from planet claire on 2001-11-09 03:54 [#00049929]

for any thing, chemical imbalances, depression, anxiety, herpes....?
on 2001-11-09 04:09 [#00049930]

i should be, but i'm too scared to go to the doctor... sad, but true...
on 2001-11-09 04:12 [#00049931]

Get thee to a physician, toute suite boy. I'm not on any meds.
on 2001-11-09 04:24 [#00049935]

it's sort of a "catch-22"... if i did not have any anxiety about going to doc to get meds, i probably wouldnt need 'em...
Baron Von Picklefoot
from From my "Special" place on 2001-11-09 05:12 [#00049942]

I take lots of drugs but for the most part they are not mine!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!
from planet claire on 2001-11-09 07:56 [#00049948]

phool, what do you mean you're scared? shit. maybe you should go. let me twll you, i had to go and get evaluated, and i thought i was going to bolt. but i didn't and now i am all pumped up on paxil. and now i feel like i can not express any emotion but happiness, and i can't cry, and well, so i am happy, right?
from a giraffes throat on 2001-11-09 16:55 [#00050047]

that doesn't sound fun. i dont think i could deal with being forced to feel emotions. techinically, you're happy because the medication pumps chemicals into your brain and tells it what how to feel. that's what i dont like about medication, it's dictates as to what one feels, not how one actually is. then again though, sometimes someone feels like shit only because a lack of chemicals in the brain. stress and anxiety kick the shit out of your immune system too, so stay healthy.
from Essex,Uk on 2001-11-09 17:23 [#00050055]

Methodone, Buspar, Mogodon, Valium...
I'm in recovery from long term Hard drug addiction/anxiety/depression...
If you wanna chat, e me on j@g3rm.org..
from Essex,Uk on 2001-11-09 17:25 [#00050056]

phod...ditto on the going to the Dr...
This sort of things are more common that you'd ever dream...
I had the same problem re: going to Drs but am so pleased I did...
again e me if you want to chat privately...
on 2001-11-09 19:25 [#00050074]

I'm not on meds, but maybe I should be, because I am fucking lost. College makes me scream.
from Chicago's Bitchamo on 2001-11-09 20:23 [#00050080]

I eat some varieties of candy that resemble drugs, like those necklace things. I also ate some old people medicine recently, accidently, my friend goes something like "oh, those things will get you numb."
on 2001-11-09 22:39 [#00050090]

from usass on 2001-11-10 01:53 [#00050102]

my dr gave me an anti-depressant and a depressant for anxiety...that is pretty weird...anyone find that depression medication hampers your creativity?
Track 3
from Warp on 2001-11-10 02:25 [#00050103]

im on seroquil, welbutrin, and something else for my a.d.d.
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-10 02:26 [#00050104]

I'm addicted to caffine, but that's about it... I drink like 2 or 3 cups a day, and a few cans of soft drinks... :)
hey Ophecks, I know what you mean man... college is mad... but hey, the semester will soon be over...
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-10 02:27 [#00050105]

cups of coffee that is, not pure caffine!!! :)
on 2001-11-10 03:39 [#00050111]

i've been going to a doc, and he's trying to find a drug for me (something to help anxiety and depression, etc). right now he has me on zoloft, but i don't want to take it because i'm fucking picky and i don't want an anti-depressant. they make me all wired out and make me think fucked up shit. i think enough as it is, i want something to fucking chill me out, and make me mellow and all "downed out". i want xanax, but he won't give them to me because they are so addictive. so right now i'm pretending to take the drugs he keeps giving me, and i keep going back and telling him that they aren't working and i want something else. i'm hoping eventually he'll say fuck it and let me have the xanies. i'm positive they'll help. (i don't really like the idea of being advised on what drugs to take by someone who hasn't taken lots of drugs before. who would know better how my body and mind react to drugs than me? especially if i've already tried a ton of drugs?)
from Essex,Uk on 2001-11-10 05:52 [#00050119]

Find another Dr...they don't like giving out Transquillers nowadays esp something like Xanax (which is very addictive)...
The trick is to not appear as if you know more than the Dr...just keep on compaining about suitable symptoms & maybe you'll convince them...
& be fucking careful, addiction is one of the worst places you can go...
from Essex,Uk on 2001-11-10 05:55 [#00050120]

Maybe suggest that you managed to get hold of some Xanax on the street and explain how much better it made you feel...
worth a try...
I shouldn;t be telling you this BTW..you can end up in a bad place if you get addicted to these sort of tranqs...
Buspar is good at removing the bad side of ADs so that might help your problems with zoloft...
from planet claire on 2001-11-10 06:15 [#00050121]

wow! boxrocket! we are brother and sister in meds! i am continuely scared of meds, though... i don't really want to be "living a lie".....
on 2001-11-10 06:22 [#00050123]

what do you mean by living a lie exactly? i'm not sure i understand
from Chelmsford,Essex, UK on 2001-11-10 09:15 [#00050130]

living a lie...
Thats bullshit...Drepression is an illness, remeber that and needs treating...
And SSRIs won't turn you into a zombie or someone different: it just gets your barin chemical back in sync....
from usass on 2001-11-10 21:21 [#00050262]

ask your doc for klonopin for anxiety...i just told my dr i have anxiety probs and he gave em to me...its not a sedative but calms you down, real nice...i call them stevie nicks pills cause someone told me stevie nicks said they gave em to her to help get off of coke but she found klonopin was harder to kick...fun stuff
from trinidad on 2001-11-10 22:15 [#00050282]

i'm on all kinda meds,,,,i suffer from a serious chemical imbalance,,,,most of life i'm living a hellish existance with undescribeable suffering,,then once in awhile the chemicals in my brain kinda reverse themselves and i'm living bliss which makes living "normally" even more hellish.. its kinda like a natural drug addiction but worse,,i've tried all kinda drugs ,,nothing compares to that feeling when my brain's chemicals kick in.
for all you "normal"/happy people ,,you have no idea how grateful you should be for being healthy,,,dont take it for granted and you shouldnt make fun of people not so fortunate,,, some people already know hell....
from planet claire on 2001-11-10 23:22 [#00050302]

bowrocket, what i mean by "living a lie", is that if for some reason, i am MADE to be like i am, then why shoudl i take drugs to make me happyer, if i am meant ot like this? i don't want to be happy if i shouldn't, there for i would be living a lie if i took drugs to make me a happy person.. happy happy happy....
from trinidad on 2001-11-10 23:28 [#00050308]

thanks so much........ welcome to my hell,,,,,,,thats what i ask myself more than anything elce.......
i say not a chemical imbalance but a different chemical balance......i belive this,,but my pain became so grate i started trying different medication just to ease my pain..............and nothing has helped,,,,i think i'm going to stop the meds soon..................i was created the way i am and i shouldnt change that,,,thats what i say.......i'm open minded so i tried what everone wanted me to........
from trinidad on 2001-11-10 23:38 [#00050318]

i saw the movie "as good as it gets" last night,,,it was actually not so bad....
there was a line where jack nicklonson says something like,,,,,,,"its not that you're life is so bad ,that gets to you,,,its the fact that so meany people have it so good that really pisses you off"....
not sure why i shared that but i think its somewhat revelant,,,,to any illness....
and yes happy people piss me off very often.....
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