Underwear Model
on 2001-11-08 00:39 [#00049552]

Dudes, whats the matter with IDM ? IDM stands for INTELLIGENT DANCE MUSIC, so does that mean that regular DANCE music is "dumb" !? What the hell, Ive gotz lots dumb Techno 4/4 140 BPM Loop Techno records, and I really like em', its nothing to be ashamed of......I say ONE LOVE, but not to teh TRANCE fans, hehehehe
on 2001-11-08 00:42 [#00049553]

fuck trance.. thats bullshit
from NYC on 2001-11-08 00:59 [#00049554]

I like the term IDM, because I don't like to associate Aphex etc. with other techno music. When I tell people I listen to electronica they say "oh you mean like techno music", and really, its a completely different thing. Regardless of whether or not one is more "intelligent" than the other; it is clearly a different catagory of music. When I tell people I listen to IDM they have no idea what I'm talking about, and that's how it should be, because most of them have never heard any of it.
It is also pretty clear that although they are both Techno, what most of us here consider IDM usually appeals to tastes more sophisticated in electronic music. Hence, it is pretty easy to get into the groove of crap club dance music, but it takes a little more listening and experience to really get into aphex and other "IDM"
One Less Turnip
from The Lighter Side of Telemarketing on 2001-11-08 01:00 [#00049555]

Yes, dumb techno sucks balls
Dancing is foolish...
Nothin' like a little Funker Vogt
from perth on 2001-11-08 01:02 [#00049556]

dance is "dumb" coz it repeats, its piss easy to listen to and is (comparatively and generally) simple and cliched to make.
this doesnt necesarily (sp?) mena its bad, however.
BTW this is how I see it, anyway
from uoyoutland on 2001-11-08 01:04 [#00049557]

"Fuck trance...that;s bullshit"...what an ignorant cock you must be :-(
The guy mentioned 4/4 beats so you go ahead and jump the gun, generalising everything that happens to contain a 4.4 beat as "trance" bollocks..dig a little beneath the suger coated vacuos, sanitised pop gloss versions of 4.4 dance and you will be pleased to find an as yet undiscovered world of artistically valid and quite enlightening music forms:-p
Examples of "4.4 trance bollocks you might like---jeff mills, dave clarke, carl craig, plastikman, regis, surgeon, dj hell, international deejay gigolos, ian pooley, lucien foort, secret cinema, dj skull, robert hood, UR, red planet, drexciya, ,masters at work, felix da housecat, aphrohead, dj sneak, green velvet, boo williams, dj rush, dj funk, orlando voorn, marshall jeferson, thomas chrome, sven vath, laurent garnier, derrick may,.....etcetcetcetc\\\\\\
from uoyoutland on 2001-11-08 01:07 [#00049558]

Why is techno music dumb? Because of its simplicity and minimalism? Oh well in that case you can discard alot of the new aphex album for being "dumbass" also :-p.....and what's so novel about dancing ?...I personally find it pretty fucking enjoyable actually:-p
Underwear model
on 2001-11-08 01:09 [#00049559]

So you only listen to IDM cuz it isnt so easy to get into to, and DANCE music is in generally dumb ? Isnt that a lil bit contradicting ? I mean stuff like the BEATLES anddd (those bands that play real instruments) Beethoven are also very easy to listen to ? So does that mean their stuff is dumb or not complex enuff, and therfor bAD ?
Nostromo Nonentity
from the center of the sun on 2001-11-08 01:16 [#00049561]

Dancing is disrespectful
from NYC on 2001-11-08 01:16 [#00049562]

Here's the point:
I say, hey (random person), I like techno music. Could you play me some techno music you think I would like?
He will play me some crap which I will hate. So it doesn't quite define it does it?
on 2001-11-08 01:16 [#00049564]

the people who make this music are complete fucking idiots..
fucking euro trash. hit a couple of keys, make up some bullshit melody, put a big beat to it and there you have it.
complete. :)
from perth on 2001-11-08 01:25 [#00049567]

its my fuckin opinion, grow up.
i barely listen to idm anyway so go cry to someone else.
from NYC on 2001-11-08 01:25 [#00049568]

od what do you listen to?
from uoyoutland on 2001-11-08 01:26 [#00049569]

