from New Zealand on 2001-04-29 12:31 [#00005043]

Well, What are you favourite ways, I like a classic joint and a nice warm dark place to sit and listen to music
from manchester on 2001-04-29 14:45 [#00005051]

I agree, i like sitting in my room with one and just putting on Nightmares On Wax or something. Bongs are fun, but they are more for parties and stuff.
wizards teeth
from inside a monkeys pancreas on 2001-04-29 18:45 [#00005055]

I am not a fan of getting stoned alone.
My friend has a programme on his computer which he said is a win amp plug in. When mp3s are played patterns appear on the screen and continously evolve with the music.
We were listening to trance watching this on the screen in the dark, it was bloody excellent.
We sometime then go to the garage and buy some pastries and laugh at the bloke behind the counter, he understands.
I am a fan of getting pissed first then getting stoned.
pipes or joints i don't really mind.
Has anyone had a bucket before, these are fun.
from manchester on 2001-04-29 19:02 [#00005056]

YEah, buckets rule i have them whenever i can :-)
from Western Canada on 2001-04-29 19:07 [#00005058]

I used to get stones every hour of the day, because either my friends or myself sold weed, we were dealers. but I always liked a nig FAT joint.. and If I was along Id like a nice bowl in a pipe. I used to smoke it early in the morning bymyself or late late at night by myself. Id like it to ber VERY personal... so I could like be sitting there in my boxers [usually on a sunday morning when no one is home] in my room listening to whatever music.. something either upbeat like trance stuff, or Aphex Twin.. mellow shit. Id get really stoned... and lie there and soak it in. always had a drink of juice and a cigerette beside me.. had to have my after toke smoke! I don't get stoned anymore at all ever, just drunk. But I can still remember those old sKool days of the weed/drugs.
from the uk on 2001-04-29 22:07 [#00005071]

wizards teeth, what is the name of that programe?, i have seen it b4 and it loks real good, plz tell me where from etc
mucho gracious
from Lincoln on 2001-04-30 01:35 [#00005098]

poe: it's a skin, called "avs2 or avs" you have it probably if you've downloaded the FULL VERSION of winamp. find it in options/preferences/plugins...something like that
from centeroftheultraworld on 2001-04-30 01:39 [#00005099]

I recently had a terrible experience w/ a double dose of Life Sex & Death and MDMA. My Judeo Christian ethical backround growing up and the movie the Matrix led to a horrific experience wherein I was convinced that reality was my own personal prison. Hell if you will, yearning to reveal itself once I ceased to hold on to the Matrix that is everything around me. Being that this experience was nearly impossible for me to recover from, I notice its more perminent impact on my subconcious mind. When I smoke herb, these same thinking processes suface and start to convince my rational thinking mind that I'm in that awful, eternal place. So I've taken a break for a bit. But when I'm not going insane, I like to smoke out of large glass bongs. Dried Ice is a favorite in the chamber, though being quite bad for the lungs and giving me that much more of a chance to catch namonia. Or a ph@ spliff always does nice when I get a chance to puff out in the sun at 'high noon'.
from Old Dirty Bastard on 2001-05-08 01:22 [#00005853]

take the weekend off first
bring a trusted friend with you
eat 2 tablespoons of nutmeg (fresh, mind you)
see what happens
this is soundtracked by Caustic if you're in an icky mood (which it's difficult not be with nutmeg, it tastes horrible and you can get sick, but it can really bring you out there...just come back...it's not a very "nice" journey like fungi or thc) or SAW '85-'92 and SAW II. Or whatever you like. Usually louder painful music. Sailors used to eat nutmeg on long ocean voyages. They used to smoke ropes, eat rats and fuck whores too. Oh well.
"return to me. remember me. leaving this with you. bring back to me. pick me up and throw me away. after it is all gone."
from perth on 2001-05-08 03:16 [#00005858]

i lik ewalking around there are some wicked walking places round here.
buckets are great, sometimes they knockl oyu out a bit tho. my personal fave is the pipe coz its dead easy to pask, no water to spill, can have em easy out on the streets. i end up having bongs most tho. does recycling buckets (when you inhail, then exhale it back then inhale it again etc..) actually do anytjing? it should but doesnt seem to do loads of difference.
on 2001-05-08 03:37 [#00005861]

Ive tried nutmeg before and it fucked me up quite nicely. I wouldn't recommend it though because the next 2 days i was sick and had a really nasty buzz. My favorite way when im with other ppl is taking hoots out of a really fucking huge lung but when im by myself i just smoke a joint and listen to some heavy drum n' bass. BTW whats a bucket?
on 2001-05-08 03:41 [#00005863]

nm bucket=lung
from pie shop on 2001-05-08 15:30 [#00005895]

i normaly smoke drugs through a pipe that a whittled in junior school
from manchester on 2001-05-08 18:20 [#00005903]

buckets and lungs are 2 diffrent things where i live, u need no water for a lung, but u do for a bucket. Its all very complicated. But i am a big fan of buckets. Makes the smoke taste really diffrent, nicer in my view. I have a bucket or whatever b4 skool and a joint b4 i go 2 bed :-)
on 2001-05-08 18:22 [#00005905]

