009077]

good for you...and while youe there....do stuff...and shit, like that....
Netlon Sentinel
from behind you on 2001-06-10 20:17 [#00009084]

we at the aphextwin.nu boards have a special thread for this. alright? it's called everybody sign in here or something.
but hello anyway
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-10 22:03 [#00009091]

um, I think AFX Twin will never become a fad, because his videos are awesome, and nsync's are all "poppy". Well, you know what i mean! DAMN!
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-10 22:28 [#00009096]

Justin baby...
It's all good for you to listen to Aphex! Rock the pixelz...
But you don't have to make such a point of declaring your hatred for pop music.
We all know pop sucks, and no matter how much YOU don't like it wont change anything :D
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-10 22:36 [#00009100]

from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-10 22:37 [#00009101]

...I seriously hope you're joking.
Justin Schiz
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-06-10 22:39 [#00009102]

from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-10 22:40 [#00009103]

Pop will always exist, and be most of the music "industry".
The only way it will dilude and not be AS popular, is if those kids / people who consume the pop begin to tire of it, and start to find real leghitimate musicians to listen to.
I think in the next year this is going to be happening, acoustic/indie artists are becoming more and more popular, like "Coldplay" and "Weezer" and such...
And so what if pop is popular, unless you're forced to consume it, with your eyelids and ears held open in a the fashion of Clockwork Orange, just ignore it :D :D :D
Calm down and jump on a sinewave.
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-10 22:41 [#00009104]

Hey, I detect a distinct Squarepusher influence in N-Sync's latest track. Ooh, check out those stuttered beats! Honestly, it does sound rather IDM-lite. Quite funny.
Disclaimer: Chris doesn't actually enjoy N-Sync whatsoever on any levels. Squarepusher's input on N-Sync's latest single cannot be confirmed.
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-10 22:44 [#00009105]

I think that nsync song is such a load of shite.
I mean... should it even be CALLED an nsync song- seeing as all they did was lend a bit of vocals to it?
I think they hardly deserve any credit for that song [same with alot of 'their' music, but this one in particular]...
What's yr opin0n?
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-10 22:45 [#00009106]

Oh right, Manson isn't a fad. NIN are an underground band and not 'famous'. Uh-huh... I'm waiting for Manson to get his own talkshow.
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-10 22:48 [#00009107]

ooo hey chris, I listened to some of your mp3.com tracks- good stuff :D :D :D.
If yr' talking to me: I certaintly never said Manson is a 'fad'. And I never said NIN wasn't popular.
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-10 23:55 [#00009123]

Glad you liked my tunes, I'm gonna send a demo to N-Sync's producers, and try and get some work on their next record. I am, of course, joking.
Nah, I wasn't talking to you when I made the above comments. I was talking to Justin Schiz - he's making me laugh. I was being sarcastic when I said Manson wasn't a fad - of course he's a fad. The music isn't his priority, and I'm sure he'd be the first to admit it.
I was being sarcastic when I said NIN are an underground band. Sure, you probably won't see them/him on morning TV, but they're a huge multi-million selling band. I was just demonstrating the complete absurdity of Justin's comment when he said "...other famous thing/fad all suck and they should all BURN IN HEAVEN!", as NIN and Manson are both 'famous things'.
*Sigh* Teen angst...you'll get over it.
Cheers again for listening to my music, Dronox, I really appreciate it.
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-10 23:59 [#00009124]

Do you have any im programs? I'm always on AIM: RoboCowb0y And MSN Messenger: dronox@hotmail.com
I've also got yahoo and icq--
let's talk!
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-11 00:12 [#00009128]

Nope, I don't have any way of IM. I tried MSM and it took over my computer. I also tried AIM, but after registering twice I still couldn't use it.
Besides, I'm crap at typing so my conversations wouldn't make any sense! ;)
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-11 00:15 [#00009129]

Ah.. shucks.
Well- if yr' on a broadband conn. check out my new music?
http://dronox.iuma.com has my new album- I've got a remix of "4" that's pretty good... listen and tell me what ya think?
from Lincoln on 2001-06-11 00:21 [#00009133]

all of you...all of you that cuss (that is)...really shows how "intelligent" you all are
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-11 00:31 [#00009137]

