Curious Guy
from Hell....namely school on 2001-11-22 09:48 [#00054460]

I'd like to know what kind of people love Aphex Twin and visit this site. Tell me about yourself. How old are you, what are your hobbies and stuff like that. And don't go thinking I'm some kind of weirdo or something.
on 2001-11-22 10:26 [#00054463]

18yrs old... um, listens to all kinds of music (metal, D+B,Trance, BRAINDANCE! etc.) Very partial to dope once in a while... Posting thoughts on this MB... Would choose sex over booze (and lets face it...WHO WOULDNT?) :D Uh... thats my life story I guess. What brought that question on anyway?
on 2001-11-22 10:42 [#00054466]

hes just curious
from www.disfony.com on 2001-11-22 10:43 [#00054467]

Im me.
from UK on 2001-11-22 11:08 [#00054472]

Name's Chris, 20. I live in Tetbury in the Cotswolds of England. I'm a Graphic designer/Database designer. I'm quite partial to a spot of Tekken 4. Post on here when I'm bored at work. Gonna move out with my fiancé ina couple of months and lifes going well.
I enjoy this message board now... It's a bit better than a couple of months ago.
I hope that quenches your thirst for personal information? :)
from perth on 2001-11-22 13:47 [#00054508]

18 western australia techno, hiphop, grindcore / local metal
blood type : alcohol positive
from UK on 2001-11-22 13:51 [#00054509]

bottle it and sell it on. You'd be a rich man. Mines about 75% proof, £20 per litre bottle!
from grmny on 2001-11-22 16:15 [#00054538]

alex/24/germany/musicmaker/startinginformaticsnextyear/jazz /electronics/funk/sex/drugs/ambivalenttothislifeallthetime :-A
from UK on 2001-11-22 19:26 [#00054582]

16 male.
Just a thought, we are like 70% water, yes, so drinking water is like canabalism...
Am i right?
from (Mescalinum Rec.) on 2001-11-22 19:37 [#00054583]

Pusher of the Square
from mars on 2001-11-22 20:00 [#00054592]

18 year old space donkey, I'm from mars...... I like the BARON because he is the funniest person on this post. I want to become a proffesional disc jockey and play nothing but spice girls songs. But deep down inside, I wish I were a bear
from my bed on 2001-11-22 20:05 [#00054596]

Quoth's Screenwriting Friend
from Berlin on 2001-11-23 03:44 [#00054805]

Well, Curious Gay, I'm a 2 inch chaser looking for a chubby in the L.A. area or a trucker to hook up with on interstate 102.
from here on 2001-11-23 04:51 [#00054820]

i eat chinese food. draw, paint, make computer graphics. and i compose my own electronic music under the name Fervour. indeed...
from Sweden on 2001-11-23 11:00 [#00054871]

17 years old, Selector, DnB and BRAINDANCE is the thing!
from munich on 2001-11-23 13:16 [#00054923]

i eat children
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-23 15:07 [#00054947]

I'll bite. 18, m, 150 lbs, 5' 10'', 7 inches, first year of college, bachelor of arts, major English, I eat babies as well, recently broke up, so single, I love McDonalds french fries, fr Sydney, NScotia, Canada, play hockey, I love shaved vaginas, don't ask me why, just a preference, also have a foot fetish, she had the CUTEST lil toes, sniff :(, fave music, Beatles, Aphex, SPusher, Floyd, Autechre, Travis, MU-Ziq, BOCanada, The Who, The Stones, I've been known to be a special covery operative for the British Secret Service, for her Majesty, but don't tell anyone or I'll kill you.
That is all.
from UK on 2001-11-23 15:10 [#00054953]

Sorry to hear that mate. Splitting up sucks
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-23 15:14 [#00054956]

Thanks, it can be a bitch, although I never liked her much anyway, she wasn't my type, but she still didn't deserve to be dumped what I did to her, she's so sweet.
Yeah, I'll shut up, this isn't the Dr. Laura board.
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-23 15:15 [#00054957]

Thanks, it can be a bitch, although I never liked her much anyway, she wasn't my type, but she still didn't deserve to be dumped what I did to her, she's so sweet.
Yeah, I'll shut up, this isn't the Dr. Laura board.
from UK on 2001-11-23 15:16 [#00054958]

If you ever want a chat mate... I use messenger chri5py@hotmail.com.............
Just think Oprah
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-23 15:18 [#00054960]

Cool, I'll add you to my contact list later. That Oprah, she's so caring and compassionate.
from UK on 2001-11-23 15:22 [#00054963]

MONTEL WILLIAMS! {he make me moiiiiiiiiist!}
from munich on 2001-11-23 15:31 [#00054965]

i have a foot fetsish too. i love those female toes. anyone else?
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-23 15:44 [#00054974]

