from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-16 07:06 [#00052637]

I don't, never have, never will. I don't have anything against people who do, don't get me wrong, but the hardcore potheads I know, aren't, uh, going anywhere in life. They're mostly comic relief, it's almost funny to watch them worship that fucking plant. Yikes. I can't believe they're still doing that, at 19 and 20! It's embarrassing to see a frat boy in a Hawaiin shirt, with one of those marijuana leaf necklace things, hat backwards, smoking a joint. They think they're so cool and hardcore, it just makes me smile. So it's turned me off of drugs. I think if I DID weed, I'd like it, but the pot smokers I know are much dumber than the NON smokers, so I think it'll affect my brain. They don't THINK it does any harm. The jokes on them, I just laugh when I see the naive fools smoking bowls in the parks to ''rebel'' against authority. Badass! :) My buddy just go into it it's like hanging with a 12 year old that thinks he's hardcore cuz he has a cigarette!
I don't mind pot, maybe it should even be legalized. I know some smart people who do it OCCASIONALLY. But if you do cocaine or heroin or something, I have no respect for you, you're absolutely pathetic.
Anyway, what substances do you abuse your body with? I'm looking at you, Picklefoot. I won't think any less of you if you're a pothead, some of my best friends are potheads, but I guess I'm ambitous, like Julius Caesar, so pot would dumb me up more than I'd like.
Drugs have to do with Aphex, so this isn't TOO off topic.
This rant is brought to you because my buddy just came knocking on my window with glazed eyes, giggling like a schoolgirl. He's got an exam tomorrow, and the poor little boy is doomed. What an idiot! :)
I'm half asleep, and I think too much when I'm half asleep. Good night.
Jig Johnson
on 2001-11-16 08:17 [#00052641]

i don't believe using drugs has anything to do with stupidity...but there are alot of people who abuse drugs, and do them for the wrong reasons...drugs are an incredible tool to explore your brain with, and there is nothing stupid about that...i guess you know alot of the wrong people, but all my friends are into drug experimentation and none of them seem the slightest bit stupid...in fact, they're some of the most intelligent people i know...i smoke weed regularly and use harder drugs, (acid, mushrooms) on occasion...I have never experienced anything bad with them that would make me consider stopping using them...
from Amsterdam on 2001-11-16 08:22 [#00052643]

"I can't believe they're still doing that, at 19 and 20!"
thats me fucked then! i love my little baby buds, giving birth every 10 weeks is fantastic.
i've been a 'Hardcore' as you say, smoker for 15 years now, and apart from the short term memory loss, and i'd say that is one of the true facts that researchers have found out about canabis, THC use, i'm fine, well, in my own mind anyway. I do take mdma on a regular basis too, but i'd say my main choice of drug is THC, havn't smoked hash for about 5 years now, probably due to hash abuse early on, now it's just buds for me.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-11-16 08:54 [#00052649]

i smoke oil on and off. it helps me make music, it lets me focus and concentrate. i am high right now. and i think i am gonna fuck around with the moonlight sonata, such a great song.
Barrett, Syd
from T dot. on 2001-11-16 09:41 [#00052658]

Lots. Drugs fucking rock.
from In your head on 2001-11-16 10:24 [#00052665]

Lets post our drug habits on the internet!! What a good idea!! ...
Practicly everyone I know does one drug or another, and alcohol is one of the worst.
from grmny on 2001-11-16 10:33 [#00052668]

i think same as jig johnson ... your people all seem to have a problem ... and i think it is very important to know WHEN the drugs are alright for you, y´know, when you start it!! if you start at an early age, it might easily happen, that you´re not ready for it in that way, that you just don´t know if it´s right or wrong ... hmmm, that´s hard for me to put in words, i hope you get what i mean ... you have to know what you want in your life (then drugs are a good buddy), cause if not drugs will easily become your life ... k, ´nough now ;-)
Coke Head Swinger #12
from The Slums Of Beverly Hills on 2001-11-16 10:34 [#00052669]

I'm a coke head, I'm so pathetic in Ophecks' eyes, help me. Really, when I say "I want coke," what I'm really saying is "I want help." This slutty lifestyle aint doin' me no good.
m i f f
from c y m r u on 2001-11-16 10:38 [#00052671]

i have'nt done any lsd for about 2 years now but i believe that it is an experience everyone should try at least once.
Coke Head Swinger #12
from The Slums Of Beverly Hills on 2001-11-16 10:41 [#00052672]

My Dad smoked pot one time and it made him a homo sexual. This one time I blew ciggarette smoke into my dog's eyes, next day it died.
from UK on 2001-11-16 10:41 [#00052673]

