from Australia on 2001-05-11 00:02 [#00006123]

which colors do you see matching with a paticular release or album,.. here's my pick
caustic window compilation : brown Classics : redish/purple come to daddy : white hangable auto bulb : bright orage/yellow ICBYD : An array of dark colors Melodies From Mars : surface of the moon grey RDJ Album : skinish pink,. dark orange SAW I : light blue SAW II := I'll take this one in segements cd1 : [cliffs] dark blue [radiator] brown or orange [rhubarb] milky red [hankie] dark orange/brown [grass] dark green/blue [mold] yellow [curtains] red [blur] brown [weathered stone] faded brown/orange [tree] glass color (if there is any) [domino] cream,.. bright white [white blur 1] pink cd2 blue calx light blue [parallel stripes] grey [shiny metal rods] dull grey [grey stripe] too scary to think about [ztwig] red/pink/white [stone in focus] brown [windowsill] ? [hexagon] yellow brown orange [lichen] light green/yellow [spots] black and white,.. more white than black [tassels] in similar vein to [grey stripe] [white blur 2] mommieeeee [matchsticks] dark colors (gasp) surfing on sinewaves : bright dominant colors windowlicker : light blue
from the uk on 2001-05-11 19:17 [#00006180]

interesting, but i cant be assed to bother replying properly
from a crabs carriage on 2001-05-11 20:15 [#00006181]

oh my...you spent to much time on the topic
from Australia on 2001-05-11 23:52 [#00006193]

yes,.. I was very very bored,.. but I'm still interested to know what color's or texure's or images people see whilst listening to music......
from lincoln,ne on 2001-05-12 03:14 [#00006200]

you spent the right amount of time continued success... my favorite color ?????????????? green
on 2001-05-12 06:29 [#00006202]

My favorite colors and clear and bannana split. Mmmmm, bannana split. What was this topic about again, we were talking about bannana splits, right?
from Maccetroonie on 2001-05-13 17:50 [#00006279]

total palette of APHEX colors:
from Australia on 2001-05-13 23:19 [#00006293]

When I listen to confield,.. I see exactly whats on the front cover,.. same with amber,.. funny that.....
rob fragilenine
from Australia on 2001-05-14 05:37 [#00006315]

icct hedral - brown (blanket) mookid - green/blue alberto balsalm - blue girl/boy - green bucephalus bouncing ball - blue (obvious) iz-us - red (something soft) come to daddy - brown (gravel) ageispolis - white [rhubarb] - red windowlicker - a colour nobody has seen before tha - blue xtal - yellow ptolemy - green
yes i do spell colour right...
from Australia on 2001-05-14 05:47 [#00006317]

I just thought that 90% of the people here usre american spelling of "colour" so that's what I used,.. but then most people use the american way of spelling "gaol" (or "jail" for you other people) but I just don't really care,..
on 2001-05-14 06:12 [#00006328]

interested to know what color's or texure's or images people see whilst listening to music......
Well if you include textures... I'd recommend this one book with pictures blown up many times with a microscope. I forget exactly what it was called but you can be sure it has the root word "microscope" in the title (or get to a library and pick some other similar book). The pictures in there were a very near light version of autechre and aphex's sound. My favorite's were pictures of diatoms, the beauties of the microscopic world (and the same things used in D.E. "diatomaceous earth" that stuff you put in your swimming pool)
from malmö/sweden on 2001-05-14 08:54 [#00006338]

im not realy much for colors, in that way but i get different feelings for different songs and albums, like The Polygon Windowstuff is realy a future-death-nukelearwar thing.. Alberto Balsalm is something deep down in the darkest woods and full of darkgreen plats and old trees..
Girl/Boy song is also something like that, but more happy, like a sundaytrip to the forest with picnic and death everywhere =)
The hangable autobulb stuff is just.. to weird, something like alice in wounderland but 100 times weirder.. but they are kind of happy..
when listening to WAP100 i get this kind of.. english-early80s-feeling, it reminds me of some english tvprogram for children i think i was watching when i was little, and especialy the track by Plone..
from crab bisquits on the corner of a concrete horse on 2001-05-14 15:02 [#00006348]

i like seeing fetus spelled foetus.
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