on 2001-11-14 08:34 [#00051793]

i looked into a particular interview with richard d james, where he jokingly said 'DrukQs by Eric Satie".
i think this is probably a clue. Eric Satie was a french 'post'-impressionist who lived in the late 19th- early 20th century.
its obvious for those who have listened to the piano music of Eric Satie that James is drawing some ideas from Satie.---with a sort of minimalistic approach to the piano.
regardless, the point im trying to make is that the titles of Satie's music are just as puzzling---he often had long titles with fake words or pointless messages. and so, this might be the roots for James' idea of having titles that are puzzling.
then again he could be playing with our minds---why should we expect song titles at all...they dont define the music.
....or its gibberish
just my theory
from Sweden on 2001-11-14 08:43 [#00051794]

Ah, i didn't know that about satie, intresting theory!
from 8ercun, on 2001-11-14 12:16 [#00051860]

there was some post a while ago where some guy uncovered a whole host of anagrams!!!
I suspect a large chunk of his song titles fall under this category - but yeah .. i've got some satie - maybe if one is a piano buff one can see the similarities, but I reckon satie is quite different. Aphex has his, very Aphexian melody - despite piano and all , Satie is .. i don't know, not as beautiful??? a little bland in my opinion. But who knows.
from dublin on 2001-11-14 12:20 [#00051861]

i myself named a few tunes i did last year by arbitrarily hitting a few keys on the keyboard. I made a few that looked like words more meaningfull and left a few as gibberish. I think a lot of us do that actually. It's pure impish fun then, to bullshit people on meanings, inspirations etc. We all know RDJ is THE imp who can do it for the buzz and it's part of the whole package we love. Now maybe he didn't do this technique at all and maybe they're all Welsh derivitives,,,BUT WHO CARES! I can forever link the words "54 Cymru Beats" to that song and that is that!! For more confusion, check out Bogdans new song titles....It's all a harmless, expectation-defyinging way of expression and getting good tunes out there. Bring it on i say.
To really hedfuck us, publish a song whose name changes day to day!!!
from grmny on 2001-11-14 12:22 [#00051862]

i stick to the "cornish"-theory ... seems to be most realistic.
from ireland on 2001-11-14 12:29 [#00051866]

al the title of the songs in drukqs are in cornishgaelic! that the reason because there are so fuck up
from dublin on 2001-11-14 12:35 [#00051871]

anyone care to translate 'em for us?
go raibh maith agat
from ireland on 2001-11-14 13:25 [#00051892]

go to joyex.com they have some stuff there in the faqs and articles
from In your head on 2001-11-14 14:37 [#00051919]

Sounds quite possible, another hteory is ....
... have you ever tried to say the track titles in a baby voice?
from grmny on 2001-11-14 14:53 [#00051923]

hmmm, i don´t really get a goal with that ... did you try it and had something worthy in the end?
m i f f
from c y m r u on 2001-11-14 15:00 [#00051926]

30% of track titles are anagrams. The only one i can remember off the top of my head is track 15 = faked lessons.
from In your head on 2001-11-14 15:25 [#00051942]

Dunno, perhaps you could try cross referencing the track names with famous midgets through the ages. Then shout the names out as loud as you can under a full moon. Then you might learn the secret meaning of AFX's words, ooooooaaaahhhh.
Ceri JC
from Wales on 2001-11-14 15:29 [#00051944]

Whilst I don't speak welsh fluently, I did study it at school and can usually get the jist of what is being said. None of the drukqs track names (bar 54 cymru beats) have any welsh in them that jump out at me. I also doubt that RDJ can speak welsh (it's a bastard of a language to learn).
from dublin on 2001-11-14 15:37 [#00051946]

try Irish. They have to beat it into ya with a green stick!
from NYC on 2001-11-14 15:37 [#00051947]

Most of em is Kernow, you bloody fools.
from europe on 2001-11-14 16:28 [#00051959]

i guess that erik satie theory is right, but there are even more satie-like titles on earlier cds. for example 'ambient works'... there are pieces by satie which are called 'furniture/ambient music'.
ok, other titles:
pieces froides - cold pieces la gentille toute petite fille - the pretty little girl (is similar to aphex' funny little man, and there is also a piece from satie's parade which is called 'little american girl')
Sonneries de la rose+croix (mt saint michel+saint michael's mount, you have the cross in satie's and in aphex' piece)
trois pieces en forme de poire - three pieces in shape of a pear (and the funny things about them is... they are in fact seven pieces. and poire had in 1903 france not only the meaning of pear but also the same meaning as something like dickhead today)
inopportune small failures: I. being jealous on his camrade who has a big head II. eating his sandwich really flabby preludes (for a dog)
from dublin on 2001-11-14 16:45 [#00051962]

A mine of information! A veritable feast of facts....
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