I also love noses, her toes and her nose. Mostly her toes, they drive me borderline insane.
tommy titwank
from smudfland on 2001-11-23 16:17 [#00054992]

i mostly like ;
looking at pornography, drinking warm milk, doing firm poos in my toilet, watching pigeons in flight, lettuce, dreams that you sort of understand, c19th polish folk music the word 'Cloths' extremes of temperature, hens. lets meet up.
from DE on 2001-11-23 16:21 [#00054993]

14/Male/Delaware. Right now I'm listening to 100% by Sonic Youth, so I like them, beastie boys, Aphex of course, squarepusher, venetian snares, radiohead, mr dibbs, bjork, rancid, anti pop consortium, at the drive-in, cylob, the casualties, the unseen, atari teenage riots, the doors, beck, bogdan raczynski, boards of canada, CKY, chemical brothers, cypress hill, gorillaz, the stooges, kraftwerk, misfits, mouse on mars, nofx, sparta, suicide machines, black flag, leftfield, thug murder, etc. My musical tastes are pretty diverse for my age, and I'm open to a lot of stuff. I also drum, and I was in a punk band, but they fucked the shit up!!!!!!!!!!! hahaahahahahahaaaaa!!!! I'm gonna be in another one though, also I'm aspiring to make some sort of electronic music or someting. it's goin alright so far. I'm in 9th grade. boy, I'm a smart motherfucker!!!!!! hahahahaahahahaa!11!!!!!!!!11111111
ok. thats it. oh yeah, e-mail me or something. beastieboyskater@aol.com
oh yeah. I skate too.
from bed and not on 2001-11-23 17:28 [#00055018]

any more girls here?
from NYC on 2001-11-23 18:52 [#00055045]

I'm 17, live in Manhattan, I used to listen to hip-hop but now I pretty much listen to Aphex, BoC, u-Ziq, Squarepusher, Mouse on Mars, Michael Jackson :). Trying to figure out where I can go to college and learn digital media & music. I play hardcore footbag (advance hackysack www.footbag.org), I do some gymnastics and I breakdance a little. I delay my college applications by wasting time posting messages on this board. I have sex with my ex-girlfriend whenever she comes back from college, which is now, because its thanksgiving. I used to be a heavy pot-smoker but I came to a pretty much complete halt after a revelation of sorts on my trip to Amsterdam (ironic no?) I'm interested in taking hallucinogenic drugs for spiritual/consciousness expanding purposes (sort of in the footsteps of the guru's of the 60's, Ken Kesey, Timothy Leary, Richard Alpert [Ram Dass]). I like webdesign, filmmaking, digital music (of course), The Simpsons, digital photography, special effects. About a year ago I made a website for my "artistic" pictures you can see it at www.stryph.com. Here's me a year ago Halloween as Alex from ACO, one of my favorite flicks/books. My parents are divorced, I have an older brother (22) who is a concert classical pianist in training, that is, he practices 7 hours a day. When he was my age, he introduced me to aphex, IDM, braindance, drum n bass, electronica, or whatever you want to call it. I'm mostly Eastern European white jewish except for my mother's father who is from Bengali India. I have visited my family in Calcutta & Kashmir (a fucking amazing place) a few times. I know hardly anyone in real life who listens to aphex or electronica like I do, so I'm always up for making new friends.
If you a) play footbag b) want to be my friend, or penpal c) know where I should go to college d) want me to come visit you to go on a 3 day peyote (or whatever) binge (only for the right reasons, I'd be happy to go to Europe, I go all the time)
e) want to send me a death threat f) live in new york
email me: xanatos@nyc.rr.com
Sorry for writing a fucking essay, but it helps delay the pain of the work I should be doing...
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-23 20:35 [#00055052]

Xanatos, you look exactly like my cousin, too funny.
I'm going to take this opportunity to send you a death threat, since that was one of a multitude of options.
I'm going to kill you.
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-23 22:03 [#00055079]

I'm tall, dark, and handsome... I like walks on the beach, and romantic candle lit dinners... if you share these interests, please e-mail me at hornybastard@blah.com
teapot / vi scose poise
from yeesland on 2001-11-24 03:49 [#00055147]

im 19. im male. im 6'1 and i was like born in spain, but live most of my life in Blackpool, england. i now reside in Brisbane (hole) Australia... im a net junky! i have the love of my life... i love Soccer!! (football too be correct) and i listen too basically all kinds of music... from Jamiroquia too autechre to jeff buckley to NIN to coldplay... im an insomniac... i hardly ever sleep.. im doing a degree in visual arts... i despise drugs... errrrrrr what else... i have black hair, green eyes, and a huge scar on my collarbone (when i was a kid i poured a kettle on myself, hardcore)
thats about all.... oh my real name is James.
from my bed so get on 2001-11-24 13:08 [#00055227]

so no more girls then? where's Gemma?
wizards teeth
on 2001-11-24 17:26 [#00055248]

hello i am 24
i love loads of things :
i purchased a new jumper on thursday, it is mostly blue but has some nice stripes on it (horizontal) of cource
Toms dinner
from uk on 2001-11-24 17:40 [#00055253]

dj/creater/male/uk/25, are Fit chick and Gemma the only girls here? don't girls like the twin? all the girls i know do : )
Ceri JC
from Wales on 2001-11-24 17:41 [#00055254]

