from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-13 20:04 [#00051591]

What do you people think of this album? I think it's alright, and a few of the songs are awesome, but overall it sounds too dancy and stuff to me... I dunno, I like it, but it's far from my favorite... I remember someone said on here that track 7, or the untitled one was one of their favorite songs or something... that is a great song... anyways, what's your opinions?
on 2001-11-13 20:09 [#00051593]

i got it recently, and if confuses the hell out of me. Each changes depending on what mood your in. One song, could be really heavy dance, but in a different light, seems rather chilling and calm.
By the way, quoth fecking rules man.
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-13 20:12 [#00051595]

really? I find Quoth annoying personally... I love Polygon Window, Audax Power (or something) and track 4 is a pretty one... track 7 is great... I dunno, it's ok...
on 2001-11-13 20:19 [#00051598]

Like a good wine, its an aquanted taste. Dont think about listening to it, or use more drugs. Arf.
Its probably more of a person to person thing. Oh well...
from Nova Scotia on 2001-11-13 20:40 [#00051603]

Ack, Quoth is so damn repetitive, but I like it in places. If It Really Is Me is nice.
from St.John's Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-13 20:40 [#00051604]

Yeah i really like Polygon Window (trk1), Audax Power (trk2) and Quino-phec (trk8)
did anyone pick up the rerelease with 2 new tracks? Just wondering what they are like.
from St.John\\\'s Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-13 20:41 [#00051605]

Oh and by the way i believe this album was mainly put together between 86-89, Quoth just had to be redone because the origional copy was damaged or something. Friggen amazing for something out of the 80s.
from UK on 2001-11-13 20:45 [#00051608]

Such is the danger is fruit juice.
from St.John\\\'s Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-13 20:46 [#00051609]

lol who knows how many tracks that damn juice has taken from us!
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-13 20:55 [#00051613]

yeah, that's the copy I have, with the two new tracks... they're pretty good... the Harbour one is pretty cool (I can't remember the name right off)... :)
from new zealand on 2001-11-13 21:05 [#00051616]

i went and listened to the new tracks in a record store recently, i already own the original, and can't say i was too impressed. as far as what i think of the album it is my least favourite lp of aphex (jury still out on drukQs) but still a damn good release, esp. since the tracks are from the 80's.
Ceri JC
from Wales on 2001-11-13 21:12 [#00051617]

I got the one with 2 extra tracks "Portreath Harbour" and "Redruth School" (both places in cornwall incidentally). Redruth School is good, haunting female vox keyboards over plinky glocks and a beat like something of RDJ album slowed down to a third of the bpm.
Portreath Harbour is also cool, nice light simple melody in the background. Sounds like its going to pick up any second, but never really gets there.
Overall they're good, but not enough to warrant buying the new version if you've got the original.
Ceri JC
from Wales on 2001-11-13 21:12 [#00051618]

I got the one with 2 extra tracks "Portreath Harbour" and "Redruth School" (both places in cornwall incidentally). Redruth School is good, haunting female vox keyboards over plinky glocks and a beat like something of RDJ album slowed down to a third of the bpm.
Portreath Harbour is also cool, nice light simple melody in the background. Sounds like its going to pick up any second, but never really gets there.
Overall they're good, but not enough to warrant buying the new version if you've got the original.
from England on 2001-11-13 21:43 [#00051632]

QUINO PHEC RULEZ Probably one of THE best pieces Aphex has done (in my mind)
Butch McButcherson
from Butchville on 2001-11-13 21:47 [#00051634]

Ein, zwei, drei. Ein totes Babywillenswaddle herauf den Hallway mit einer Farbe Bürste in seiner Hand, " caw, carw, " crys das Baby. Straße beendet und das Baby fährt hinunter die Straße, caw, caw, caw, caw fort. Nr., Babys sind nicht alous abwärts diese Straße; schreit ein Polizeioffizier, die Buchtscoffs zurück und fährt zum struu fort.
Butch McButcherson
from Butchville on 2001-11-13 21:49 [#00051635]

MCHAMMER ist ein leuchtendes Ausführendes, entsprechend Hedtwin. Hedtwin ißt gekochte Katzen. Theocide hat AIDS und es ist lustig zu lachen.
MO 2
on 2001-11-14 08:17 [#00051786]

