on 2001-06-07 09:48 [#00008569]

Hello peeps, not long ago I saw a science-fiction film by the name of The Cube, and it was fucking fantastic. It strikes me as the kind of film that people such as your good selves would enjoy. It's the story of a futuristic prison in the shape of a cube, and will keep you guessing.......for those of you who haven't seen it and without wanting to give too much away, one of the characters in it turns out to be the BIGGEST, most CANNIVING bastard in the history of the world!!!! But I'm not gonna ruin it for you.......
Anymore suggestions for great films? I love to watch 'em......
from Denmark on 2001-06-07 10:48 [#00008571]

PI (has more than a cool soundtrack by Autechre and aphex twin (aphex twin song dosn´t appear in movie but autechre does))
The city of lost children (a mad proffesor has forgotten how to dream, so he steals childrens dreams, only he makes them so frightened of him, that they only dream nightmares, untill he find some kid who can´t get scared, who happens to have a big uncle (ron pearlman))
Bad Boy Bubby (a man has been locked up in a cellar for 30 years, told by his mom that the air outside is poisonus. The mom dies, and he ventures outside, and i wont say more)
rubbish john
from i dunno where on 2001-06-07 10:55 [#00008572]

the cube is very tense "on the edge of yer seat" stuff, and it's true, one of the characters is a professional cunt.
recommended for all!! other films i suggest as brilliant viewing: 'jacobs ladder', 'lost highway', 'amatuer', 'er..... .....i could be here all day...
from Denmark on 2001-06-07 11:00 [#00008575]

Jacobs latter is brilliant i agree!
UNKLE samples that movie by the way (Rabbit in you´r headlights)
It´s strange that i actually like Lost Highway, since i dont understand it (dont tell me you do!!!)
But it´s a cool movie. Cool soundtrack to (Trent Reznor, David bowie, Smashing Pumpkins!)
Also one i forgot later, THE FRIGTHENERS!
on 2001-06-07 11:02 [#00008577]

the cube is great, but yeah i wouldn't want to give away too much. dark city is another film peeps here might like, perhaps even '"2001:space odyssey" old but still creepy
from Denmark on 2001-06-07 11:06 [#00008578]

Dark City, yes its great! I thought it was so scary
on 2001-06-07 11:06 [#00008579]

btw, bad boy bubby is a completely fucked up film, with the whole incest thing, but still worth seeing
anyone seen Mindwarp? its had the original 'matrix' idea in it, where if you rebel in the InWorld, you get banished to the OutWorld which is all fucked up.
rubbish john
from i dunno where on 2001-06-07 11:09 [#00008580]

nah SWAI, i don't understand 'lost highway' either, i tried to, but after a month or so of hard thinking, i gave up, it's is good though.
from Denmark on 2001-06-07 11:14 [#00008582]

on 2001-06-07 11:33 [#00008583]

Nice one, I'll have to check out Dark City and a few of the others.
I love watching great films and went DVD crazy the other day in HMV, picking up such classics as Raging Bull and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. Don't you just HATE it when someone interrupts you watching a film, or even worse, just talks over it?!!
I thnk that this is a crime against humanity and should be punishable by death.....
from manchester on 2001-06-07 12:50 [#00008592]

the cube is amasing. I have it on video :-). My mate spoke 2 the directer once on some mad chatrom, and he told him that the storyline was completely changed from what he wrote it as. You know the guy who was the firt one to come in? Teh bald guy? Jumps into a room with a huge cheese chopping jobby,he he he. Anyway, he was supposed to be like the main character.
from the uk on 2001-06-07 15:51 [#00008622]

i have seen many films i like..fear and loathing in las vegas..doom generation, mad max 1 and 2....and a weird film i saw where ants took over human bodies in a middle america town...good shit
from Ontario on 2001-06-07 15:57 [#00008623]

I once saw a hilarious comedy by the name of "After Hours". I have had trouble finding it but its mainly about a guy trying to get home from work. Its fucking hilarious.
from Lincoln on 2001-06-07 16:57 [#00008627]

Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas 2001: A Space Odyssey 12 Monkeys 7 Any BRUCE LEE MOVIE
on 2001-06-07 18:10 [#00008634]

the cube is a great movie, Eraser head is fuckin nasty; man bites dog the kind of film that makes you laugh when you should know not to!
from a foxes wooden leg on 2001-06-07 21:01 [#00008645]

what?!? the cube sucked! that's my opinion on that movie.
from California on 2001-06-07 21:49 [#00008647]

I thought Cube was cool the first time I saw it, but the second time I found it wasn't so great. The acting's pretty damn corny too...
from California on 2001-06-07 21:51 [#00008648]

Oh yeah, and PI is pretty crap, heh heh...
from up in yo ass with the resurrection! on 2001-06-08 02:03 [#00008659]

i asgree that the acting was shoddy....but the ideas were brilliant...specially the ultra thin razor sharp wire room! Remember that part?
on 2001-06-08 02:22 [#00008661]

i thought the ending to cube was pretty surprising
Jaffa Kid
on 2001-06-08 02:48 [#00008664]

If you want to be made to feel scared shitless-try a japanese film called-The Audtion.
You wont forget it an a hurry
from seattle washington usa on 2001-06-08 02:54 [#00008666]

if you can get yer hands on a movie called "forbidden city cop" it is the most clever comedy kung fu movie i have ever seen.
it has stephen chao in it. but it is kinda rare so good luck finding it.
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-06-08 07:39 [#00008673]

My favourite movies:
Pi 2001: A Space Oddessy (The books better, but it always is) The transformers Movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Braveheart
Another movie that is cool but has a very dissappointing ending is Sphere.
And Gladiator is absolutely awful.
from i.v. on 2001-06-08 08:17 [#00008677]

i like full metal jacket
from Denmark on 2001-06-08 15:52 [#00008755]

PI is a masterpiece really....
Man bites dog! You´re right, you have to laugh at least 2 times. When the psycho saves a bullet by screaming in the face of that nice old lady, and when he meets some other psycho followed by cameramen.
Return of the killer tomatos. did anyone see it?
And, am i the only one who saw "the city of lost children"?
Those who havent seen it, is missing something out! That big guy from alien (ron pearlman) is in it! go see it even tho its french!!!!!
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