from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-13 21:28 [#00051624]

does anyone know of any good effects boxes or effects processors. i need to get me some, suckas.
from England on 2001-11-13 21:41 [#00051630]

Zoom RFX-2000 Roland EF-303 (i think) Aleisis Nanoverb
from scotland on 2001-11-13 21:59 [#00051641]

watkins copycat echo . or for cheapskates like me a zoom guitar fx pedal fed back on it'self through a mixer channel.
any ringmod. even the diy variety are like nothing else on earth (except other ring modulators.)
one of those space echo swords (spring inside a plastic tube)with a mic at one end and a speaker at the other
zoom fx are cheep an cheerful.
fx are youre friend, the more fx you have the less you need to spend on synths, and the more original your sound.
on the other hand you can do a lot with no fx, try layering sounds together with themselves to get phasing.
or programming delays in a youre sequencer.
try new things and don't listen to what you read in music tech magasines, unless you don't know what midi is yet ;)
there good for tech knolege but when they recomend you spend monney then look at all the adverts there getting paid to print and then ask yourself if you can realy trust them.
look for diy synth projects on the net.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-13 22:58 [#00051662]

yes, how do i program delays into my sequencer? i've wanted to do that, and rushes to, but without speeding up or slowing down the tempo. i've been wanting to sequence a sequencer, or sequencing many sequencers to and through each other just for the sake of doing it.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-13 22:58 [#00051663]

yes, how do i program delays into my sequencer? i've wanted to do that, and rushes to, but without speeding up or slowing down the tempo. i've been wanting to sequence a sequencer, or sequencing many sequencers to and through each other just for the sake of doing it.
from scotland on 2001-11-13 23:51 [#00051673]

theres more than one way to do it, way one, cubase and some others have a built in delay module.
way two, many sequencers have a logical editor this is complex and can be used as an arpegiator too but there a bastard to figure out.
way three. a delay is simply a sound repeated after a time interval with a lower volume,and again and again.
so..... just repeat the note after an interval of say 1/8note with a lower velocity, and then again and then again.
understand? you can do arpegios like this too
from Lincoln on 2001-11-13 23:54 [#00051674]

Electro-harmonix - bass synth
on 2001-11-14 07:07 [#00051768]

You can program some really neat delay thingies using the event editor in fruity 3 and multiple delay plugs.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-11-14 07:20 [#00051772]

c.smith, you really know your shit! you da man, cool guy!
from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-14 18:06 [#00052009]

well, i hate software and don't use it.
arpeggiators. what's the deal with them? i hear about them alot, but never understood too much about them. can they do something more complex than just shifting the sound up and down?
from scotland on 2001-11-14 18:18 [#00052012]

you can still program delays in a hardware sequencer, hevquip.
i first figured out how to do that when i had a yamaha qy22 hardware seq. and no fx processor.
and you'r right software does indeed suck, esp on mac and pc,
atari dosent suffer from so much suckage. just look around a studio and you'll find an atari st running a cracked copy of cubase, or a real copy of notator.
from the dark side of the midi on 2001-11-14 18:52 [#00052024]

arpegiators are like realy stoopid sequencers. they were around before sequencers becaue they were much easier to make.
what they do is: you play a cord your keyboard.
and your arp plays it back to you one note at a time. repeating itself when it plays the last note
so if you press the keys C D E F then it wil play a sequence that goes cdefcdefcdef.... untill you take you hand of the keyboard.
depending on your arp you can set it to play forwards, backwards, alternating forward/backwards, randomly, or on diferent octaves.
arpegiators also let you controll the speed thaty they play the notes back at, normaly in 1/32, 1/16, 1/8 or 1/4 notes.
arpegiators make boring synth's sound cool, many "dance" keyboards have arpegiators.
many of these synths would suck otherwise. keyboard manufacturers have realised that if you stick an arpegiator ( and some knobs) on an otherwise dull keyboard then you can make it a pretty colour and sell it to yoofs that want to make kool chewns.
dont get me wrongtheres nothing wrong with for example a quasimidi raveolution (or a mc303) its just that used unimaginatively they are capable of chorning out absolute shite that everybody at record companies who listens to demos has heard a million times before.
look how many crappy trance demos are floating about and you'll get the idea.
and you don't even need a real arpegiator to get the benifits.
you can just program your sequencer diretly with the sequence of notes that would come out of an arpegiator.
voila cool synth sequences without ending up sucking.
why am i even bothering to perach to the converted though, this is an aphex twin messageboard.
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