The Sausage Creature
on 2001-11-28 12:24 [#00056411]

Do Geocities pages have no ads? No ads at all? The free ones, they have no ads? No ads at all, if so, does anyone here run a Geocities page?
The Sausage Creature
on 2001-11-28 12:34 [#00056413]

Nevermind, I figured it out.
The Sausage Creature
on 2001-11-28 12:41 [#00056414]

No, I've changed my mind, I can't see any ads, but I had to click something to say what type of ads I want. Tell me..
on 2001-11-28 14:24 [#00056436]

My friend has a Geocities site and I remember seeing ads on there. Dont know much about it but that answers one of your Q's.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-11-28 16:44 [#00056479]

Remember this golden rule... NOTHING is absolutely Free... If it is Free, it contains Ad banners. Yes, Geocities is fuckin full of em'.
from Dublin on 2001-11-28 17:35 [#00056494]

there al least one pop up
from chicago on 2001-11-28 23:32 [#00056556]

one time i found a tooth in my fried chicken it wasnt my tooth, either
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-28 23:38 [#00056566]

Uh... I lost my appetite...
from Lincoln on 2001-11-29 00:37 [#00056579]

tripod accounts do not have but ONE single advertisement... they're free :)
from ken on 2001-11-29 11:23 [#00056728]

my mate once bit into a drumstick and got showered with hot mayonaise-except it wasnt mayo-it was a cyst that he bit into.
howd ya like dem apples eh?
from UK on 2001-11-29 11:37 [#00056730]

thanks ken...
I kid I knew at school popped the biggest spot on his face without even touching it, it just blew... It projected onto his arm so he did the only thing anyone would do given the situation: He lapped it all up. True
from UK on 2001-11-29 11:38 [#00056731]

Man, my typing skills are lush
*sarcasm alert*
from ken on 2001-11-29 12:33 [#00056734]

yo chrispy.nice story, prefer the chicken though-eating your own pus is commonplace round our way-do it me self but not in public
mate of mine turned up to the pub 'after not being ready -am still in the bath' with a string of semen starting from his eyebrow streching over his hair.not so much disgusting but amusing.
dem barrel o apples is sweet.
Ceri JC
from Wales on 2001-11-29 22:31 [#00056919]

This is a true story, not a joke, sadly.
About a year ago, me and 2 friends got some "Miss Milley's" (English equivalent to KFC). We were disgusted to find a small black object in batter with our chicken. My friend's dad who is a biochemsit and knows his stuff looked at it and reckoned it was either a foetus or very large chicken brain. None of us finished the meal.
I've heard the thing about macdonalds chicken burgers being covered in mayo to cover up bursting cysts before, but thought it was an urban myth.
from here on 2001-11-29 23:00 [#00056923]

Yes. I have a Geocities page. i find them superior to tripod cos it comes as a pop-up which can be closed when you view the site. i also find that they don't show when I view my site on my computer. Tripod sucks if you're using frames cos the ad-banners can be too wide and fuck up your frame sets. aaaragh. how aggravating! i hope i've help. visit my site if you feel compelled to read about my funk band:lhttp://languidbadger.cjb.net
from Lincoln on 2001-11-29 23:17 [#00056926]

frames are so 1999... too shitty of a webdesign anyway Timmy D
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