from Spain on 2002-01-27 19:10 [#00075362]

2001 gave us this 3 new releases made by 3 of our best names.
but i dont know about go plastic (which i have listened and loved it) but the other two, have been largely criticised by many and loved for others... isnt this a bit curious?
what do you think of confield and drukqs? have they meant a step backwards in these artists´ careers?
i personally like the 3 of them and i find them not a step backwards at all.
from NYC on 2002-01-27 19:24 [#00075363]

I love drukqs but it is a step backwards from RDJ Album or ICBYD or Come To Daddy.
I didn't really get into Squarepusher until I heard go Plastic but I like the style of Big Loada 100x more.
Confield I haven't really listened to, I'm not a big Ae fan yet...
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2002-01-27 19:39 [#00075367]

I haven't heard Confield or Go Plastic, but I have heard Drukqs, and I wouldn't consider it a backward step... as far as I'm concerned, it is a lot different from anything I've heard from him, but it's just not my favorite...
on 2002-01-27 19:48 [#00075371]

'go plastic' was the first warp album i bought the week it came out... i heard it in the shop, and the 1st 3 tracks+iwuct sounded so different and wicked. but i reckon it does contain filler.
'drukqs' i can never make my mind up on, one day i think its genius, the next day i think its a step back. at the moment i think its really good.
i own no autechre yet, (spent all my money on catching up with aphex albums!!) but it sounds ok from bits ive heard. i think im gonna get LP5 first though.
why dont autechre think this is their best, wen 90% of thier fans do?
from washington, dc on 2002-01-27 20:06 [#00075376]

3 good to great releases. don't forget plaid's best album yet, 2001's double figure. in retrospect i agree that go plastic has some filler and could've been a better record had tom put more effort into some of the tracks like he did later with "untitled".
shameful anonymous
on 2002-01-27 20:55 [#00075383]

I haven't heard much of Go Plastic yet, but I like both Confield and drukqs a great.
Confield is a difficult album to listen to, but once I sat down with some good headphones and really took the time to listen I found it amazing, and not at all a step back.
drukqs is, IMO, one Richard's best albums. Granted, anyone can tell that he put little effort into ordering the tracks, but little effort from AFX is still better than 90% of everybody else, and the tracks themselves are some of his best.
from Falkland Islands on 2002-01-27 20:58 [#00075386]

Drukqs is a very good album, and the order the tracks are put together is quite interesting, its an album that I could use to take me to many different levels of emotion.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2002-01-27 22:20 [#00075408]

But in my opinion, Confield was OK, about a 5 outta 10. Go Plastic was about a 3/10 and Drukqs was MAYBE a 3/10.
from Dallas,Texas (Plano) on 2002-01-28 00:32 [#00075437]

drukQs is the best electronic music currently in existence, no question.
Nothing comes close to such mastery. Nothing is more complex.
Believe me. If there is something better I havent heard it. And I doubt anything is.
And if you don't agree, listen to it carefully, dig as deep as you can, and you will always discover more.
from quebec...the old on 2002-01-28 00:39 [#00075439]

go plastic isnt a step back. its the natural evolution. tom went plastic with his sound. thats how i get it.
i havent heard confield yet. i am not a big autechre lover and drukqs is one of my all time favourite records. i really believe it is his best so far. its really a sensitive record, filled with dreams and atmospheres and textures and stories and screams and laughter. it sinks slowly into you, like water thru soil. none of the other records have this really emotional feel to it. its delicately violent.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2002-01-28 00:46 [#00075441]

kryocera3: but that is just your opinion, obviously it is not fact or else everyone would agree. which not everyone does. it is complex but that is no reason for someone to like it. thats a non issue, I just dont like it.
on 2002-01-28 00:51 [#00075444]

Richards other releases have all the emotions in a purer form. Drukqs has all the mistakes, loud reverb, clicks etc edited out. For me Richard is missing from this release. He's never been the best at doing 'studio quality' music. It's fun and emotion that he's good at. Drukqs is baron of immediate decision, every loop, hit is eq'd to death. He's turned into a studio nerd!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2002-01-28 00:53 [#00075445]