I don't have broadband, just a 56k. I'll still check out a couple of your tunes, though.
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-11 00:33 [#00009138]

Yay :D
If you like, maybe I could mail you a copy of my album? [without the expensive printing stuff, seeing as they're handmade and I'm 15 with a small budget, ya understand]
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-11 00:41 [#00009139]

and btw:
Once listening to most of your songs, I realize I'm nothing compared to you, lol...
If you have the time, check out my site? [just got done looking at yours :A]
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-11 01:12 [#00009140]

I'm streaming all tracks now...
Last Mission Core (dronox mix):
Heh heh, that's nice little patch you've got there. Sounds like a toy synth, cool. Like the reversed bits too, nice touch. Sort of reminds me of Donkey Rhubard, because of the child-link synth sound. Nice one.
Nice grindcore beat, reminds me of Ministry. This tracks builds really well, I'd love it to explode into a drill 'n' bass maelstrom. That'd be cool.
Hahaha, Industrial Porn, I like it.
Lawnmower Vibrations:
Whoah, this is a long one. I like the synth when it comes in, but I feel it clashes with the vocal sample a little. If it wasn't for the vocal sample, this would be quite a chilled-out song. Yeah, as I'm listening further, I definitely feel the vocal is out of place in this one. The rest sounds cool, though.
Hahaha! Excellent samples in the beginning. Jesus, this song is weird... That synth bass is a bit loud, I reckon, and too repetitive. Good samples though, but I think the track could be shorter.
Silver Foil:
Great rhythms - I see you've got the triplets sussed already! Nice spacey synth too, I really like this one so far...
Ace rhythms, I have to say. Damn fine minimal tune. I do think it could be shorter, or introduce some more sounds.
My fave so far.
Mind Remote:
Arrgh! My ears! Sh*t, I wasn't expecting that loud sample at the start after listening to Silver Foil, lol. Again, nice rhythms, cool 2-step beat. Man, that sample is loud - could be mixed a little lower, or compressed a bit. Ooh, some more samples, and cool samples at that. Where did all these samples come from?
Pure Imagination [Rock Candy Gabber remix]:
Ooh er, I'm not too partial to gabber to be honest!
Pure Imagination [version 1]
I really like the harp-like synth, that's a really nice mellow sound. Yeah, this is really nice tune. I feel the beats could be a bit more interesting, though. This is cool, I wish I wrote tunes like this when I was 15! This reminds me of BoC a lot, great. Ahh, love the last sample! Another cool tune.
I'd have to say Silver Foil and Pure Imagination [version 1] are my favourite tunes (I did listen to the right set of tunes didn't I?). They've got some nice synths and really good use of samples in them. I reckon some of the longer tracks could do with being either a bit shorter, or have a bit more structure and progression. Some new sounds would help on the longer tracks.
Definitely keep on writing music! I can't believe you're 15!
PS. Your 'Through Birds Eyes' project sounds interesting!
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-11 01:18 [#00009141]

thanks :D
I intended for you to click "Album 1" and listen to those, but... lol
You didn't hear the "4" remix?
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-11 01:29 [#00009144]

Oh sh*t! I knew I'd mess up somehow. Yeah, listened to 2*2 too ;), but I don't think it's as good a track as those other 2 of yours. It's always difficult doing a remix without the multitrack recordings.
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-11 01:31 [#00009145]

Did you listen to the mp3 or the real audio?
The real audio one reeeeeally screws it up.
You can hardly even hear the samples.
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-11 01:33 [#00009147]

I'm knackered now anyway (1:30am) so I'll try a few tunes off your new album tommorrow. I'm off to bed.
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-11 01:35 [#00009148]

RA - it's all my 56k will allow I'm afraid. But if it sounds good on that (and it did) then mp3 must be even better! ;)
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-11 01:37 [#00009149]

When yr' awake tommorow, I'd soooo reccomend getting the mp3 of "4".
Definately worth the bandwith :D
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-11 01:38 [#00009150]

Nice website BTW, wicked classic computer games style!
from the pixels of dronox.cjb.net on 2001-06-11 01:40 [#00009151]

8bit style pimps the pixels!
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