BarBar Limm
on 2001-11-21 19:58 [#00054249]

Vast trouser console 44:
The New 256Bit Console that I am releasing. I call it 256 bit coz the
Joystick port can do 256bit instructions, Nothing else is 256bit, however,
but i wont tell anyone that. It will be marketted as the Revolutionary New
Super Fast 256Bit Console From HandTendOny.
The cpu is 1 bit The Joypad has 2 buttons which are a 4ft Triangle and a 2 inch Rhombus
Do you catatonia?
the media it uses are Feathers. These Feathers can store up to 4 GIGAFLOPS
and run with an access time of 4 grapes per hour.
An Addon will be available to those Power Hungry ppl whop dont want to run
PC software.
A Whole Live Chicken lets you access new superfast MunkRAM.
The Chicken must be inserted Live and by hand into a special JEBRONIE port
located on the celing of your house.
THe first game to be released is OTTAR III.
Our research indicates that The public were not too happy with the last
OTTAR installment entitiled Ottar II here are some comments by some Human
Beings found on the streets.:
Mr ChuckerChucker said "Ottar III? I hope it's as good as Ottar 1 was. The
sequal never quite lived up to it. It was by definition as good, but it just
didn't have the same feel."
Ronaldo Shoerackish mumbled. "But the music was different! You can't have
Ottar without the same music.
Smelly Student Scum "You made the characters a little bit taller, so they
lost part of their cartooney feel. Although the graphics were, admittedly,
far improved."
A Piece of Cheese said "I liked the way the characters were still restricted
to paths though. I heard you've been thinking of taking that out for the
third game - DON'T."
The 3rd JoyPort on the N64 said. "Ottar2 was probably the best Ottar-style
game out there. Don't break what ain't broke."
A Dead Rose Bush said. "If the third game lives up to the first two,
(despite the sequal's few flaws,) I will certainly buy it. You guys sure can
make that one bit go a long way."
I totally agree We had major script problems from that start on the Sequal
"Sat ELLO to da BLUE GUY"!!!
THE INSIDERS are gonna molest you.
heheh The Raw Boy that amused me I tell you
from www.disfony.com on 2001-11-21 21:00 [#00054272]

you lost me at "the"
from Smak Land on 2001-11-21 21:06 [#00054274]

How much is 1 of these...Machines i would like 1 as soon as possible, also if it is good i will by more and sell them to stoopid disadvantaged blind orphans.
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-21 22:02 [#00054286]

Is this true?
from . on 2001-11-22 23:21 [#00054666]

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