Thats almost my exact look on it too. Ofcourse again thats our opinion and thats why we think it lacks, where as someone may think it gains there.
I just dont enjoy listening to Drukqs much at all. I enjoy the old stuff much much more. I dont like the way he went with the Drill N' Bass outlook. Id MUCH rather listen to Caustic Window or AB3.
Korben Dallas
from nz on 2002-01-28 01:27 [#00075456]

go plastic - wicked album, step forward [maybe not his best, but that doesn't detract from it being a wicked album]. manic/schizoid etc.
drukqs - v. nice. some cracker tunes on there - with a lot of added depth, in aphex terms [i take it the likes of otto von schirach etc. are considerably more detailed]. a very good release, but perhaps just not quite excellent?!
confield - great album, a definite step forward in terms of technique/style etc., perhaps not quite as polished off as some other releases, although imho that doesn't count against it. maybe not their best release, but definetly NOT a black sheep or something :)
from Alaska on 2002-01-28 01:59 [#00075468]

(Entirely opinion) I'd say all were a step forward. Tom mainly got more complex on go plastic, but sometimes explosively and over the edge. RDJ demonstrates more complexity and emotion with drukqs, yet I perhaps haven't devoted enough listening to it, but I would say the piano tracks are emotionally the most prominent. Sean & Rob continued to drastically develop their sound in every new LP, and Confield definitely shows. I'm an Ae fan, and it's by far my most frequently listened-to CD, but it was a little difficult to accept at first. It has a high degree of complexity but is well balanced.
from chicago on 2002-01-28 02:39 [#00075493]

I wasnt that happy with any of them.
I think Confield was shit. so, i just dont listen to it.
Go plastic was also a bit uninspired. so i just bought the single for red hot car.
Druqks is actually pretty good. although, i wish it would have been an EP instead. that way the REAL album couldve been released later on , and we would all love it.
Theres always hope for BOC...
from Nova Scotia on 2002-01-28 03:01 [#00075514]

Confield, I thought was nearly IMPOSSIBLE, but I'm getting into it. ONly problem is, and I find it's like this with ALL Autechre, is the tracks don't do enough to hold my atttention, I tend to skip ahead when I've heard what I wanted to hear.
Go Plastic, well, Tom can do no wrong!
And Drukqs is my fave electronic album ever, though is FULL of flaws. It's like the Beatles White Album, in that respect.
on 2002-01-28 03:28 [#00075532]

Go Plastic - It was an okay album, nothing that amazing, I dont listen to it often.
Drukqs - Better then Go Plastic, still nothing too special. I enjoy it quite a bit.
Confield - genius...genius...
from carpet on 2002-01-28 11:24 [#00075616]

Go Plastic...It blew me away..I think SP's Jazz Fusion workouts(though I love em a lot) were getting a bit stale..but here he uses the whole fucking studio as an instrument...the tones are very alien strange and haunted...half the time you can't tell whats, what and glitches and clicks are used as intruments..nobody can hear "Plaistow Flexout" and say it' not a huge leap forward
Confield..Once again I was thoroughly impressed..by the sheer unpredictably of it..earlier Autechre tends to be a tad repetetive for my taste..EP7 onwards, the misteps, the erratic, unpredicatability..I care for a lot more..was still a work in progress until Confield...almost perfect preprogrammed Chaos
Drukqs...I admit it's not a giant step forward but it's extremely pleasant nonethless...actually there's a lot of innovation and progress going on but rather than being in your face on ICBYD or Come to Daddy or ever RDJA, it's been woven in to the layers, almost on a sublim level, hear the songs a few time and pow..all these layers start opening up...Before I bought it I was having a hard time beleiving that it will grow on me....but grow it most certainly did, more so than any of his recent work
from minneappleseed on 2002-01-28 17:34 [#00075693]

