fat fero
from Ireland on 2001-02-24 18:09 [#00000367]

does n e one know how richard makes his software and stuff? i think it would be interesting to know.
Id Lab
from Brakehorse.com on 2001-02-24 23:50 [#00000423]

Richard used to make analogue synths, and though he has written some software, I think he mainly uses Pro Tools now (RDJ Album onwards).
and twenty phase
from youesseh on 2001-02-25 18:20 [#00000470]

Do you think he uses Reaktor...I think that piece of gear is getting some heavy use from MANY electronic artists currently..but thats just my assumption.
and twenty phase
from youesseh on 2001-02-25 18:21 [#00000471]

Do you think he uses Reaktor...I think that piece of gear is getting some heavy use from MANY electronic artists currently..but thats just my assumption.
from Cambs, UK on 2001-02-26 09:44 [#00000517]

I reckon reaktors all good and everything. But the sound quality always sounds a bit rubbish.. I've used it myself, but not as much as I'd have wanted too.
He said he used a typed programming language somewhere which is like Cobalt or something..... (I am probably spelling that wrong). But that's an old programming language. Nothing like Reaktor, although I'm sure he uses it in a similar way.
fat fero
from Ireland on 2001-03-01 00:57 [#00000624]

where do you get all this reaktor etc. is it software? if so where do u get it, if not what is it, a keyboard or sampler or something?
from Cambs, UK on 2001-03-01 09:44 [#00000630]

Reaktor is softwsare.. You can build virtual synths and stuff with it. And sample effects and things..
you can get it at .... www.native-instruments.com (And a crack from somewhere, look at astalavista.com)
Id Lab
from www.brakehorse.com on 2001-03-01 20:54 [#00000656]

That programming language will be COBOL. Reaktor is meant to be the most complex soft synth, though it's easier to get good sounds out of Vaz, Orangator, or SimSynth.
Rik Fuzz
from Peterborough, Cambs, UK on 2001-03-01 22:57 [#00000665]

Reaktor / generator is far supperior to VAZ modular. Although I think the sound of vaz is better.. Not sure. If anyone is interested I've uploaded an example of Reaktor.
a patch I made on the moog prodigy.
recreated the whole synth in Reaktor and that's the sound at the same settings. Notice how the sounds thin and the resonance is fucky on the second one..
from manchester on 2001-03-02 20:30 [#00000682]

God, my pc is too slow to run reaktor!! It needs 300Mhz and 64mb ram!!! That is one bitch of a program!
from New Zealand on 2001-03-02 23:27 [#00000683]

I think my software is crappy but I'm starting to think I'm complaining for no good reason. I use Compaq Wav Maker, which is just a simple wave editor and is the main thing I use to just cut & paste the different peices of the song together. I also use a demo of acid wav, has all the features, you just can't use 'em all at once. I just got Simsynth, which I think is awesome, and for my latest song I finished I used Coagula a bit.
Is that a good selection? If not, whats some good stuff to get? What's protools like?
Wizard MaC
from Holland on 2001-03-09 11:51 [#00000830]

My virtual studio allows me to make almost everything I want...maybe i'm a software freak ;-)
It consists of: -TraXVoX:great oldstyle tracker with VST -AudioMulch:make your own weird modular sfx setups and throw some WAVs through them!
-CoolEdit 95: for "microscopic" wav editing -Reaktor: THE BEST YOU CAN GET, an empire of synthesis. -Stomper Hyperion: make bassdrums and weird effects. -Orion: great sound, but I don't use it often. (hey, I'm NOT a trance producer, and trackers give more flexibility to sequence songs)
-AnalogX ScratchIt:not really like a SL1200, but when you cut the scratches you like in a wave-editor it's very usable!!
-AnalogX SayIt: weird computer talks, or when you put the pitch on top, some Atari sounds!
-a lot of VST Fx/instruments: for even more synthesize-power and for the fx and mastering in the tracker.
Maybe I'm forgotten some programs, but these programs still enable you to make almost everything you want!
from Manchester, England. on 2001-03-09 11:58 [#00000832]

mine consists of:
Audiomulch, Fruity loops, This crazy algarhytm software i never use, i think it is called fragmis or something like that,
A coupld of synth programs. Recycle, lots and lots of plugins and effects.
from http://www.polymetrik.com on 2001-03-09 23:30 [#00000849]