I smoke occasionly but thats as far as I'll ever go. It aint worth it.
from afxs dusters on 2001-11-16 10:44 [#00052677]

tricky badger-its the best. leaves you a bit canal for a few weeks though...
Coke Head Swinger #12
from The Slums Of Beverly Hills on 2001-11-16 10:46 [#00052679]

Charles Barkley is a cool dude.
from dublin on 2001-11-16 10:52 [#00052680]

i'm in a music making phase where, if i didn't do drugs....my tunes would sound CRAP!...otherwise they're pretty good and me and my mates 'get' them
from UK on 2001-11-16 10:53 [#00052681]

Ophecks I totally agree with you mate! Explore your mind?! I 've never taken LSD but I dont feel the need to explore my mind. I have everything I want right here. Surely its not a tool but more of an escape. Using it to make music means that you're obviously not relying souly on your talent.
The only common drugs I use are pot drink and various medcines for cold and flu.
from dublin on 2001-11-16 11:06 [#00052687]

ah i don't MAKE the music so much stoned or pilling....just listen to it a lot off me head.
i got no fucking talent at all, but I love my stuff and am quitting this shit computer job here to work in my mates B&B where i'll spend 1% of the time minding it and the rest making music on his PC!.......I wanna escape AND explore. Some people naturally have it - I've convinced myself i need a hand. The dad smokes his tits off at age 60 and the paternal influence is strong i'm afraid. I'm a happy camper!
Jig Johnson
on 2001-11-16 11:16 [#00052695]

just because you use drugs to make music doesn't mean you aren't using your own talent... a drug experience brings up tons of otherwise dormant thoghts and ideas...but they are still yours...its the same if you make music that is inspired by dreams...drug experiences and dreams i feel are alot alike...i believe that it gives you a heightened awareness...your senses are put on full blast...if you feel no need to do drugs then you shouldn't do them...for me using drugs is an experience that i choose to have, because i know i can look back and appreciate it....its much the same as why mountain climbers climb mountains...or anybody does anything... getting married, having children, travelling the world...its all to experience life to its fullest...its nothing less...for me anyhow...
from tc on 2001-11-16 11:29 [#00052698]

I do coke and E sometimes but I keep my limits. theres a difference between using drugs and being addicted to them. I know people who wont go to party if they dont have ecstasy. dont really understand music when Im high on E, it just keeps me going...on and on and on...hihih.
but when it gomes to pot it should not be categorised as a drug.it should be on same level with alcohol...or even lower.
90% of the people I know smoke it. other 10% is some of my family.
ok read this and youll think the same:
300 000+ people die in USA every year from the cause of cigarettes,alcohol,drug owerdoses and shit like that.
but the whole medical histori (like 5000 years) has no registred case of death
caused by smokin cannabis. ex. like car crashes done by potheads, but its the same thing as drunkdriveing!
by prof. Jack Herer
there you have it, so dont yak about pot being a drug anymore. its pure nature!!! like an appletree!!!
from here and going on 2001-11-16 11:50 [#00052704]

I uses to do every thing but jack up and then i found my self now I smoke weed now and again but drug are for people that are loss in this world and have no meaning,
from grmny on 2001-11-16 12:33 [#00052722]

so you only have sometimes no meaning in this world, hu?
from Here and going on 2001-11-16 12:40 [#00052723]

That I chose to have meaning but i like to take time off, as nothing is that important!
from grmny on 2001-11-16 12:41 [#00052724]

hehe, good answer ;-A
from In your head on 2001-11-16 13:17 [#00052743]

Seems like theres 2 types of people; 1. the ones who know what drugs are, and what they do, & 2. The ones who haven't got a clue.
The first type of people either take drugs or don't.
The second type of people either die from drugs or spend their time trying to put drugs users down through pure ignorance.
Ophecks, if it wasn't your intention to judge us "hopeless, dumb druggies" what IS the point of this post ??
Might aswell start doing "whats your favorite colour?" or "what magazines do you read" posts.
from grmny on 2001-11-16 13:20 [#00052744]

... and if your favorite colour is red ... you´re an idiot ;-A
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-16 13:44 [#00052754]

I find that everyone around here that does drugs, wears it like a badge of honour, and tries to make me feel bad. ''Come on, man, open your miiiiind!!'' Uh, my mind's pretty open, thanks. Go back to your bong. They feel the need to brag bout how stoned they get every night. ''Man, I smoked SOOOOO much last night, man.'' They can't shut up about their stupid habits. Most of them did it out of peer pressure, too, THAT'S pathetic. Did it to look cool, and now they couldn't stop if they wanted to. But they DON'T relized how stupid it is, cuz they're too fried to see it.
Ceri JC
from Wales on 2001-11-16 13:47 [#00052755]