Drukqs most complex release ever? I think Confield is more complex. Not the complexity determines the quality. I'm happy with all three. Whether or not Drukqs is a step forward I dunno. I like it enough.
from minneappleseed on 2002-01-28 17:34 [#00075694]

Drukqs most complex release ever? I think Confield is more complex. Not the complexity determines the quality. I'm happy with all three. Whether or not Drukqs is a step forward I dunno. I like it enough.
from Nova Scotia on 2002-01-28 17:40 [#00075695]

Flea's synopsis of Drukqs is perfect, I agree totally.
from Dallas,Texas (Plano) on 2002-01-30 01:16 [#00076168]

well, all in all, -->in my opinion<--, I still believe that Richard's overall ability is superior.
And not just cuz he's my fav artist, but through close examinination of the music of all electronic artists that I have exprienced.
And there are definitly particular artists that produce certain musical styles better than aphex, but none that exhibit quite his level.
from Lincoln on 2002-01-30 02:11 [#00076182]

I think it might just be me on this one... but I believe that Selected Ambient Works Vol II was electronic music's most complex album to this date. *Shoot my wall down. I have not a clue what I am saying... SAWII sounds REALLY REALLY REALLY FUCKING COMPLEX*
from washington, dc on 2002-01-30 02:13 [#00076185]

it is. (tries to remember link exactly)
i got an A for this, maybe you already read it..
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2002-01-30 02:15 [#00076186]

I don't know if I'd say that, but it's definately not easy stuff... my sister would listen to that and say "That's so easy" just cause it sounds "minimal"... but no, you have to decide what to include, and what not to include... and have you pay close attention to what is included, cause it's left out in the open... sure, it was definately not easy to make...
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2002-01-30 02:16 [#00076187]

that's supposed to be "And you have to pay close..."
from toronto, canada on 2002-01-30 02:16 [#00076188]

yes true funks-a-lot
from quebec...the old on 2002-01-30 05:41 [#00076230]

titsworth : did you really write that?
from washington, dc on 2002-01-30 05:43 [#00076231]

yea, you think i'd lie? that's my site, take a look. anyway, i guess you're trying to say it was well done.
on 2002-01-30 06:20 [#00076238]

go plastic has olny about 2 or 3 worthy tracks... the rest are garbage. sp previous work was so much better.
drukqs is a great collection of great tracks (some are the best stuff he's made), but as an album it sucks, you should only use the tracks in drukqs to make mixed CD/tapes.
confield.- this is a complete waste of a cd.. there's like only 1 track here that isn't complete pretentious garbage. and the track that isn't is that amazing anyway.
on 2002-01-30 06:31 [#00076240]

wanted to comment also that i don't think go plastic is a step backwards since its obviously the opposite.. but still if i had to give it a musical value it would be lower that the value of feed me weird things, big loada or even hard normal daddy.
on 2002-01-30 10:33 [#00076342]

Funkmaster, you always seem to bring up your sisters oppinion, but all she seems to like is booty mix. Seems most of that stuff is pretty simple in comparison. She will never understand your taste, and vice versa.
Can you tell her she is a shmuck for me?
laughable butane robby
on 2002-01-30 13:55 [#00076365]

what about Musipal by Wagon Christ aka. mr Luke Vibert?!?!? very well produced in his Vibert style, the only complaint is that he is repeating himself a bit, but Luke is definate one of the top shelf RDJ posse.
Go PLastic... i'm surprised that it doesnt get bashed more even though i'm certainly not gonna bash it, Tom J. is a master producer, but hardly makes any compromises for his listeners, except maybe to make fun of them. Go Plastic is so dense, so attention deficet disorderly, it is hard to get a grasp on all of it, without spilling. and the singles add more fun.
Confield is dark. i'm surprised that people don't like it more considering how lots of people like dark industrial stuff. EP7 is even a more challenging listen, i think, but i love how Autechre is experimenting, taking stuff in logical but new directions with both aling with Peel 2. i think that people assume if it sounds really complex but they don't get it, it must be the result of genius, but if it sounds simplier like some of Confield's generative type stuff, it must be shit.
Drukqs... well, i can't decide if it is too long or too short, RDJ could have had a more solid single CD, or could have at least filled up both CDs like he did with SAW2. it seems, once again, that people assume that if it is really complex it must be genius, if simpler bad. i still find some of the complex beat tracks to be some of RDJ's more emotionally sterile work, but i keep trying. i suppose he could have left off a few of the percussion experiments (piano is a percussion instrament, despite what they teach nowadays), or conversly added 10 more to the mix.
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2002-01-30 15:16 [#00076390]

