Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-12-22 04:57 [#00063435]

i just downloaded to a whole bunch of songs by them. i found their music to be very dull and boring. their music is really lacking something.
the music is very simple, but not simple in a good way. i don't know, but they don't really appeal to me.
i don't know what the dilly is with them on this board but i find them to be very boring.
from New York on 2001-12-22 04:59 [#00063436]

no way man, its not boring at all. buy "music has the right to children"... it's has a really original feel to it (in a good way)
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-22 05:00 [#00063437]

Boards of Canada are awesome... Music has the Right is brilliant, and A Beautiful Place in the Country is amazing...
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-22 05:02 [#00063438]

but I guess different people have different tastes...
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-12-22 05:02 [#00063439]

i am going to keep the song "the color of fire" because it is very twisted and made me shiver.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-12-22 05:04 [#00063440]

i downloaded some songs from music has a right to children and i found them dull and uninspiring. sorry, they are far too mellow for me. i dont really see how yall like them.
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-22 05:05 [#00063441]

yeah, for some reason I always picture a stalker looking at his stalkee from behind bushes when I listen to that song... very errie indeed...
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-12-22 05:06 [#00063442]

oh yeah, i am downloading some autechre to see why yall like it. i downloaded it before and didnt like it, but maybe i will like it now.
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-22 05:06 [#00063443]

just give em some time man... let em grow on ya... I thought the album was ok when I first listened to it, mainly from the strength of certain songs like Roygbiv, Aquarius, and Pete Standing Alone, but everything else grew on me, and I love it all...
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-12-22 05:06 [#00063444]

and on a side note, where do i download soulseek from?
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-22 05:07 [#00063445]

well apparently Soulseek isn't working anymore cause it's down or something...
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-22 05:09 [#00063447]

nevermind that, it's working... just search for soulseek in a search engine, and see where it leads ya...
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-12-22 05:09 [#00063448]

damn, because everyone says thats the place to get aphex twin from, morpheus and winmx aint got shit for aphex twin
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-12-22 05:09 [#00063449]

i searched for soulseek in yahoo, metacrawler and altavista and turned up nothing.
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-22 05:11 [#00063450]

use Google... I just tried, and it was like the first thing...
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-12-22 05:14 [#00063453]

Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-12-22 05:34 [#00063455]

keeping hell interface because it is so retarded that it makes me laugh.
from Nova Scotia on 2001-12-22 05:36 [#00063456]

Soulseek works?
on 2001-12-22 05:41 [#00063458]

BoC ain't boring. A bit repetetive, but the content more than makes up for that.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-12-22 05:42 [#00063459]

the content really leaves something to be desired!
from a plastic bubble on 2001-12-22 05:44 [#00063460]

i can understand why boc might bore some people..they get boring to me sometimes...i guess you have to be in the right mood/mindset to enjoy them..
surroundings play a factor as well i think.. their music doesnt really fit with being in a big city...but its perfect if your in a nice rural area..weird..
oh maann...i kid from school has my mhtrtc cd...which sucks because i dont go back to school for a month! :(
from Canada on 2001-12-22 05:55 [#00063462]

Man i like them, who cares if there too simple there shit is good.
from NYC on 2001-12-22 06:39 [#00063474]

you are listening to the wrong BoC songs.
Listen to:
Roygbiv, Pete Standing Alone An Eagle in Your Mind
There's tons more but listen to those 3 from beginning to end, if you don't like them, then we have totally different tastes...
from NYC on 2001-12-22 06:40 [#00063475]

and I can't give you any advice in terms of what to listen to or not
from chicago on 2001-12-22 08:43 [#00063487]

GOD DAMN IT! BOC rox yer sox. stop frontin' like you dont like them n' shit. ahem, yo.
Korben Dallas
from www.mp3.com/polcXd on 2001-12-22 09:57 [#00063498]

Music Has The Right ... I reckon is a bit of an album album.
Don't know why people single out songs. IMO a nice album .. but BoC seems a little over-rated I think. Maybe not tho? - there's a lot of subtle stuff present, one appreciates yet sounds simple BUT is pretty difficult to do when actually making the music. ?
Autechre is more my cup of tea
from UK on 2001-12-22 12:58 [#00063514]

I love BOC and but find Autechre rather disppointing.
But I guess it's fair that an equal number of people will love Autechre and not really like BOC.
Try downloading BOC - Live @ ATP
One thing that puzzles me: A lot of people out tthere have very rare Aphex and Autechre tracks, but no one seems to have rare BOC :(
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-22 15:38 [#00063539]

Autechre, mostly the later stuff that I've heard, sounds very sterile to me... I like Amber, and Incunabula, but the other stuff doesn't really float my boat... yet... Boards of Canada sounds really unelectronic, and it's very cool...
from New York on 2001-12-22 17:04 [#00063561]

telepathy workshop... although it's a bit repetative, I still love it. all boc has a very psychadelic element to it.
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-22 17:07 [#00063562]

yeah Telephasic Workshop is super repetative, but it has such a cool groove that I can't get enough of it...
from New York on 2001-12-22 17:11 [#00063563]

right, Telephasic.
Korben Dallas
from www.mp3.com/polcxd on 2001-12-22 23:30 [#00063616]

True, Ae have there somewhat sterile moments, but on the whole i find it more engaging than BoC - (which I like, don't get me wrong) ..
BoC rare stuff is REALLy rare - the other stuff just requires a keen eye and frequent visits to record stores??? Altho I am yet to get my hands on HAB and Keynell :)
What do you guys think of Beautiful place in the Country?? Again - nice, BUT
from NYC on 2001-12-23 01:47 [#00063639]

Rare BoC Stuff isn't like HAB where anyone who wants can get the mp3's on audiogalaxy. Rare BoC stuff is impossible to find anywhere
A lot of people would pay a lot of money for just the mp3's of BoC's:
Hooper Bay Acid Memories Catalogue 3
I find Ae totally unemotional unlike BoC, which has these organic warm synths which hardly anyone else is able to create. I know my synth doesn't do it...
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-12-23 05:27 [#00063675]

yeah that's how I feel about BoC... they make electronic music sound organic... it's the same with Aphex Twin... and I guess that's partly why I love them so... Autechre, although it's pretty good, is so precise and mechanical...
corn grower
from Iowa on 2001-12-23 07:22 [#00063690]

Ive been a big fan of boc ever since a buddy at work first let me borrow mhtrtc. there music just seems to weeve through your mind, and i love their great use of melodies.
Some of my favorite songs are telephastic workshop, hi scores, roygbiv, eagle in your mind, turquois hexagon sun, beautiful place in the country, olson ,
eno test, and everything you do is a balloon
corn grower
from Iowa on 2001-12-23 07:24 [#00063691]

Ive been a big fan of boc ever since a buddy at work first let me borrow mhtrtc. there music just seems to weeve through your mind, and i love their great use of melodies.
Some of my favorite songs are telephastic workshop, hi scores, roygbiv, eagle in your mind, turquois hexagon sun, beautiful place in the country, olson ,
eno test, and everything you do is a balloon
on 2001-12-23 13:06 [#00063727]

I like iabpoitc better than mhtrtc. Where can you get Hi-Scores?
from europe on 2001-12-23 13:20 [#00063729]

i like music has the right to children but i love in a beautiful place out in the country. it's as good as aphex. does anyone here information about a future album by boc?
from a plastic bubble on 2001-12-23 18:42 [#00063766]

they have hi scores at warpmart ive seen it in "real" stores too..but not many
www.warprecords.com or www.forcedexposure.com
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