I've only once had a really good time on weed and that was when we were smoking straight bud (no tobaco) in our lunchbreak. It was so funny cutting peoples lawns out of your box and trying to keep a straight face talking to them.
That said I don't smoke very often and usually regret it when I do. I don't think I'd ever do hard drugs as I've seen people fuck up on them and I know my willpower isn't that great.
Sound Assassin
from The Patent Office UK on 2001-11-16 14:01 [#00052757]

Drugs are for the unimaginative.
Have fun (without drugs!)
Jig Johnson
on 2001-11-16 15:39 [#00052781]

I don't see anyone telling you to do drugs...and i don't know about everyone else, but i'm certainly not bragging...i'm just speaking my thoughts on a topic YOU brought up...
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-16 15:39 [#00052782]

Yeah, I don't do drugs or any kind... never have, never will... I don't even drink... I endulge in caffine... I drink a lot of coffee, and strangely enough, I find that relaxes me... even though it's supposed to do the opposite... hmmm... ah well... I have nothing against anyone who does drugs, but I just don't want to do it... and I definately disagree with legalizing Marijauna... legalize it for medicinal purposes, sure, but if you legalize it for anyone, well that's stupid... The governments are doing everything possible to deter people from smoking cigarettes, except making it illegal, so why would you legalize marijauna? Also, I think that sure, some people could handle marijauna, and only occasionally use it, but I feel that some people might try marijuana, and then move on to other, harder stuff... anyways, just my opinions...
from In your head on 2001-11-16 15:49 [#00052787]

Cannabis is legal in alot of places, Amsterdam for example ...
What do you think would happen if it was legalised? The whole country would suddenly start smoking it? What would happen is, the price would go down meaning people wouldn't have to steal and stuff to get the money, the quality would go up meaning less illness and it would lose it's excitement factor because it's no longer illegal meaning less kids start smoking it.
from dublin on 2001-11-16 16:09 [#00052788]

i got maybe 50 years left on this rock in space. I don't shit on my own doorstep and i don't step on anyones toes. I'm not trying to achieve any kind of utopia or tell anyone else what is good for them. I smoke dope moderately, do pills once a monthish and am open to other class A's once i know its good shit + i do acid when i'm already in a happy place with freinds i trust. Thats my fucking intelligent choice as a human being and to hell with anyone who interferes with my personal, no-harm-to-anyone shit.
If i had a family etc i would naturally cut down and inform the sprogs of ALL pros and cons as any copped-on parent should do. Governments and lobbys and movements are transitory and in general are ruled by the mob and the mob is a dangerous, stupid animal.
fucking hell...heavy stuff for a friday!!!!
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-16 16:14 [#00052790]

I should clear something I said up. I said ''everyone around here'' brags. I didn't mean on THIS BOARD, I meant in my college. My bad.
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-16 16:16 [#00052791]

And I quit alcohol a couple months ago, too. What a goodie-two-shoes I am.
from dublin on 2001-11-16 16:50 [#00052806]

time to go home, smoke a fat one and get stupid
from UK on 2001-11-16 17:03 [#00052812]

i dont do drugs often. I dont use them to oen my mind, because they don't, they merely numb it.
I take it when i'm with my mates, or at a party, and use to to enjoy myself, like alcohol. I think people that use it every night are as stupid as they are addicted. I see cannabis as something to enjoy once in a while.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from From my "special" place on 2001-11-16 20:18 [#00052861]

The Baron has been known to take a few drugs now and then!!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!!
on 2001-11-17 02:50 [#00052927]

if you just do drugs out of peer pressure and your only doing it because you think your "cool", than obviously your a dickhead. if you become addicted because of peer pressure than you can suck my balls, cause your a fucking idiot too. now, if your like me and you do drugs cause you enjoy them and like experience "far out" shit.. then its cool. at least, i think so..
i think everyone should at least try pot once. if you dont like it, that sucks for you. all the more for me i guess.
Quoth\\\'s Screenwriting Friend
from Berlin on 2001-11-17 03:13 [#00052929]

Yes, we can't all say our opinion is fact like Ophecks does, "drugs suck because I don't like them because they suck."
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-17 03:52 [#00052935]