I talk about my sisters opinion because she hates the music, and she doesn't listen to it, so I show her opinion compared to the actuality of it... like what I said about SAWII... she think it's stupid, and easy to make, when in fact it's just the opposite... but yeah, she's a poopy head!!!
from quebec...the old on 2002-02-01 15:58 [#00077453]

laughable : piano is a percussion instrument, despite what they teach nowadays? i may understand where you are coming from if you also admit that every other acoustic instrument (except the winds) is a percussion instrument too. if not, i think i would like you to explain what you mean by the statement. piano is my life.
laughable butane robby
on 2002-02-01 16:40 [#00077489]

well, Richard obviously has always had an interest in messing around with percussion noises, so the piano logically fits the pattern, it is not really unexpected that he would at all that he would play with the piano. nothing really more meant.
from inside the cabinet marked: X-Files on 2002-02-01 17:24 [#00077602]

Confield is nothing but an abstract, mesmorizing work of art compared to the other two...IMO
from inside the cabinet marked: X-Files on 2002-02-01 17:25 [#00077603]

Which makes it the best of all 3 by far......=)
from washington, dc on 2002-02-01 20:07 [#00077653]

umbriel: listen to "Music for 18 Musicians" by Steve Reich for a good example of what you can do with piano to make it a purely mallet instrument.
from doesanyonecaresville on 2002-02-02 09:02 [#00077861]

or try some John Cage
from washington, dc on 2002-02-02 09:27 [#00077862]

from pleth on 2002-02-02 10:38 [#00077865]

confield - havent heard it
go plastic - burned it. i liek it a lot, but not really musical enough for me. (YES i know there are baslsines and shit in there)
drukQs - dont even listen to this anymore. and i thought i liked drill music :P
from Ottawa (Canada) on 2002-02-03 03:04 [#00078049]
Points: 146 Status: Lurker

In response to jeff and REFLEX's opinions of drukqs being eq'ed to death. What the hell?? I absolutely love that sound and the two remixes he did for the drukqs promo were even more screwed up than the original's and in my opinion, better. I hope aphex stays with this totally non-repetitive style of music!
on 2002-02-03 03:19 [#00078061]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

on 2002-02-03 03:46 [#00078080]
Points: Status:

from saskatoon (Canada) on 2002-02-03 04:00 [#00078087]
Points: 3756 Status: Lurker

confield - haven't heard it either. i don't really like much autchre except LP5 and sometimes ep7.
go plastic - i love this fucking album! it took a little while to get into, but now i love it so much!!!
drukqs - meh, there's some wicked wicked tracks, but the majority is just filler material. still not bad though.
Cheap Magnet
from Australia on 2002-02-03 04:06 [#00078094]
Points: 15 Status: Lurker

Go Plastic is my fav electronic album of all time...The Exploding Psychology never ceases to amaze...
Drukqs is a mixed bag of brilliance (not due to complexity), and some lesser tracks (in my opinion)
I don't think any album as flowed and seemed like a more complete package then Go Plastic tho, it really is amazing..
from saskatoon (Canada) on 2002-02-03 04:10 [#00078098]
Points: 3756 Status: Lurker

oh man, the exploding psychology kicks fucking ass! i love it when it really gets going at like 3:43.
on 2002-02-03 04:12 [#00078103]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

confiled: masterpiece, future soundtrack go plastic: not as big as some of its predecesors drukqs: love it
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