from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-15 23:49 [#00052493]

hello all. what are your alarm clocks set to? my clock is 20 minutes fast and was set for 7:13 am, meaning that i was actually waking up at 6:53 am. i have now set my alarm clock to go off at 7:47 am, meaning that now i am actually waking at 7:27 am.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-15 23:50 [#00052494]

there is not enough discussion of alarm clocks on this board, hence my reason for devoting a topic to alarm clocks.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-11-15 23:54 [#00052495]

alarm clocks are my WORST FRIEND. set for 6:30AM
my roomates is set to 5AM and that fucker leaves it on all weekend when hes gone and it wakes me up!! ugh
on 2001-11-15 23:55 [#00052496]

Mine wakes me up at 7:00, regularly, but on days that I have to go to Jazz band it is set for 5:30.
My alarm clock is very small and is battery operational, so it doesnt reset every time the power goes out here, wich is once about every week or so.
from Trondheim, Norway on 2001-11-15 23:59 [#00052497]

Mine has a 9-minutes snooze..... mmmmmm....snoooooozzzzeeee.
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-16 00:45 [#00052520]

Mine goes off at 8:30, and I robotically jump out and slam the snooze button and jump in to bed again.
All without waking up.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-11-16 00:54 [#00052530]

damn i'd die to be able to sleep IN UNTIL 8:30.. bah!
from PAlAcIlsuRRounDSouND on 2001-11-16 00:56 [#00052533]

My casio alarm clock has played me Mozart's 40th every fucking morning for the last twelve years goddammit!
If i ever meet that Mozart dude i'm goona kick his skinny ass!
from 45.3507 mice elbows on 2001-11-16 00:57 [#00052534]

why i set my alarm clock for so early i dont know. i dont have to work until 9 am. typically, i hit the snooze button until 20 minutes till 9 am. that gives me ten minutes to get ready, and ten minutes for the drive to work. i am very lazy and dont like waking up.
one day i will learn to freeze time and will no longer have to worry about clocks.
from PAlAcIlsuRRounDSouND on 2001-11-16 00:58 [#00052536]

I set my alarm clock soo early i had to get up last week to switch it off...
Baron Von Picklefoot
from From my "Special" place on 2001-11-16 00:59 [#00052537]

I have 4 alarm clocks and none of them are set to the correct time !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!!
Little Lord Faulteroy
from http://www.ampcast.com/psgen on 2001-11-16 01:01 [#00052539]

"I robotically jump out and slam the snooze button and jump in to bed again.
All without waking up."
Oh man! Me too! The alarm clock gets into my dreams and fucks up my head, totally confuses me, after about 2 minutes I am half awake and realise what it is, then turn it off again.
on 2001-11-16 01:12 [#00052547]

i would get up and turn the alarm clock off and get back into bed without ever waking up, so i trained myself to set the alarm clock far enough away from me that i have to get up and out of bed and walk across the room before turning it off. it usually works fine that way. my alarm is usually set at 1:30 pm but i always wind up turning it off and sitting in bed like a zombie for the next half hour.
from mp3.com/quadrapelegicrobotik on 2001-11-16 01:44 [#00052562]

mine is fifteen minutes fast and is set at 6:10, so really i get up at 5:55
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-11-16 02:22 [#00052582]

I set my alarm for 11am...it goes off. I reach down and reset it for 12pm...it goes off. I reach down to set it for 12:30pm...it goes off. I smash it into tiny pieces.
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-16 02:26 [#00052590]

No, man. My clock is WAY on the other side of my room. IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!
I'll jump up lightning quick, do the deed, and leap back under the covers! Fuck! I can't stop myself!
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-11-16 03:39 [#00052624]

when i went to school i had 2 alarm clocks. they were 15 minutes ahead and went off at the same time. the noise of them both would piss me off so much i would get up.
on 2001-11-16 08:18 [#00052642]

