on 2001-11-29 13:14 [#00056736]

I should know, I am a psycho(logist).
from Dark Side Of Moon on 2001-11-29 13:23 [#00056738]

A lot of strange people were on this board at past. Now not so many......
on 2001-11-29 13:38 [#00056741]

That disturbes me even more.
from perth on 2001-11-29 13:38 [#00056742]

i know a fair bit about the human brain and such and yes does seem that way
on 2001-11-29 13:40 [#00056746]

Last message was reply to M35blabla. I think strange music attracts strange music. BTW strange in my dictionary means same as interesting.
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-29 13:45 [#00056750]

Things are calming down around here, with V5 approaching and all...
on 2001-11-29 13:46 [#00056752]

When V5 starts running all the freaks come out? Looking forward to it. :D
wizards teeth
on 2001-11-29 13:49 [#00056754]

how does the human brain work
i am interested in the thoughts of animals and would love to know in what way an animal thinks
what does it think about and in what way does it think ?
on 2001-11-29 14:03 [#00056760]

When the brain would be that simple that it could be understood, than we would be so simple that we could not understand it.
from perth on 2001-11-29 14:15 [#00056762]

i know how my cat thinks "food, sleep" and that it sometimes "boy pat me"
on 2001-11-29 14:58 [#00056764]

I didnt notice many strange people... maybe the Baron, but that guy makes me laugh! Wizards Teeth wants to know how animals think, I want to know how the fuck women think. Seriously. The concept scares me!
on 2001-11-29 15:15 [#00056770]

It's maybe because I think people in general are strange. I'm the only sane person on this planet. :p
on 2001-11-29 15:16 [#00056771]

Wow, now THAT is a disturbing thought. :D
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-29 15:21 [#00056773]

OD- My cat thinks the same way!!!!
As for the Baron, is there ANY funnier person on earth? I think not!
from The that Idiot barbecue! Place (House) Monkey! food Idiots. on 2001-11-29 15:37 [#00056781]

know Not you people the simplefact that:
1) Your opnions don't matter. 2) Not only is the whole world insane, you are a sizeable part of the problem.
(And, thus, post daily inbetween masturbates and get-up-drinktime, you lazy computer nerds.)
wizards teeth
on 2001-11-29 15:43 [#00056784]

i don't bother taking any notice of your views you cunt
anyway, how do you know what we do between posts ?
i may have been having sex with a supermodel for all you know
now that would not be so bad would it ?
from bris. on 2001-11-29 15:57 [#00056785]

thats so stoopid. in between posts i kill chubby women and make dresses out of their skin. i like to dance with my piece nicely tucked in between my legs...
...while listening too Vordhosbn of course
from UK on 2001-11-29 15:57 [#00056786]

Same... Some of us are just bored at work, I never post from home, twat. WTF are you posting for, you nerd? Besides, how can you say that the world is insane.... bit of a generalization. Dont you think? Now tell that attitude to piss off. All opinions count, hence the word opinion.
from UK on 2001-11-29 16:03 [#00056789]

nerd: a person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious.
So I apologise for call you one.
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-29 16:05 [#00056791]

I routinely sleep with models. Don't tell ME what I do between post, fuckhead.
from The (f) that Idiot barbecue! (o) Place (House) Monkey! foo ( ) d Idiots. on 2001-11-29 16:05 [#00056792]

See you take the idiot's poise-on-opinions. You don't KNOW that type of thinking only exists because people are too stupid to back up things with FACTS. But, why am I arguing with someone who is
obviously and truthfully 1000000000000 times stupider than I am.
And, no, I don't know what you do between sunshine and sleep, but the fact that you deny so vehemently your day-to-day slobbiness only PROVES undeniably that:
1) I am right. 2) You are wrong.
4) Think i'm wrong? Prove me wrong.
6) You can't. Your opinions are "equal" to mine. Mine are just as valid, even though they protray all of you as pieces of useless trash, which i'm sure you are, because:
from The (f) that Idiot barbecue! (o) Place (House) Monkey! foo ( ) d Idiots. on 2001-11-29 16:05 [#00056793]

See you take the idiot's poise-on-opinions. You don't KNOW that type of thinking only exists because people are too stupid to back up things with FACTS. But, why am I arguing with someone who is
obviously and truthfully 1000000000000 times stupider than I am.
And, no, I don't know what you do between sunshine and sleep, but the fact that you deny so vehemently your day-to-day slobbiness only PROVES undeniably that:
1) I am right. 2) You are wrong.
4) Think i'm wrong? Prove me wrong.
6) You can't. Your opinions are "equal" to mine. Mine are just as valid, even though they protray all of you as pieces of useless trash, which i'm sure you are, because:
It's the human condition.
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-29 16:07 [#00056794]

You're wrong because you're an idiot. You have, and will, amount to nothing. Unlike the regulars here. We're all sexy bitches, bitch.
from The (f) that Idiot barbecue! (o) Place (House) Monkey! foo ( ) d Idiots. on 2001-11-29 16:08 [#00056795]

Yesyes! Don't be SMART: be a SLOB. It's your right. You're EQUAL to everyone else so just go and hide and run back to mommy; the big big law of the jungle the law of survival fucking EVOLUTION just might come get you!
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-29 16:08 [#00056796]

Haha, I love being right!
from The (f) that Idiot barbecue! (o) Place (House) Monkey! foo ( ) d Idiots. on 2001-11-29 16:12 [#00056797]

Yes, ignorance is bliss, aint it?
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-29 16:13 [#00056798]

Life is too short to pay attention or care about anything or anyone. So, yes, I've found bliss, and I must say I'm quite happy in it. As opposed to you, who obviously has a vendetta against people who aren't arseholes.
:-* (kisses you, because I'm falling head over heels in LOVE with you, you dark mysterious bastard)
from UK on 2001-11-29 16:19 [#00056801]