Sorry I came across that way, really. I don't mind them, do it all you want, but I think they suck. It's not a fact, really, but I'm betting it... kind of is. It's harmful, or has the potential to BE harmful if you're an idiot. And there's a LOT of idiots. You all seem quite balanced, no big drug problems, you make good points, but one of my friends was like that, now he's an addicted cocaine snorter and it's sad to see. He started out with pot, cuz it's ''opened his mind'', and, well, moved on to other stuff. Hopefully youse guys are smarter than that? Not everyone is, and it's great that YOU don't have a problem, pat yourself on the back, but other poor suckers DO.
Oddioblender (formerly Organ Grinder)
from from my own little fantasy world on 2001-11-17 08:36 [#00052988]

The worst i have done is marijuana, but most people don't consider that a drug these days..... i do it quite often though... but then again i'm also a chain smoker.... you know us Americans, we all have to die from some sort of cancer. :)
on 2001-11-17 09:23 [#00052992]

I've used drawing, Doom2, Sonic the hedgehog and intricate music as drugs. It helps your imagination to have a lack of mental stimulation for long periods of time, which is why I was able to draw weird things when I was in school.
Sand Lepus
from Louisville, KY on 2001-11-17 09:41 [#00052995]

I've never taken any drugs in my life and I don't plan on it. My imagination is insanely vivid as it is. I can picture anything I want in my mind. When I was in school and when I rode the bus home I'd get bored so I'd imagine all of the buildings and houses around me exploding and flying to pieces. I could keep track of individual bricks 'n' stuff. Basically what I'm saying is that I don't need to "explore my brain" or anything retarded and foolish as that. If you need drugs to have creative sparks or have fun you're fucking boring and uncreative. I have plenty of friends that smoke pot and such (I was friends with a guy who was nicknamed Pothead. He was a math genius, I swear to God.) but they don't try to pressure me to do anything and I don't feel the need to. I've had people I know who would've sworn that I take all sorts of drugs based on the music I listen to, things that I say, and the way I behave. I'm generally a weird person, yaaaaayyyrrrrrhjghg...
Anyways, I personally have no need for drugs, but I don't hate other people for enjoying 'em. It only bugs me when people practically live for it and talk about it all the time. GET A HOBBY, SPARKY!
on 2001-11-17 09:49 [#00052996]

Is a sand lepus one of those giant sand worms from beetlegeuse? Do you have any "art" online, as I would like to observe products of your superly enhanced imagination. Wasn't superman stupid? He's missing a middle name. Super ___ man? Super potatoe man is better.
Korben Dallas
from 5th element on 2001-11-17 10:27 [#00052998]

all true [but this is my 2 cents worth]
- yeah, some people do drugs to escape, some to it to experiment, others do it just to have a good time or find it gives them a burst of creativity ... or all combined.
- and while some people might say: i have a brilliant vivid imagination, lack no creativity, can have a good time without em, can explore my mind sufficiently and need not escape anything. This is all legitimate etc. All i think, aside from all this, is that there is a certain character building thing involved in drug taking (i guess it can be classified as experimentation/self exploration) ... but drug taking is such a common thing, that while i don't want everyone to be addicts, i think it is equally illogical to ignore it - and so occasional indulgences give one a all rounded view on life, and a better appreciation of other peoples view points - and thus regardless of all the risks etc. associated with drug taking / it can be seen as a benefit.
Fuck , i think i've exceeded those 2cents ..
moon fear moon
from philippines on 2001-11-17 13:07 [#00053006]

cornholes, sent weather wax. my slunk leg slunk two tone feather sled? runid mundle stink bats and flour, mix murphy murphy murphy murphy murphy. murphy. morphy. morphi. morphine. sweatvats alcologne.
from NYC on 2001-11-17 14:29 [#00053012]

Used to be a heavy pothead until I looked at what I was doing from a third person perspective and realized what a waste it is.
The only thing I'm really interested in doing now is certain Hallucinogens for my own little experiment on "consciousness-altering". I don't really have the desire to do drugs to feel good or forget about my problems like a lot of people use pot for.
from mp3.com/quadrapelegicrobotik on 2001-11-17 14:50 [#00053019]

mary jane is alot better for you then beer...sure mary slows you down alot, but beer destroys brain cells///mary does not
from New York on 2001-11-17 15:24 [#00053021]

It helps you write music too!
from manchester on 2001-11-17 16:03 [#00053024]

I have recently decided that man cannot POSSIBLY synthesise a drug that even NEARLY compares to anythgin nature has created.
mushrooms and weed are lovely :)
Korben Dallas: Hell, i'd say u almost made 4 cents :-)
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-17 18:32 [#00053041]

Sand Lepus, my sentiments exactly. The day I need CHEMICALS to get my brain to be creative, is the day I rip the medulla ungumblatta (sp?) out of my skull and stomp it into a thick paste. I don't know anybody that has a mind like mine, why would I desecrate it with mind altering shit?
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