Paperclip....thanks man, haha...you've cheered me up no end:-)....
from perth on 2001-11-08 01:30 [#00049571]

i listen to - techno :) just simple stuff prodigy and chemical brothers and rubbish liek that that most ppl here arent into.
only idm ive evere heard is afx and squarepusher and tri repetae by autechre.
i kid you not
joey the greek
on 2001-11-08 01:33 [#00049572]

I love most of the list of techno you said before....It's wierd nobody talks about those artists, all that chicago style rocks!!! Relief records are amazing!!
on 2001-11-08 01:34 [#00049573]

hey drugiebowzer.. suck my balls. :) fucking raver trash.
Underwear model
on 2001-11-08 01:35 [#00049574]

we are talking about TECHNO and not TRANCE ! RIGHT ! Did you get that ?!
Tundra Boy
from Antarctica on 2001-11-08 01:35 [#00049575]

Friends stand by each other in thick and thin
joey the greek
on 2001-11-08 01:37 [#00049576]

They're mostly americans on that list you stupid prick paperclip. Eurotrash?
on 2001-11-08 01:39 [#00049577]

i wasnt refering to his list you cocksucker
joey the greek
on 2001-11-08 01:41 [#00049579]

What the fuck are you talking about? Look, just be CLEAR and maybe you won't look so stupid??
on 2001-11-08 01:43 [#00049580]

im afraid its not me whos looking stupid here.. your the ass whos been jumping to stupid conclusions.
joey the greek
on 2001-11-08 01:44 [#00049581]

The list is mostly Americans, You're a Prick, that's just the truth, I was stating a fact.
on 2001-11-08 01:46 [#00049582]

i wasnt talking about the list.
joey the greek
on 2001-11-08 01:47 [#00049583]

but you agree you're a prick?
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-08 01:49 [#00049584]

well, if the length of time to get into a type of electronic music differentiates it as either IDM, or dumb ass dance music, well here's an interesting thing... I bought In Sides by Orbital back in April or so (my first pure electronic album) and I'm just now starting to really get into it... I bought I Care Because You Do, and the RDJ album, and in a week I thought they were the 2nd best thing ever (sliced bread still gets my #1 vote)... Now, I'm not saying Orbital is easy music to get into, just that it's closer to "dumb" dance music then Aphex Twin, and say Autechre... but anyways, the reason pure dance music gets a bad rap, is because most of it probably is slapped together to make money... like someone said, you get a beat, loop it, and stick in a catchy melody... I'm not saying it all is, cause there is plenty of dance music I like, but most of it probably is...
on 2001-11-08 01:51 [#00049585]

not exactly.. in fact, id go as far as to say that your a dumbass faggot. ive been talking about dumb techno y'know, what this topic is about..
then you come out of left field with your fucking hand down your pants jacking off to a picture of your own mother..
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-08 01:51 [#00049586]

but hey, if you like the music, who cares? IDM is just a marketing label, and music labels are stupid...
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-08 01:53 [#00049587]

Oh, and by the way, Adnans by Orbital is an awesome song!!! :)
on 2001-11-08 02:04 [#00049589]

and "Adelante" by Sash!.. thats a fucking wicked track. ;)
from uoyoutland on 2001-11-08 02:37 [#00049591]

Joey, nice one..and Funkmaster, if I remember correctly Orbital back in the day were actually labelled a part of the rave culture here in the UK, the Brown album is very representative of that time in sound..another sidenote, Universal Indicator was made in response to the said artists I stated above....so no Pimplife or whoever was just emphasising his general ignorance b4...you can eat MY Balls:-p
from uoyoutland on 2001-11-08 02:39 [#00049592]

PS- Would you label Mike Dredd "eurotrash"?..He is German after all, and he is prone to the odd banging acid track:-p
on 2001-11-08 02:40 [#00049593]

i would if they wernt already in your mothers mouth. ;)
from uoyoutland on 2001-11-08 02:43 [#00049594]

your dumb:-p..but I like your simplicity....heh.
on 2001-11-08 02:46 [#00049595]

aww.. thanks man. and i like the fact that your a retard. ;)
from uoyoutland on 2001-11-08 02:50 [#00049596]