And what do you think about Reason ? I use it and it's a very good soft...
from manchester on 2001-03-10 03:10 [#00000853]

reason? i have never heard of it. What is it? what can it do? Where can i get it from etc etc. Thankyou
from http://www.polymetrik.com on 2001-03-10 23:54 [#00000877]

check the site www.propellerheads.se for more informations
from australia on 2001-03-12 00:29 [#00000915]

reply to WIZARD MAC - If you search hard enough you can find cool edit 2000,.. the shareware can be patched to full version, and there is a working crack for it, but only for version 1.0 not 1.1 ( or if you want I could send it to you:)
Wizard Ma©
from Holland on 2001-03-12 10:43 [#00000937]

Thanx, and here's a great hint for you: 1 Run Reaktor (or any other program) and Cool Edit at the same time.
2 Press the record button in Cool Edit 3 Play a note in Reaktor (or any other program) and Cool Edit records it!
4 Save your wav file and you've got another FREE sound of Reaktor (or any other program)...
fat fero
from Dublin, Ireland on 2001-03-12 22:42 [#00000968]

this cool edit thing sounds pretty good, n e 1 care to send it to me or tell me where to get it?
from australia on 2001-03-13 01:45 [#00000982]

Fat Fero - I'll send it to you,.. my icq# is 99556922, just put "cool edit" in the authorisation request window,(if anybody else wants cool edit 2000, just do the same)
from GTA on 2001-03-16 20:29 [#00001089]

Hey Buzz is a soft synth too! For exchange could somebody send me a full working FruityLoops 3.01? I know it is an illegal requirement. :-)
from manchester on 2001-03-16 20:36 [#00001091]

i have fruity loops 2.5 They sent me teh e-mail to upgrade to v3 but i unfortunetly deleted it, so i cannto get it now :-(
from wünderland on 2001-03-17 18:40 [#00001111]

My gear consists of: =a midikeyboard(+cakewalk)yuk =madtracker2 =the circuits from a walkman, i can make som pretty funny noises with it, i also record tapenoise and hisses and clicks.
=a cheap 10$ keyboard, (i ripped every part of it off though, and i am trying to connect it to my little vocoder).
=my cute MZ-R70 to record everything i want in digital stereo.
=sonic syndicates orion thingie. =fruityloop, stomper,cooledit pro+ lots of other stuff. =a window, a gameboy and a NES.
from manchester on 2001-03-17 23:43 [#00001112]

that is the best setup i have ever seen!!!( i am not being sarcastic)
from wünderland on 2001-03-18 17:10 [#00001119]

thanx. i am also about to create a site where one can listen to tunes and that.
from portugal on 2001-06-29 18:37 [#00011412]

i am going to buy reaktor 3.0 but i dont understand a sh... about it can any one tell me where can i download the reaktor 3.0 manual please i have the 2.3 demo and that little manual isnt good. please help
from los angles on 2001-08-02 21:34 [#00019406]

hey you can download reaktor from http://www.soundstudio.ru/ i just downloaded it but it was a huge file but well worth it
on 2001-08-18 10:51 [#00022954]

Buzz is terribly powerfull right now
You can get latest Jeskola Buzz version from my site at downloads section
from Sudbury, Ontario on 2001-08-24 19:46 [#00025473]

true dat,, wut up dawg
from Sudbury, Ontario on 2001-08-24 19:47 [#00025474]

so when is a crack for Fruity Loops 3.1.1 coming up,, I've been looking for weeks. If somebody wants to trade full version coolEdit 2000 for a crack I'm willing to trade
meet me on icq and ask at 67672107
from Sudbury, Ontario on 2001-08-24 19:48 [#00025476]

thx djlaser for your cool program as i speak this i'm trying to figure out how the hell it work lates dawg
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