Absinth makes the heart grow fonder
from South of the Border on 2002-01-07 16:07 [#00066945]
In a fight, lined up face to face, who would win?? Think carefully : all those boy band members jump around & are physically fit but do they have the right attitude to win??
from south coast on 2002-01-07 17:06 [#00066954]
boy bands ? pussies!
Jedi Chris
from Tatooine on 2002-01-07 17:32 [#00066960]
Do you think having 'the right attitude' to win, is what counts! That is if you were going to have a fight.
If one side all has a 'black belt' in karate, then it certainly has an advantage - wouldn't you think?
Not sure on this one! If it was a competition about how much talent each had - now that might be a completely different matter....
on 2002-01-07 17:41 [#00066962]
Since there are assloads of crappy boybands... unfortunately they'd win.
from NYC on 2002-01-07 18:09 [#00066971]
I'd like to see Tom Jenkinson kick the crap out of Fred Durst. I don't know though...
most electronic musicians are scrawny nerds...just like most electronic musician fans :). Look at Mike P, RDJ, etc...
from NYC on 2002-01-07 18:10 [#00066972]
actually what am I talking about, RDJ probably has a perfectly functioning World War One mounted machine gun which he would kill them all with
from stupid american on 2002-01-07 18:42 [#00066978]
yes yes someone needs to beat fred durst.. someones gotta kill that wannabe badboy image. some wuss like andy dick would be great...
the tipster
on 2002-01-07 22:06 [#00067020]
i dont think anybody really cares
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2002-01-07 22:41 [#00067025]
The New Kids on the Block would kick The Backstreet Boys asses!!!!!!
from nonspace on 2002-01-08 09:55 [#00067240]
Electronica musicians prob will have atrophied limbs from using machines, anaemic blood & pasty skin (how many ems work out or sun bathe : none I say). They would have to rely on the vanity of boy band members being frozen into immobility from fear of having their features damaged.
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