I like the fact you have an anal fixation and a mother complex :-)...takes all sorts eh?...heh....alright I'm done..shut up.:-(...don't like arguing with clueless angst ridden self hating non entities like yourself ....goodbye, glad I'm not you..
on 2001-11-08 02:55 [#00049598]

oright.. make sure to mention my name next time your mother is gobbling on your nuts.. do it for me..
cheers ;)
from bat country on 2001-11-08 03:04 [#00049600]

in sides by orbital are amazing. the last 2 albums by them arn't that good.
on 2001-11-08 03:08 [#00049604]

Dance, dumb techno is the shittiest music.Trance is fucking gay too. Richard D. James is intelligent electronica. Musically, he is a genius with his fucked up rhythms and crazy voices. The beats are fucking rad.
on 2001-11-08 03:09 [#00049605]

Dance, dumb techno is the shittiest music.Trance is fucking gay too. Richard D. James is intelligent electronica. Musically, he is a genius with his fucked up rhythms and crazy voices. The beats are fucking rad.
on 2001-11-08 03:19 [#00049609]

i take back everything i said! Pimplife.. your my god, i wish you would let me suck YOUR balls..
on 2001-11-08 03:20 [#00049610]

is it too late to make it up to you? can we be friends?
on 2001-11-08 03:22 [#00049612]

im afraid its too late for that.. i might still let you suck my balls though. would you let me think about it?
ervon erbot
on 2001-11-08 03:56 [#00049617]

kaiser salsek by goldie has some fucken ace drums.
that is for goldie who you know, is a bit of a cheese master- i am quite impressed.
i think the best way to equate intelligence or the level of intelligence to dance music is to apply rich's explanation of brain dance. it is music if were to dance to would make you look like you were having a seizure or so - so you don't instead have to 'process' let it out in your head. And so - the more you have to like use your head the more intelligent.
regular bd oh bd oh bd oh @ 140/120bpm isn't all that hard to like process let alone dance too - just a shame it is so boring and uninspiring.
Marzipan Dolphin
from Atlantis on 2001-11-08 05:08 [#00049624]

to druggiebowzer um..I know yer hearts in the right place but your post is somewhat misleading...
most of the artists you have mentioned below and especially jeff mills, carl craig, dj hell, dj skull, surgeon, plastickman, drexicya, laurent garnier (his last album is IDM in my book..awesome stuff) are all the finest examples of techno/detroit techno/ borderline house...but not trance..but I agree with you that a lot of intelligence crept into the techno scene while people weren't looking, Cristian Vogel, Neil Landstrumm, Tobias Schmidt etc all have their roots in techno but their later stuff can stand in their own right as far as intelligence and creativity as in comparison to any IDM, infact in some cases it's even more commendable that at the bottom of all the wirggly, knob twidly weirdness they throw into their stuff..there's still a solid 4/4 backbone albiet stretched to the limits of recognition...
Examples of "4.4 trance bollocks you might like---jeff mills, dave clarke, carl craig, plastikman, regis, surgeon, dj hell, international deejay gigolos, ian pooley, lucien foort, secret cinema, dj skull, robert hood, UR, red planet, drexciya, ,masters at work, felix da housecat, aphrohead, dj sneak, green velvet, boo williams, dj rush, dj funk, orlando voorn, marshall jeferson, thomas chrome, sven vath, laurent garnier, derrick may,.....
Mylanta Jones
on 2001-11-08 05:18 [#00049627]

aww maw goowd nees... MR MylantA fins it funny...in a seeminglesss harmless topic of a thread..you people find it necessary to utter the word FAGGOT...14 times...how wonDERful..why not use the word..HOmoSEXUal? or ass pirate....maybe fudge packer?...maybe get old school..and say doing of mens ASSES...or NOT a DOER Of CUnts....but why faggot..its so..passe....
Oh..Im sorry..were you refering to "a bundle of sticks" the original meaning of the word? or maybe you meant...cigarrettes??
trance may not be the most complex or original type of modern "techno"..but at one time..it was cutting edge....remember that..the next time you are getting a penis shoved up your dialated asshole... :)
on 2001-11-08 05:26 [#00049631]

14 times.. more like once you assgobbler
on 2001-11-08 05:32 [#00049632]

hey, look at me! im a stupid faggot!!
on 2001-11-08 05:35 [#00049633]

HEY!! that wasnt me! someones logging in as me.. you motherfucker.
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