If the human condition is being pieces of trash, then arent we all, not, pieces of trash? Surely the only judge of that is humans? No matter which way you look at it, It all depends on how optimistic you are as to how you percieve humans. Prove yourself right instead of proving yourself wrong.
wizards teeth
on 2001-11-29 16:21 [#00056802]

How can stoopidaty be mesared
appart from analysing the spelling skill of the person involved
i made a mistake i do not have sex with models, i have do not bother with sex cos it makes me smell like vinegar
if i was a lady, barry white would not make me wet in the pants, as he is sweaty and looks like a bus
who rekons that shaggy is being groomed to be the next barry white, when good old barry leaves earth
ooooooooh caroliner
from The (f) that Idiot barbecue! (o) Place (House) Monkey! foo ( ) d Idiots. on 2001-11-29 16:22 [#00056803]

Today's headline:
Found bliss. (Still living with parents). .. Come on now, can you really take all of this seriously? Possibly, could you? This message board is nothing but a bunch of peacocks displaying day-to-day changing opinions like they were all their brains could possibly produce in a million years- which, sadly, is the case. You people only disgust and anger me because you portray the people you are as the people you have always been, without any acknowledgement or awareness that you are COPIES, posers, mainstream trash. Not worth the air you breate.
from UK on 2001-11-29 16:25 [#00056804]

Good un.... I'm only having fun. You look deeper into things more than a woman. Mast are not showing off but instead are entertaining each other, throwing links around or sharing problems.
on 2001-11-29 16:25 [#00056805]

Ghe ghe. I am enjoying this. :p
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-29 16:27 [#00056806]

Yep, we're all posers, at least you're realistic. Will you give me a blowjob? I'm sure you're quite good at them, being a cock sucker and all.
from bris. on 2001-11-29 16:28 [#00056808]

hey, this is getting a bit insulting... you suck. and for the record, im not a loser and im sure noone else here is... i study hard ok i go to Uni doing a degree in Visual Arts, i have a very amazing relationship with a very amazing girl, i have my own unit, and im saving up for a car, you bitter fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck the only reason im here is coz im an insomniac :P you smell.
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-29 16:28 [#00056809]

And I DO live with my parents, I'm quite young. I love my mom. Did your mom beat you or something?
from The (f) that Idiot barbecue! (o) Place (House) Monkey! foo ( ) d Idiots. on 2001-11-29 16:29 [#00056810]

"All depends on", eh? So you must have really thought about this to come up with such an answer! Good for you: you're wrong.
I'm wrong. My neighbor is wwrong. The cat in the alley is dead dead wrong. There is no universal "right", because "right" is just a contrived notion brought about by evolution and culture over the long term.
Rightness doesn't exist, but it's all we have. We're too stupid to have anything else. And, what, you think that time will stop existing tomorrow? As a race we must evolve so logically "us" 20000 years from now will be able to look back at "us" now and say "what a bunch of idiots". The point and object of the game here is to be one of those who can rightly say "I am better". Sheesh. Do you enjoy being inferior and subject to the ignorance of those around you, the people who make YOU who YOU are? YOU are not a person, YOU are your own somewhat controlled environment, so make it better!
from UK on 2001-11-29 16:30 [#00056811]

I agree with Ophecks and Teapot! SPRAY US WITH YOUR BOY-PASTE! Borix, you can be the ref
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-29 16:31 [#00056813]

Right is whatever I THINK is right. I'm always right, so I'm always happy, and if you can't stand that, well, go on being frustrated, sweetpea. I can't wait to get into the world rule it. And rule YOU, bitch.
from UK on 2001-11-29 16:32 [#00056814]

Oh yea? ok... do you have pubes? no. Well I'm 20 and I've got plenty! Can you do this..."AAAAAAAAGH (in low voice)" no because you're 9. Come ere........ (SMACK!)
from The (f) that Idiot barbecue! (o) Place (House) Monkey! foo ( ) d Idiots. on 2001-11-29 16:32 [#00056815]

Oh, wow-o. A car. A girl. You must be so happy.
Just wait until you aren't, which you WILL BE. I can guarantee it.
from UK on 2001-11-29 16:33 [#00056816]

It's people like you start wars
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-29 16:33 [#00056817]

You poor soul. Do you need a hug? :)
from UK on 2001-11-29 16:34 [#00056818]

Why do you use so much sarcasm "Non-inferior one"? Lowest form of humour apparently
from The (f) that Idiot barbecue! (o) Place (House) Monkey! foo ( ) d Idiots. on 2001-11-29 16:34 [#00056819]

Ophecks, you're so stupid you don't realize what i'm even saying. Right IS happy. YES! So, be RIGHT, and you don't have anything to worry about. -But you AREN't, so start the worrying! As for me, I now have to switch classes. See you happy little fools later.
from UK on 2001-11-29 16:34 [#00056820]

from UK on 2001-11-29 16:35 [#00056821]

from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-29 16:35 [#00056822]

This guy is unhappy because he HAS no sense of humor. Must suck to be him.
from UK on 2001-11-29 16:35 [#00056823]

I've got a whole bag of "shh" with your funny FREAKY number,letter name on it
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-29 16:36 [#00056824]

I'm so RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT, and I chased the wanker away! ''Off to class'' my ass, you're off to the crack house to get another fix!
from The (f) that Idiot barbecue! (o) Place (House) Monkey! foo ( ) d Idiots. on 2001-11-29 16:36 [#00056826]

(And, contrary to popular belief, I am not an unhappy person, I love my mother, and the only world I plan to destory is THIS ONE, so all of you Betelgeusians can rest easy and stop worrying about wars.)
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