Rob Bucephalus
from Australia on 2001-05-03 08:01 [#00005493]

I will now proceed/attempt to tell a short story about what happened to Giuseppi Valentino when he went on his warehouse torching adventure. Now, Giuseppi was an ordinary person, until a strange accident that made his entire left nockle part half fully metal (stop me if youve heard this one before). Now of course, Giuseppi (now referred to as G) tried to walk, but because of his metallic left nockle, he was instantly teleported to another place... a strange room with 2 corners, and sideways stairs. More suddenly than was comfortable, a kid with a HUUUUGE head came running into the room. On closer inspection, G noticed that this was in fact a large domestic elephants servants travel agent, but he had not worry when the clock struck twelve to the chime of his underpants ringing from the stench of the awfully small church. The kid then proceeded to speak: "Im Nort. Who R U?". G replied quissitencially: "Im G, and stop talking with letters instead of words."
Although there was no visible window, 2.59999 rocks attempted to land inside the room, even when G blocked the only exit from the shopping centre. This proved to be annoying, because this caused Gs nockle to decay, because it was part made of saliva. All of a sudden, Nort screamed: "NOOOOOOO!". Somehow, G heard this while he was busy programming Ageispolis into his mobile phone. "Shut up, Im trying to eat bananas!" said G, with a stupefying grin on his salad. Too late. Nort turned around and started eating the salad that may have formed Gs face at one point or another. Now, obviously, G wasnt happy at all with this, and tried to hack at Norts chesticle of nobby part clocks, but with no success. His HackMcSheene 2000 (TM) broke into 1000 bite-sized niblets, then turned into a boiling liquid-type substance which overflowed underneath a big small concrete tractor door tyre. Suddenly, the cow jumped up and said: "If you decide to win this mission, you must now go outside and find the big small fearless tractors door tyre wheel and reunite it with its metallic custard.". So, G and Nort then went outside, via a stupid hole in the roof. They forgot to pour acid juice onto their nockles, so they wont get wet. Because of this, they became common household flies, and ate their way to the metallic custard, although that wasnt the point anyway. To cut a short story longggggggggggggggggggggggg(oops, i had the cd on repeat) the answer was "Chop", not "Cut"... you must now comply and come with us, Mr. Pants.
ps. a tip when youre eating your mouse ball: add a bit of spice by using the VCO Alpha Sauce. It has a petrifyingly hot taste and can enhance any flavours. You must make sure you eat your mouse ball with a spoon, because trying to stab it with a fork can have dangerous results (trust me, Ive tried). Well, anyway, enjoy your Aphex for breakfast lunch and dinner and dont forget to turn the light off.
on 2001-05-03 08:35 [#00005507]

My favorite part was when G told the kid to stop talking with letters instead of words! This post is superior to Wizard's Teeth's mad libs. (note confusion on showing possesion with an apostrophe for that particular name)
Rob Bucephalus
from Australia on 2001-05-03 08:48 [#00005511]

hey phobiazero, you cut those g's off of long, didn't you? i didn't know it was going to make it like that...
from Sweden on 2001-05-03 09:14 [#00005515]

Now you know...
Netlon Sentinel
from beyond on 2001-05-03 12:23 [#00005528]

wizard's teeth=rob bucephalus.
or his cousin anyway
wizards teeth
from a shop that sells hats on 2001-05-03 14:18 [#00005534]

I am not Rob Baucephalus. My real name is Gravy.
But if I seen him in a pub I would buy him a pint or wave at him.
I would wave in a style such that my hand would only be 1.25 inches from his face. I would continue this motion for approximately six hours, during this six hours I would say hello in every language in the world just to cover myself as I am unaware of his country or origin.
Bye Bye
Rob Fragilenine
from Australia on 2001-05-04 04:46 [#00005574]

Rob Bucephalus = Rob Fragilenine. I would happily accept drinks from WT, although I would not enjoy being waved at for 6 hours, I'd prefer 8.3333333 or maybe 9.67398169869483940502740384
hours, but I'd have to have a straw hanging out of my mouth to attract any neighbouring particles of stum* that may be floating around in the sub-universe. IF and ONLY IF the stum in the sub-universe has been depleted, I will attempt to restore peace by pointing at WT's left-right shoulder and turning 3 times to the left, jumping forwards, stepping back 2 steps, unholstering my weapon, and then i would throw some anchovies at the dog that happens to be sitting in the corner.
* Stum is an unknown substance, discovered in 1922 by Edward J. Stum. Look it up if you don't believe me. But before you open the book or search on the net, you must stand on one leg while twisting your dog's nose and eating a fish stick and at the same time you must hum the tune to funny little man using only do's and da's. Once this is completed, you must jump on the spot marked X with your finger. Once you have put your finger on the carpet/tiles/other type of magnetic/non magnetic floor, you must then forget what exactly it is you were looking for in the first place. The first place must not be what others say it to be, but what you say you must not do to others to deny yourself. Remember, to deny is to not accept what is not ungiven. With this in mind, please accept my acceptance for Jeffrey Jeff Jefferson to join my party, which is at 8.00pm tonight at the Comb dayclub. Special guests include: Honeycomb Beesapwas, Single Click Nockles, Party Blues Poleheads, Sahara Beauties, Sarah's Bow Ties, Low Times, and Knob Tocklers. Be there or don't.
wizards teeth
from a shop that sells hats on 2001-05-04 09:05 [#00005607]

I will be there it sounds great.
Please can I bring finger mouse as my date.
If I play my cards right I might end up back at his house for "coffee"
Rob Fragilenine
from Australia on 2001-05-08 01:44 [#00005856]

what happened to thumb monkey? i believe he was your date to the 'excursions in slosh' festival last month... the party seemed to be going off until the masters of slosh came on, they were absolute crud... how can they call themselves the masters of slosh when they play crud? I thought Sloshman's Revenge rocked... but you might not think to be tha same...
from perth on 2001-05-08 03:10 [#00005857]

rob whatever you do dont get a water filter because the water here is spiked and its what promotes unnatural thinking.
Rob Fragilenine
from Australia on 2001-05-08 03:38 [#00005862]

moo i dont have a water filter
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