It's simple for me. I go to the television and turn on my super nintendo and play it for anywhere from 2 to 8 hours straight. Smash TV, Zelda, Super Punch out, Mega Man X, are all quite wicked on the mind.
from Denmark on 2001-05-08 19:18 [#00005911]

Please dont make this a hashis forum.
drugs are bad children!
from Denmark on 2001-05-08 19:21 [#00005914]

I just found out that wizard teeth is from Holland where this shit is legal.
so you are forgiven
i´m just saying that all the weed heads i know are some fucking stupid gits, who like eminem and think that they are anarchists.
from Western Canada on 2001-05-09 04:09 [#00005937]

IN my life, all Ive seen is drugs turn everyone into complete fucking idoits. Niave Fools! I wanted to ask them one day.. and did if they had ever been to the hospital for an overdose, like I have been.. 2 times. Im not proud, but I would like to think that they could learn a thing or two from someone who has been there. I was like.. "in 10 years from now, maybe more youll regret ever doing them, and if not, youll be one of those 30 year old crack heads selling everything you have to get more".. ofcourse they all laugh and think its all one joke.... hopefully they come to reality long enough to get out. not saying that smoking weed or anything is horrible, but when you take any drug, including cigerettes or booze and make it YOUR life.. not a part of your life, then something is wrong. Addiction is a disease, a gross one at that. Ive been there, it was with cocaine. So nothing petty. It ruined a lot of my life, my heart is fuct for life, and my memory is shit. Now that I don't do that shite anymore I regret ever touching it. ThanKs.
from perth on 2001-05-09 08:02 [#00005949]

yeah i know but i dont do it much. i have seen one person develop schizophrenia and hes certain its pot that did it. he showed up at the shops with blood all over him. he had been punching out all the windows in his house.
another guy has gone completely stupid. blaaah "itll never happen to me, man" it prolly will but im having enough fun now not to care. dont use can bongs tho coz you can develop aluminium poisoning quitew easily
from bray ,ireland on 2001-06-20 01:58 [#00010416]

i like to smoke a few reefers and then have a nice yogurt and just pan out in front of the tv and soak it all up
Wizards Teeth
on 2001-06-20 13:22 [#00010462]

Who said I am from Holand. I am from England.
I have only been to Holand for three hours, I am over three hours old, hence I do not live there.
Bye Bye
from MIR-spacestation on 2001-06-20 13:33 [#00010464]

from earth on 2001-06-20 14:41 [#00010470]

I like to weede when i squeedy my shitty down the veeeseee with my kitty
from USA on 2001-07-17 04:57 [#00015681]

Wow! I had the exact same experience on DXM! The experience (being the pseudo-realization of the truth behind everything) had such an effect on me that for 2 weeks I was depressed and even suicidal. It took me weeks before I had the nerve to try drugs again. That was 6 months ago and I still sometimes have that same empty, desperate feeling produced by the things I saw on that trip. I know exactly what you're talking about.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-17 05:12 [#00015683]

yeah because drugs, all of them, even prescription {just not as much, mostly} fuck really bad with your seratonin levels in your brain. Leaving you depressed and other such similar symptoms. I only smoke weed sometimes, and have a few drinks now and again, nothing major in either caragory. I used to be totally fuct up on everything imaginable, except Heroin. After many years, you STAY depressed, cause the levels iny our head dont go back.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from They keep me in a box under the stairs with only a canned ham to keep me company on 2001-07-17 09:16 [#00015726]

Sometimes I like to eat some really old cheese and and full my pockets with pudding. I will also walk around my house with nothing but watermellons on my feet chasing the dog and blaming him for the start of Vietnam that goddamn dog !!! The Baron has spoken !
Samuel Barber
on 2001-07-17 10:24 [#00015750]

A small bottle of clag and a "House Gang" marathon.
from Hell, U.S.A. on 2001-07-17 16:21 [#00015896]

Personally, my favorite method is the bong. I mean, it's a marvel of modern invention. If you showed that to a cave man, he'd shit himself.
Add the fire, watch it bubble up through the water, into your lungs, exhale. Ahhh, yes, the Bong, how I love thee.
But spliffs are nice too...rolling a big fat funnel and sparking it up. Good stuff.
But, in the end I gotta go with the classic glass bubbler. Truly a work of art.
Add music and friends to the mix and you've got yourself a nice smoke session. The ritual is almost as important as the high it seems.
from europe on 2001-07-17 16:55 [#00015912]

I don't need to get stoned, because I'm always stoned all the time, without doing anything for it...
from europe on 2001-07-17 16:57 [#00015914]

...well, I don't know why.
Chimp Systems
from Vague Island on 2001-07-17 16:59 [#00015918]

