The cover of the new Gorillaz album | xltronic messageboard
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The cover of the new Gorillaz album

SWAI from Denmark on 2001-05-19 20:58 [#00006795]


on the cover on the new gorillaz album theres a little
sticker on the jeep that says "apex" (spelled incorectly on
my behalf pourpously)

what is this shit!?!?


[REFLEX] from Western Canada on 2001-05-19 21:14 [#00006797]

Who the hell are the Gorillaz?


SWAI from Denmark on 2001-05-19 21:33 [#00006802]

New cartoon group!?!?!

Famous Single clint eastwood???!?!

Dosnt ring a bell"?"?


rubbish john from a washing machine stuffed full of daz. on 2001-05-19 21:46 [#00006803]

don't bother with them.
nice idea in theory, but in practicality it is not nice
(this is only my opinion, and should not be taken as



[REFLEX] from Western Canada on 2001-05-19 22:04 [#00006805]

No... what the hell?


rubbish john from a washing machine stuffed full of daz. on 2001-05-19 22:11 [#00006806]

the gorillaz are an idea concocted up by damon albarn (blur
singer bloke) and whoever the fuck it was who made up tank
a band in the form of 2D animation.
as i said, it's a nice idea, would 'ave been alot nicer if
it worked.
thay attempt to incorporate reggae and indie and hip-hop and
punk, and thay do, but i don't think they have pulled it off
'clint eastwood' the debut single was good and manifested a
large public interest, but the rest of the album is
completely dire.


[REFLEX] from Western Canada on 2001-05-19 22:41 [#00006810]

Ugh.. sounds like something id never want to hear.


SWAI from Denmark on 2001-05-20 11:15 [#00006852]

Well the point of this subject was not to discuss gorillaz,
but the COVER of the album. theres a little APEX sticker on
the tank. what the hell is this shit?!


od from australia on 2001-05-20 14:56 [#00006868]

yea i havent heard the album, but clint eastwood sounds
pretty cool i reckon. the artwork is pretty cool. except the
damn gorillas doing the michael jackson! cheesy!


Scary Bear on 2001-05-20 16:22 [#00006875]

I don't know about whether it is anything to do with Aphex
Twin, it might be. Clint E sounds too far off to be
infuenced by AFX.


crapnose from Montreal on 2001-05-20 19:03 [#00006888]

Gorillaz are so awesome. you guys need to get your facts
straight--the music itself (and pretty much the entire
concept) was made by Damon Albarn and Dan the Automator.
Automator produced everything the Gorillaz have done. Jamie
Hewlett (creator of Tank Girl) does the artwork and all

Del the Funky Homosapien appears on a couple of tracks, as
does Kid Koala, Miho Hatori (of Cibo Matto) and even Ibrahim
Ferrier (from Buena Vista Social Club).

does ANYONE like hip-hop on this message board?


[REFLEX] from Western Canada on 2001-05-20 19:26 [#00006890]

I enjoy some hip hop and some breakbeats... but that stuff
is boring.


Gary from sitting in front of my computer on 2001-05-20 20:33 [#00006897]

KRSONE and Public enemy are top
Puff Daddy and his cronies make me
sick huuu glooluuuu


[REFLEX] from Western Canada on 2001-05-20 20:37 [#00006899]

I enjoy some OlD sKoOl hip hop and break beats... but I
mean.. this stuff is total shite!!!! IMO ofvourse. I can't
really remember the last time I really sat down and
analyized a hip hop album... most of it seems boring to me.


crapnose from Montreal on 2001-05-21 02:50 [#00006917]

well, there's lots of exciting stuff out there--check out DJ
Shadow and the entire Quannum crew, check out the
Hieroglyphics crew (Del, Soul of Mischief, etc). check out
Prince Paul. Automator. Prince Paul and the Automator (aka
Handsome Boy Modeling School).


rubbish john from a bowl of monkey scum on 2001-05-21 09:23 [#00006932]

i like hip-hop, but i still think the gorillazz are arse
check out the roots for some kick arse hip hop.


[REFLEX] from Western Canada on 2001-05-21 09:50 [#00006934]

Ahh the roots.. its ok stuff I think, Hip Hop is weird that
way... easy to like, then not like.


Arch Rival from NY on 2001-05-21 10:51 [#00006938]

Hip hop is amazing!!! I consider Luke Vibert hip hop (ok not
everthing he has done, but most of his works are very "hip
hop"). Chek out Binary Star, Reflection Eternal, Deltron
3030, ASP (warp artist) and DJ Shadow.