Does Track 7 remind anyone of Plastikman?? It is an incredible track, along with Quino-Phec.
from the uk (school) on 2001-11-14 09:13 [#00051801]

track 7 on surfing on sine waves is my favourite aphex song ever :D
from Essex,Uk on 2001-11-14 09:43 [#00051805]

I got SOSW when it was first released and it's always been one of favourite Aphex CDs...nowadays it might sound a little dated; it's from the start of the Aphex story when his music was simpler & more dancey & it fitted in well alongside SAWI...This was before Jungle/DrumnBass & around the time that Breakbeats were beginning to be used & before RDJ was influenced by those styles...
It's got a great Dark feeling to it...can't think of a dud track on there...
Aphex Mind Control....still can't make out the entire lyrics to that track...something about Electronic Techno Rhythms...
The 2 new tracks are pretty cool and fit in well with the overal flow of the album...am tempted to get the new version on CD just for completeness sake (it's only 8 quid, I think)...
from 8ercun, on 2001-11-14 10:00 [#00051807]

yeah, and considering he was only in his teens doing that stuff (not that age or anything should be an excuse) but it is mighty impressive. Compared to like (not meaning to diss) tracks like Tricky Disco - sameish time which is quite pale in comparison
from the uk (school) on 2001-11-14 10:18 [#00051813]

I strongly disagree with any of you that say its "more dancy" or whatever, I dont think (other than old raves) people dancing to them.... EVER. that goes for any idm, music for your mind... not your feet..
from Essex,Uk on 2001-11-14 10:42 [#00051830]

poe...old raves/clubs was what I meant when I said "more dancey": very early nineties when there was some tough, hard Acid trax around (like most of SOSW & early aphex)...
Didgeredoo was released around the same time and was a MASSIVE TUNE at most of the clubs/raves i went to...
and I think you'll find that IDM as a tag was first used well after the release of SOSW (altho it was probably one of earliest examples)...
from the uk (school) on 2001-11-14 10:55 [#00051835]

I thoguht surfing on sine waves came out after artificial intelligence album. meh, me no care, the album rocks, no need to argue about it :>
from Essex,Uk on 2001-11-14 11:47 [#00051847]

yeah, AI was released a few months prior to SOSW but IDM as a name/sub-genre was a lot later and kinda retro-fitted to AI...
Wasn't arguing BTW, these message boards always make a discussions sound like one tho...:)
on 2001-11-14 11:52 [#00051850]

SOSW was the second Aphex album I got, the first one being Come To Daddy bout 3yrs ago. I reckon its one of those albums you can listen to whatever mood you are in. Especially UTI-DOT.
from ireland on 2001-11-14 12:31 [#00051869]

is a great lp maybe the best
from Leicester University on 2001-11-14 12:38 [#00051874]

I have the British version of Surfing On Sine Waves, which lacks 'Porthreath Harbour' and 'Redruth School'. Are these tracks good, and are they worth buying the US version of the album for?
from ireland on 2001-11-14 12:41 [#00051878]

yes they are good!
from Durham,NH USA on 2001-11-14 12:42 [#00051879]

The consistency in Surfing is like no other Aphex Twin album. It actually does sound like a different artist. It has a definite unique psychadelic sound from start to finish. Quoth is a very hard track, that is the beat is really pounding. If you're dancing to it it can be very cool. One of the albums most endearing and retro qualities to me is Richard's extensive use of hand claps on this album. I don't think he uses them as Aphex Twin or AFX but he goes nuts with them here. Like Jimmy Page's "wall of guitars", Aphex creates a wall of hand claps that create an 80's synth pop sort of feel. The two new tracks seem like the untitled track, and I love both of them just as much. He creates some VERY cool sythesizer sounds in Portreath and goes nuts with Xylophone sounding beats in Redruth.
from MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA on 2001-11-14 13:44 [#00051901]

Quoth is good... but them remixes on the Quoth EP are wicked!!!!
from ireland on 2001-11-14 14:27 [#00051914]

quoth ep very nice release!
Ceri JC
from Wales on 2001-11-14 17:31 [#00051986]

I have "tricky disco" on vinyl.
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