I'm 19 from pontypridd, Wales. My hometown is Barry (it has the highest juvenile crime rate in Europe!).
This is my rather shit website.
I'm 6'2" with black hair and blue eyes. I study computing and dragon style kung-fu.
I am a Christian of my own denomination and have an interest in the following:
literature, photography, fine art, Warhammer 40,000 (Dark Eldar), All genres of music, but especially electronic. Philosophy. Judo. Marksmanship.
from Lincoln on 2001-11-24 18:34 [#00055258]

17/male/Name=Patrick/I drum, strum the guitar, play the piano, listen to a lot of music. I love to produce simple, vocal reconstructions.
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-24 19:21 [#00055261]

I emailed Hornybastard@blah.com, and didn't get a response. WHERE'S THAT WALK ON THE BEACH YOU PROMISED?!?!?!?!
from Cornwall on 2001-11-24 23:01 [#00055297]

I live in a dark black box in the corner.
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-24 23:40 [#00055304]

be patient man... I have a lot of e-mails to respond to... :)
from St Louis on 2001-11-25 15:55 [#00055374]

17, male, St. Louis MO USA I like playing the guitar and listening to Tool, Radiohead, Aphex Twin, Fantomas, Alkaline Trio, Slayer, Weezer (old only). I attempt to skateboard occasionally. Anyone who wants to email me or talk through MSN, I'm comeonyouslags@hotmail.com
Peace out, yo mama
from Kosta Rikan Concentration Camp on 2001-11-25 20:48 [#00055436]

19/m 3ft. Tall, short, balding, mexican and muscular. I like sex. I like very young females, cats, and small dogs. Please translate any inquiries into Latin, then send to: Glass@ithinkigaveyouaids.com
from kansas on 2001-11-25 22:18 [#00055473]

Well, i'm 13 male single and looking, i have home-school 'cause i got made fun of ALOT, and now i'm a DJ.
from a real dj on 2001-11-25 22:46 [#00055493]

what clubs do u play? what do you play? decks or cd ?
from University of Western Sydney (hawkesbury Campus) on 2001-11-26 00:35 [#00055533]

Tek, 16 Male.. Used to be a regualr on this board in the good ol' days, but then moved to uni, where the internet is a scarceity. so now my visit's here are limited
Fav's Aphex (obviously) Autechre NIN (at the moment ;) Underworld
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-26 02:44 [#00055577]

I wonder...
from kansas on 2001-11-26 02:57 [#00055579]

My name is jupiter, you can call me jj,
i like AFX the chemical brothers Polygon window Basement jaxx( Kind of) Underworld Groove Armada Lo fidelity all-stars Daft Punk DJ Shadow Goldie Radio-head The Androids
I have two web-sites under construction, and they are all for me and my DJing buddy, we call our-selves 'The androids', we are coming out with an album next year (November or December).
I Battled AFX once and won, we have been in touch ever since, he sends me the dopest stuff you can ever think about, he even sent me a neck-laese with his symbol on it.
e-mail me at::: dbx007@hotmail.com
Thank you for your time :)
from kansas on 2001-11-26 03:03 [#00055580]

I spin house, techno, and de-constructed-jazz, My mom n pop are in a very dead relationship, me and my sister hate each other, the chemical brothers are my heros, my fav song from AFX is fingerbib, all of my friends stabed me in the back (no pun intended) I still don't have any friends (i think).
Thank you for your time again :)
from St.JOnn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-26 04:54 [#00055593]

wow jupiter, i'm sorry its like that for you. Dont worry, it may seem like everyone around you are having great lives, but we all have our problems, just some greater then others.
from Colorado on 2001-11-26 05:37 [#00055602]

I am a 15 year old sexxy musak makar! I love AFX he has inpired me to produce such songs as aphendixion, insane bubbles, ambient crackers, and others that arent on my site yet! STUPEED 56k blows my butt!....wait...it blows your butt!! anyway, i am into computer alot and love teh net, i love cylob, afx,crystal meth, chem bros. dj shadow, NIN, tom petty,bach,pink floyd,green day,Tenacious d, Tool, PRODIGY, and otherz that i dont want to take tha time to name cuz i need to get ready to go to teh sleep for i have a high school hockey practice at 5 am that means 4 hours of sleep fro me!!! I make musak and work for geeklab.net, texas mafia, AND CALIENTE ONLINE!!! OK bed fro me you dumbshoes!
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