When you're with the Lord, you don't need drugs to get high. kickin' fresh with me homyz in da mean streetz of london, as always, take a chill pill, your erotic friens chimp systems.
Chimp Systems
from Vague Island on 2001-07-17 17:08 [#00015924]

Clone, you fucking retard cunt. I have got a very good idea who you are, you've left the kind of trail behind you that a guilt-ridden brain-damaged shoplifter leaves. I can smell the self-hatred and bitterness emanating from you, the stale semen, the lack of success with women ... It all adds up to a bigger picture. You soiled little man. I'm gonna set this fire extinguisher off into your Grandad's urethea, then I'm going to keep diggin' for you...
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-07-17 17:23 [#00015931]

what kind of experience does one have with nutmeg? is there a "buzz" type feel, or does one see things? what are side effects and long term effects? i will ask my mother about this too and ask her to pick up some nutmeg possibly.
from New Zealand on 2001-07-17 17:36 [#00015934]

It makes you sick Hevquip, go and read about it here
www.erowid.com or is that .org ? wait heres the real one
look it up, theres lots of useful info there.
from New Zealand on 2001-07-17 17:42 [#00015940]

read the bottom of this page my lado :)
Comment on "Favourite Ways To Get Stoned"
from w0p3qe92q34,kdserf3re0 on 2001-07-17 18:06 [#00015945]

Oh, my. I think Mr. Glitch is a bit on about this marijuana subject.
I find it a bit annoying. If i need that stuff i can check out Erowid instead. But thats just my opinion, right?.
Yeah. I´m wrapping up now. Sorry mate.
from New Zealand on 2001-07-17 18:10 [#00015948]

well sorry, I didnt bring it back up, it had been hibernating for 3 months as you can see from the dates
from Hell, U.S.A. on 2001-07-17 18:11 [#00015950]

A much better 'legal' high in my opinion is Dextromethorphan (DxM), the active ingredient in most cough suppressants.
Of course this drug is definitely not for everyone.
I dunno, I've tried nutmeg and it tasted like shit and didn't work. At least when I drink cough syrup it tastes like shit, but it works...all too well!
from manchester on 2001-07-17 20:12 [#00015977]

i wanna try that, whats it like?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-17 20:45 [#00015993]

That aint nothing, check this index at erowid.com its far better!
The BIG Chart I don't want to go into the harsh realities of being a stupid drug addict, but hey.. whatever you like.
from portreath - cornwall on 2001-07-17 20:47 [#00015995]

Buckets in the bath, the water and heat increase the effects - AWESOME!
from Cornwall (It's Joke!) on 2001-07-18 07:36 [#00016125]

|Rephlex|-the Man, erowid.org rulezzz!
And what 'bout me?? 3,4,5-trimethoxy-ß-phenethylamine?? Somebody wants to taste me?? :-))))
from Cornwall (It\\\'s Joke!) on 2001-07-18 07:39 [#00016127]

U still can try Ventolin......
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-18 08:11 [#00016133]

Yes erowid.org is a great drug info place, among other things its that and much more.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from They keep me in a box under the stairs with only a canned ham to keep me company on 2001-07-18 10:19 [#00016172]

I like to eat a lot of Panlor,Hydrocododone,and chase that down with a bottle of cough suppressant one with codeine preferably
from New Zealand on 2001-07-18 10:44 [#00016181]

I don't smoke much, it makes me paranoid! Once in awhile I will have a joint before listening to some dub type stuff, or sometimes there is good stuff on the radio.
My friends had a vapouriser at their flat the other night, which was really good, no smoke, just the vapour. If you smoke lots it might be worth investing in one of these, anyone else used one?
on 2001-08-16 12:56 [#00022356]

hhmmm a lot of u seem to have misconceptions about drugs. first off drugs altering seratonin levels in the brain dope certainly doesnt do that as i have spoken to several experts on the subject, ne ways what about anti depressants maybe u wanna change the chemical levels in your brain cos your so bloody miserable that u jus wanna die everyday. not all drugs are bad. cannabis rules although doing shit like smoking it everyday can obviously fuck u up although many ppl smoke everyday for years and are fine. no one has ever died from a pot overdose. So keep smokin pot every1 :)-~
little fluffy bunny rabbit
from potato weasel on 2001-08-16 13:41 [#00022369]

I'm phinking bout dropping the tab .. but I've heard it is not to be compared with the likes of Speed, E etc. ..
Just how fucked does one get on a hefty dose of Acid - and what is it like after - like long termish ... I reckon it'd be fucken cool .. but I'm just a bit apprehensive bout the whole schizing shit
João Evangelista
from Portugal on 2001-08-16 14:36 [#00022376]

A bottle of wine, several joints, benzodiazepines, some gin and a couch.
from Holland on 2001-08-16 16:33 [#00022396]

Nobody likes to eat cakes? I love it :)
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