I do not sleep.
from afxs dusters on 2001-11-16 11:42 [#00052702]

apparently, you can wake yourself up at a given time WITHOUT the aid of an alarmclock-seriously i saw this on QED a bit ago...or was it tommorrows world?..anyway, all you need to do is say you need to be up at 6am, before you crash out, gently tap your hed agaisnt the wall six times. ive tried this and it does work. mind i forgot to turn off my alarm clock (which goes off at 6) at the time, so you could say that the conditions under which this experiment were carried out were not exactly scientific.
on 2001-11-16 15:28 [#00052778]

i always do this - ther is a trick to it. get in bed, nhowver late, and clear yr head for a second. look at yr wristwatch, wotever, so yr body knows yr telling it the time - say, 1 am.
then tell yr body - literally, say it in yr head - wot time u wanna get up... say 7 am, so 6.45 just to be safe.
then visualise the time... that;d be 5 n 3/4 hrs....
close yr eyes, sleep...
havent needed an alarm clock for six yrs!
wizards teeth
on 2001-11-16 15:35 [#00052780]

I always wake up one minute before my alarm clock goes off.
ie - it is made of milk and turns sour every day
This lad I know had a clock purchased by his mam and dad when they visited a muslim country
when the alarm went off it made a singing sound like a man was singing songs from the koran
m i f f
from c y m r u on 2001-11-16 15:40 [#00052783]

big beardy bloke you are an alarm clock...
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-16 15:42 [#00052784]

yeah, that kind of works for me... although I don't visualize all that, it just kind of works automatically... but I guess subconsciously I do think about it, or maybe it's just that I've been basically getting up the same time every day for years... :)
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-16 16:21 [#00052793]

If I don't jump up and kill the alarm, like if I'm just too exhausted, my mom comes in turns it off for me. Then she leaves for work, and I sleep till 3 cuz I don't have a fuckin' clock!!! Then she blames me, the biyatch.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-16 16:55 [#00052808]

i need to change the time of my alarm clock from 7:47 to 7:46. i like 7:46 much more.
seratonin is the chemical that makes us tired. people have trouble waking up because there is much seratonin flowing through the brain after they have been brought out of sleep. just by closing your eyes for a few minutes starts to produce seratonin. sleep also occurs in three hour shifts i believe. or it's 1.5 hour shifts.
according to The Learning Channel, alarm clocks are one of the most annoying inventions ever. other annoying inventions included parking meters, leaf blowers, and very loud car stereos.
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-16 16:58 [#00052810]

I think it's 1.5 hour cycles... and really, one of those contains 5 parts... it's called the sleep cycle...
from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-16 17:04 [#00052813]

there are four stages in one sleep cycle, actually REM sleep i think is the fifth stage. first stage is mainly alpha waves, second is beta, third and fourth are gamma waves. after the body goes through this, it goes backwards to the first, then after the first is REM sleep.
from hell on 2001-11-16 17:19 [#00052820]

i start work at 12:00 and i can normaly set my allarm to 10:30 sio that i can snooze til 11:15 and then just manage to get a shower and unicycle briskly to work grabbing a cornish pasty en route.
but if i need to get up early, like 9:00 or something i put my allarm clock on the other side of the room, so that i have to get up to turn it off. however this just means that i walk accross the room like a zombie and turn it off. and then go back to bed.
on 2001-11-16 17:50 [#00052836]

mine is set for 8am coz i have too go 2 schoolies tomorrow HOORAH!
my alarm clock sounds like a spastic rooster plugged into an amp, it wakes me up very irate.
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-16 17:52 [#00052838]

Well, I just learned about sleep and all that in Psychology... there are 5 distinct sleep cycles I should say... it goes something like this stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, stage 4, stage 3, stage 2, and then REM...
And REM sleep is also called Paradoxical sleep, because it's the deepest sleep, but it shares a lot of similar characteristics with stage 1, the lightest sleep...
from Vietnam on 2001-11-16 17:53 [#00052839]

Quit sassin' me, jive turkey.
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-16 17:53 [#00052840]

it doesn't actually go back to stage 1, but REM sleep shares a lot of characteristics with stage 1...
from Milan on 2001-11-16 18:00 [#00052842]

7:20am for Woofer.
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