from perth on 2001-11-09 13:38 [#00050015]

i was wondering who did the longest / shortest videoclip ever
the longest / shortest song ever
the longest / shortest CD/CD set / etc ever.
this last topic DOES include 2xCD sets (ie saw2, drukqs, mysteries of funk etc... but not any of those sets where you get 10 CDs by the artist as a "special")
i do know that the brutal truth has a videoclip thats like under 5 seconds.... or maybe it was 7.
on 2001-11-09 13:47 [#00050016]

Would Michael Jackson's Thriller be the longest video? It's pretty long.
from Amsterdam on 2001-11-09 14:00 [#00050022]

i think Napalm Death are there with the shortest track, .00005 seconds or something daft.
i think they released a whole albums worth of tracks about a second long.
from perth on 2001-11-09 14:01 [#00050023]

yeah ive seen that. its probably up there......
i saw an extended version of his new clip, too, that was like a fuckin movie, lol.
pretty long.
the song was like about 1/8 of the clip.
from Amsterdam on 2001-11-09 14:02 [#00050024]

and i think it's the Orb who qualified with the longest single, around 39-40 minutes.
The Blue Room
from grmny on 2001-11-09 14:15 [#00050026]

shortest single might be vince gallos ... i heard it´ll be only one song?!?
on 2001-11-09 15:01 [#00050030]

I think the longest single was "MOTHER" by Goldie. Wasn't that about 60 minutes long?
The shortest clip in Britain was an ad I remember for that Guiness Book Of Records back in 1993 which was 3 secs long. Not much help eh?
from London on 2001-11-09 15:19 [#00050032]

In 1964, La Monte Young (credited with being the father to those ickle cherubs, Velvet Underground) began an album called The Well Tuned Piano. I think it's a piece of conceptual art coz it's still going. 37 years is quite a long time.
from purf on 2001-11-09 15:29 [#00050033]

longest music video cleep: rF - green websites [193:39]
shortest music viddye: rF - givin it steek [0:01]
longest song: rF - aned lek x9.0 (edit) [one week, 2 days, 2 hours 43 minutes and 50 seconds]
shortest song: rF - days [0.3 of a picosecond]
longest album: rF - collaboration upon the length of oona'hfersse! a journey through expanse and thyme (4849 tracks, 152 cds)
shortest single: rF - the nockle sessions pt 1 - hallucinations (0 tracks)
on 2001-11-09 22:06 [#00050086]

Some composer, I think it´s John Cage has made a piece that would take like 600 years or something to play. The instructions say that it should be played as slow as possible. And they´re actually going to start playing it in a church in Germany sometime soon. interesting.
Ok, another question: Who made the world´s fastest track in the mid 90ties? (ducks)
from Melbourne on 2001-11-09 22:34 [#00050087]

In answering zetre's question, that'd be Moby's "Thousand" (1000 BPM)
from Canada on 2001-11-09 22:37 [#00050089]

correction - that moby song is 1012 bpm
on 2001-11-09 22:55 [#00050094]

Theres some speedcore with 2000 BPM ! Really gay
from bat country on 2001-11-10 00:29 [#00050100]

what!!???!! 2000 bpm would just be like a constant solid noise
from St.John's Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-10 06:20 [#00050122]

Oh god the thought is disturbing. That would be nuts.
from a plastic bubble on 2001-11-10 23:47 [#00050326]

its really hard to judge what the longest song would be...a lot of classical pieces are pretty long...but you cant really call them "songs"...
vladislav delay's album 'anema' consists of 1 60 + minute long track...and it stays rather consistent throughout...so i suppose it could be called a "song" ....but is it the longest?
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