on 2001-11-27 03:04 [#00055919]

Akira has to go in there.
Being John Malkovich was a masterpiece... so was fight club. There are so many good films out there... its hard to choose one. But star wars does not deserve the praise it got over for being the best film of the millenium.
from 1 Degree North of the Equator on 2001-11-27 04:13 [#00055939]

Gladiator. Then Memento.
Pusher of the Square
from mars on 2001-11-27 06:32 [#00055958]

Tremors!!!!!!!!!!! havent any of you here seen this horror cult classic?
on 2001-11-27 07:22 [#00055966]

Sorry, Gladiator was skank. Way overated .. and doesn't even come close to deserving a favorite movie status.
"Why bitch about artists insulting their audences? I think the audiences insult themselves enuf on their own."
Tremors was classic.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from From my "special" place on 2001-11-27 07:29 [#00055968]

Everytime is see Gummo it makes me feel sick for two weeks after it !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!!!! I REMEMBER BEING A CHILD MILKING SMALL GOATS THAT WOULD READ ME BEDTIME STORYS !!!!
on 2001-11-27 07:32 [#00055969]

Gladiator was shit, so was American Beauty.
Clobe Smith
from over here on 2001-11-27 08:15 [#00055973]

my favorite film is always changing. but ... i will always love pi, buffalo 66, anything kubrick, david lynch rules
oh, and has anyone seen amelie? saw it a few days ago, and loved it
Beef Fog
on 2001-11-27 08:40 [#00055979]

Yeah, Gummo is a great movie, but Julien is greater in my opinion...I like how it focuses on the characters more...
Baron Von Picklefoot
from From my "special" place on 2001-11-27 08:53 [#00055981]

In the bed naked watching movies on the VCR color me seethrough and tickle my favorite inch knitt sweaters with cheese and thank god for David Lynch!!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!!
from I O W A on 2001-11-27 09:10 [#00055983]

its really hard to think of the best film ever. if I would say the best ever -only one movie, it would simply be... Krull... just kidding. really though it would be the godfather. hmm... some recent classics fight club, pulp fiction, eyes wide shut. really though, I think that memento fucked with me more than any movie I've seen in a long time. only one thing could have made the movie just a little bit better and that would be some aphex or autechre pieces on the soundtrack. some more interesting and successful ideas...cube, freqency, pi, matrix.
Korben Dallas
from _ on 2001-11-27 09:24 [#00055986]

Re: f.l.e.a.
Yeah Existenz was pretty cool .. very surreal.
on 2001-11-27 09:28 [#00055988]

I thought The Godfather trilogy was class. Anybody seen Blow? Good film I thought.
from europe on 2001-11-27 10:24 [#00056007]

there are loads of best films.
akira korusawa. throne of blood & ran alfred hitchcock. north by northwest & psycho & the birds frederico fellini. 8 1/2 & satyricon jean-luc godard. vivre sa vie michelangelo antonioni. blow up walerian borowczyk. goto l'ile d'amour & blanche & contes immoraux - le marge
stanley kubrick. 2001 & barry lyndon roman polanski. the fearless vampire killers george lucas/ irvin kershner. star wars episode v - the empire strikes back
david lynch. the elephant man woody allen. annie hall & manhattan & zelig & radio days & deconstructing harry
terry gilliam. fear and loathing in las vegas wong kar-wai. fallen angels & in the mood for love leos carax. les amants du pont neuf & pola x jonze/kaufman. being john malkovich michael haneke. code inconnu
and many others i haven't seen yet...
from Chelmsford,Essex,Uk on 2001-11-27 10:26 [#00056008]

Requiem for a Dream... Fight Club... Amercian Movie... Slacker... Bladerunner... Sex Lies & Videotape...
from europe on 2001-11-27 10:29 [#00056010]

jean eustache. la maman et la poutain francis ford coppola. apocalypse now jaques tati. playtime
from europe on 2001-11-27 10:29 [#00056011]

ok, that's true
ridley scott. blade runner
on 2001-11-27 10:39 [#00056018]

Akira, Independance Day, Me myself & Irene, Ghost in the shell, Goldeneye (all 007 movies are cool)
Milk Man Dan
on 2001-11-27 10:42 [#00056020]

I'll add Chopper and The Thin Red Line too my post.
from Amsterdam on 2001-11-27 10:44 [#00056021]

Whats up Tiger Lilly
Ceri JC
on 2001-11-27 11:55 [#00056044]

Requiem for a dream was very good. I liked the idea behind existenz, but the execution of it was slightly lacking.
Most people here do seem to have good taste in films.
from UK on 2001-11-27 11:59 [#00056045]

Yeah, we have haven't we! I personally think 'Cannon Ball Run 2' and 'Nuns on the Run' are the greatest films of all time, I'm sure you all agree.
from Amsterdam on 2001-11-27 12:16 [#00056049]

Sherrif Buford T Justice makes me laugh like a twat every time i see him.
from stockholm on 2001-11-27 17:58 [#00056155]

1. BUFFALO 66 (by vincent gallo) 2. GUMMO 3. BULLY 4. HAPPINESS 5. STORYTELLING
and also 'Killer Clowns'('85, horror)
from usass on 2001-11-27 18:02 [#00056157]

to all those that said 'momento':i have heard on the dvd the movie can be watched in reverse so that things take place in chronological order, but have yet to find this feature...any help?...great movie
Contour Regard
from a couch on 2001-11-27 18:07 [#00056158]

so many good movies to chose from really, but some of my fav's are
Fight Club Matrix Memento (mind-blowing and original) Clockwork Orange Jay & Silent Bob movies any Farrelly Bros. movies (Dumb & Dumber, Something about Mary, Kingpin...etc.)
Saving Private Ryan was good David Fincher Movies (includes Fight Club, Seven, The Game) and for some reason i have an eerie liking of Bloodsport with Jean Claude Van Damme, i watch it whenever it's on TV, must be the sweet 80's music in it.
from stockholm on 2001-11-27 18:18 [#00056161]

Has anyone seen the japanese film 'ICHI THE KILLER'? it's fucking wicked and i mean really fucking wicked. Intense violence and torture + great acting for more than 2 hours. In the beginning the title appears in blood floating around in sperm:) i totally recommend it!
from I O W A on 2001-11-27 19:01 [#00056169]

about memento the word is that the canadian dvd has a feature which has chapters shorted into little clips unlike the dvd that I've watched and probably you to. these short clips can be viewed in reverse order then telling the story the other way. it sounds really cool but I've not done it myself. well the movie is so good maybe its worth picking up the other version. it should be noted that this version however does not have as many options that the american dvd has. damn it was good.
"if I can't feel time how... how am I supposed to heal".
on 2001-11-27 22:22 [#00056232]

gonzola: you´ve been to the Stockholm Film Festival, haven´t you?
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-27 22:23 [#00056233]

The first Jurassic Park is awesome, so is the first Home Alone. After seeing that, I always wanted to be stuck home with burglars so I could beat the shit of them with tricky traps.
from stockholm on 2001-11-27 22:46 [#00056237]

Zetre:Yes! were you there too?
from bat country on 2001-11-27 22:50 [#00056240]

everyone said my favorites, except for snatch, trainspotting, and run lola run
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