from centeroftheultraworld on 2001-04-30 01:47 [#00005104]

In which state do you prefer listening to AFX? Psychedelics add a demention that is irreplacable with any other state of mind. Try listening to something as archaic as Digeradoo on L25 and see a Shamanic presence in the Diger thats hard to feel in a sober state
from Western Canada on 2001-04-30 04:41 [#00005117]

5is6: I used to ingest large amounts of LSD or DMT [same thing almost as LSD, just more agressive]. And it didn't really change much for me. I figured when I was sober I could take it in, as a whole rather spacing out to all the weird sounds I was hearing.. id have to go for Ala Sober!
**Ps. If anyone else enjoys/enjoyed DMT let me know! As I ate lots of it on blotter paper.**
from centeroftheultraworld on 2001-04-30 05:36 [#00005125]

Thats strange that you got DMT on blotter because the only form I'm aware of is in a smokable herb-like substance. I've never had the opportunity to get my hands on it. Actually, once I did but I was afraid of the effects after hearing how intense the experience could be.
on 2001-04-30 10:08 [#00005143]

dmt on blotters?BULLSHIT. do some reading : www.erowid.com + dmt isnt just more aggro, its about 100 times stronger than acid if smoked IN A CORREC`T WAY, with appropriate pipe.
from centeroftheultraworld on 2001-04-30 18:00 [#00005195]

So Richard, whats your preference then? LSD/Psilo/DMT/DXM/MDMA ect. or a 'clear head'?
from Western Canada on 2001-04-30 21:18 [#00005225]

Richard.. yes I know of www.erowid.com.. ive been going there for years... thats just what the person sold it to me as... it could have been a number of things.. it definitly was not LSD. It gave mass hallucinations and was very agressive, powerful stuff. What could this have been?
from manchester on 2001-05-01 00:10 [#00005252]

Isn;t there something called LSA that is liek LSD, well, it cud have been that. I wudn't know, just a suggestion.
from Western Canada on 2001-05-01 00:44 [#00005260]

yeah thats natural as well.. its a plant. its LSA or LSK.. cannot remember.. there are LOADS of things it could have been.. other than DMT.. Oh well what the hell.. I don't care. I don't do that SHITE anymore.
from sydney on 2001-05-01 06:54 [#00005287]

rephlex you're a fuckin wanker at least find an original name
from Australia on 2001-05-01 07:03 [#00005290]

godsdog : SHUT THE F*UK UP!!!!!!!!
on 2001-05-01 10:50 [#00005300]

nope.lsa and lsk are a lot weaker than lsd.i think you just had some real strong lsd.however, i know for sure it wasn't dmt, since dmt is orally inactive.that means you could eat a kilo dmt and nothing would still happen.in order for it to work orally you'd need an MAOL inhibitor, but if you've read about dimitri
on erowid you should already know this, right ??
from Western Canada on 2001-05-01 22:44 [#00005337]

Richard: yeah I suppose haven't been there in a while, still have the link in my "favourites" on my browser. I know now that it obviously wasn't DMT... I doubt it was strong LSD. Because all LSD is the same is it not? Just more potent that other batches made by other people. I have had some strong stuff in my time, this was different. Very agressive, and more tense. LSD for me was always more laid back, and colorful this was like grey and sterile, very agressive like I said. Thanks for the INFO though it was helpful :]~
from Western Canada on 2001-05-01 22:46 [#00005338]

godsdog: why is your name original? everyone knows that dog spelled backwards id God, and vise versa. and to let you know, ive been using the name "REFLEX" for years. A long time actually, so don't tell me its not original. Im not saying I came up with it.. using it as a Name, or Alias or something.. or an Internet name. Reflex... is differenent From REPHLEX records fool. I have used this name for many things, far before I knew about Aphex Twin, or REPHLEX records. So Shut it.
on 2001-05-02 00:03 [#00005345]

My god. . . sober. . . fu(ken idiots.
from usa on 2001-07-04 10:14 [#00012212]

anybody else get chest pains after taking LSD? I ate 4 L25's the other night, after about 5 hours, everytime I breathed in my chest would tighten up, and could hardly breath and hurt too. it got better after an hour or so. but for the next 2 days my chest was sore.
from Western Canada on 2001-07-04 10:31 [#00012217]

smokee: yes... that is not LSD then. LSD would not do that to you. Ive eaten some pure LSD many times, and eaten more ..stuff that wasn't LSD, but acted somewhat the same. LSD is not supposed to be that agressive, or body affecting. Although, LSD is purely a mentality. It could have been so convincing in your mind, that in turn.. or in reality it was chest pain, and not in your head. . . . its not easy to tell.
I estimated Ive eaten well over 150 tabs.. I know thats not too many. BUt still.. thats enough to have an opinion. I think that.. well it can really fuck with you. I still to this day see tracers.. or movements on my computer. 4 tabs.. if it was real should have FUCT you up realllll bad. Chest pains was.. well would be my last concern.
from usa on 2001-07-09 05:35 [#00013270]

what is their besides LSD that comes in liquid- and is sold as lsd. it felt fairly similar to everyother time I have tripped except for the chest pains.
also, anybody know of the long term effects of lsd? any website?
João Evangelista
from Portugal on 2001-07-09 06:20 [#00013272]

LSD? Only done the softest like hoffman 2000. It became very pleasant to listen to AFX, but some Doors' songs also had a funny effect on me. I guess it's that organ...
from Texas on 2001-07-09 07:18 [#00013277]

Umm, I think it's pretty well known that LSD has some pretty massive long-term effects. They say that you could have hallucinations for up to 15 years after you take it, and that it effects the brain in umm, bad ways..
from Texas on 2001-07-09 07:19 [#00013278]

Umm, I think it's pretty well known that LSD has some pretty massive long-term effects. They say that you could have hallucinations for up to 15 years after you take it, and that it effects the brain in umm, bad ways..
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-09 07:41 [#00013281]

yeah i used to eat lots of LSd and to this day I get small visions of things moving and stuff. its odd.
from NYC on 2001-07-18 05:57 [#00016096]

REFLEX: I'm right there with you...can't look at my living room carpet the same way again...not to mention the walls at Virgin Megastore...or even the gumspots in the sidewalk. Doesn't bother me though as it only happens when I look for it.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-18 06:50 [#00016100]

Yeah it only happens when I look for it, but still id rather it not. im mostly anti-drug, for myself, let others do whatever, I think its stupid!@ but its ok for anyone to do what the will. I just smoke some pot and drink some beer.
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