Aphex is pure hip hop :)


Arch Rival from NY on 2001-05-21 10:52 [#00006939]

Also on that new Geri Halliwell video she wears a t-shirt
wiht that Apex logo...she must be Aphex Twin affiliated :)


[REFLEX] from Western Canada on 2001-05-21 11:17 [#00006940]

WTF!?.... what the hell is goin on in the world!?


crapnose from Montreal on 2001-05-21 18:36 [#00006968]

>>>>Hip hop is amazing!!! I consider Luke Vibert hip hop (ok
not everthing he has done, but most of his works are very
"hip hop"). Chek out Binary Star, Reflection Eternal,
Deltron 3030, ASP (warp artist) and DJ Shadow.

Yes! Deltron 3030 is awesome. it's actually the Automator,
Kid Koala and Del the Funky Homosapien, and it's just too
damn good.

also, Prefuse73 is some great hip-hoppish IDM.


hevquip from a crabs carriage on 2001-05-21 21:53 [#00006993]

i heard deltron 3030 the other day on tv. it was good and
reminds me of dr octagon.


hevquip from a crabs carriage on 2001-05-21 21:54 [#00006994]

i heard deltron 3030 the other day on tv. it was good and
reminds me of dr octagon.


crapnose from Montreal on 2001-05-22 01:32 [#00007008]

well, it's kind of like another Dr. Octagon. Octagon was the
Automator, Kool Keith, and DJ QBert. Deltron is Automator,
Del, and Kid Koala.


Arch Rival from NY on 2001-05-22 10:50 [#00007024]

Anti Pop Consortium is DOPE!!!


Arch Rival from NY on 2001-05-22 10:50 [#00007025]

Anti Pop Consortium is DOPE!!!


po{e} from the uk on 2001-05-22 15:08 [#00007036]

geri halliwell?

she still makes records?

she wears clothes?

she likes aphex?, wtf is the world coming to?


crapnose from Montreal on 2001-05-23 20:23 [#00007123]

Anti-Pop Consortium IS dope...


John D from Scotland on 2001-07-06 15:43 [#00012831]

I think gorillaz are excellent, it's a really creative
album. Anything dan the automator is involved in is always
impressive. groups like the roots, de la soul, J5, tribe
called quest, these are the sort of hip hop groups that are
the best to listen to, they try to take things that little
bit further.

+Ive just started listening to the early bob marley stuff
like "kaya" and "stand alone", fantastic stuff, much better
than the pop rubbish they put on the "best ofs".


Chimp Systems from Millwangle on 2001-07-06 15:48 [#00012832]

To answer poor SWAI's question, 'apex' just means the top of
something, the peak, the ultimate. Sorry to piss on your
chips . . .


dirty little bitch on 2001-07-06 15:55 [#00012838]

a creative way to make money.
i think it is pants.
i liked clint eastwood but the rest of the album started a
process of erosion on my will to live, so i turned it off.


Scary Bear on 2001-07-06 15:57 [#00012839]

Oh yeah I saw it on a program a while ago while this topic
first came up (this was dug up from aaaaaaaaaages ago).

It actually has another meaning too beleive it or not, can't
remeber so I can't be a great elp but I am quite sure it has
something to do with cars, racing cars I beleive. Come to
think of it that is when I heard it mentioned, Formula 1.
There you go, nothing to do with Richie boy I'm afraid.


Scary Bear on 2001-07-06 15:57 [#00012840]

Sorry SWAI


sick on 2001-07-06 16:05 [#00012842]

its all about jay-z


my face on 2001-07-06 16:06 [#00012843]

Gorillaz are shit
The Roots are amazing, especially HUB.


H3XAN3 [C6H14] from Melb. on 2001-07-06 16:10 [#00012846]

hmm, perhaps APEX is in referece to that billion-buck oil
company in Iraq/Iran whatever. i dunno just a thought. well
ive heard that clint eastwood song and isn't too bad. not
crah hot but

as for hip-hop in general; deltron 3030, beastie boys,
prefuse73 and some of those artists on ninjatune - thats
where hip-hop is at - non of this eminem puffdaddy
outkast-or-what-ever bullcrap which is uncreative
commercial-trash. "nuff said"


dingle berry from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-07-06 17:13 [#00012880]

the gorilla group is a shitty idea spawned via the failed
indey prick"damon blur allbran" realising that convential
guitar music is considered old hat,he has attemted to burst
into the pop world by investing in the powers of a producer
and has let someone else make his supposed tunes.Pile of
middle class english stuck up nosed shit! music for people
who shop in gap!(mommy please can i have e.t.c. e.t.c.


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