from England on 2001-11-05 19:47 [#00048793]

when you say that you like Aphex Twin to your friends and you played it to them, did they like react in a way as if 'What the fuck is this?'
Am i the only one that shares this nightmare???
Henry Rodrick
from Sweden on 2001-11-05 19:50 [#00048794]

Yes :)
I have a hip hopper friend. He uses to call me psycho :)
on 2001-11-05 20:22 [#00048801]

I played ICBYD at work. My collegues (after looking at me in disgust) made me swap it for Stone fucking Roses.
from the moon on 2001-11-06 00:06 [#00048863]

i have two friends. one, our very own pusher of the square, i introduced to aphex. the other i introduced to autechre some months back and he now owns all their albums but the 1st two. i have some open minded pals
so i get my dirty 'what the fuck' looks from people in cars while im blasting that shit out my speakers.
on 2001-11-06 00:10 [#00048865]

Actually there's this girl in my class who saw the CD when I dropped it one day. She's like... who's that? I told her and she checked some mp3s out. Now she's so obsessed she has caustic window - compilations. Everyone else thinks I'm a frickin maniac though for liking them. Especially when something like Ventolin from ICBYD is blaring =]
on 2001-11-06 00:12 [#00048866]

Yeah, I drove past some frat boys last week, who were groovin' to Limp Bizkit or something, I come driving by listening to Vordhosbn or CockVer10, one of those crazy tunes, and they looked like deers in headlights or something, bitches.
from the moon on 2001-11-06 03:37 [#00048912]

next time i blast my shit im gonna yell at people.
that'll teach 'em!
from perth on 2001-11-06 03:46 [#00048914]

most of my mates get it, but arent into it. like its too much listening and not enough dancing.
on 2001-11-06 06:04 [#00048932]

nobody i know (in person) likes afx, but i haven't really played his stuff to anyone.. maybe i should point 'em here..
from trinidad on 2001-11-06 07:03 [#00048933]

everyone hates it,,except this one guy..
i actually played it for a musican friend of mine who likes photek and stuff,,he hated it,,,i guess he thinks good electro muziq has to be constructed with two drum loops playing over and over..
from trinidad on 2001-11-06 07:04 [#00048934]

and over and over and over and over and over and over and over,,,,
how annoying..........
from the moon on 2001-11-06 07:37 [#00048948]

yeah, they just want to dance, they arent laid back listeners.
from UK on 2001-11-06 08:45 [#00048955]

A couple of my friends like it, but only the stuff that you can listen to easily whilst doing something else.
from NewJeseyUSA on 2001-11-06 08:52 [#00048956]

I have no friends.
theif hog
on 2001-11-06 09:01 [#00048957]

everyone where i'm from seems to like him...Some people aren't especially into him, but they don't knock him either...i haven't met one person who thought aphex twin was shit...whats wrong with the people everyone else seems to know?
from Sheffield on 2001-11-06 11:12 [#00048971]

Actually, a friends dad got me into aphex after lending me SAW 85-92 and another friends dad really liked that cd too. I got other aphex albums (Richard D James) and they hated that.....but its interesting, none of my friends would even listen to SAW for more than a minute before deciding its 'not their kinda music'. It takes some oldies (who I normally think of not being open minded about music) to listen to it.
Ceri Charlton
from J-Labs, UoG, Wales on 2001-11-06 12:06 [#00048982]

One friend, a work colleague and my dad all like at least some of Aphex Twin's stuff. One of my other friends tolerates it and can see why I like it.
Other than them everyone is so stupid and won't listen to a track for more than about 30 seconds. Obviously their little, simple brains are overloaded by the big bad cacaphony ;-]
from Trondheim, Norway on 2001-11-06 12:10 [#00048985]

Once i was DJing and i was playing Aphex, some cuntcame up to me and wanted me to spin some fuckin' Nazareth....
from Sheffield on 2001-11-06 12:12 [#00048988]

Oh, there is one friend who said she liked the sound of Sqaurepusher but I think she was just trying to sound 'hip'. Still, if people can't be bothered to actually take some time out to try and actually listen to the music instead of hearing it, its their loss. I kinda like the fact its not commercial, because then I know its what the artist actually wanted to put down and not what the record company has put pressure on them to make.
from NYC on 2001-11-06 12:20 [#00048992]

Yeah I hate that when people diss Aphex and co (square, u-ziq, autechre etc), they looke at me like :What a fuck is this shit!??!? I used to only be into old soul music like Marvin, Ottis, Al Green, Curtis MAyfield, HAayes etc etc and intelligent anti gangsta hip hop music and now my friends thinks im going insane when I introduced them to Aphex. One of my hip hop head friend told me to go to a mental hospital. I dont know if its so common that a black guy listen to this type of music either (I know that music aint about color), I got mostly black friends and they be like what is this? They like some of it though, like Cow Cud Is a Twin the ventolin remixes and some chill ambient stuff.
Johnny Lemonhead
on 2001-11-06 12:23 [#00048993]

No ones's ever given me a weird look, everyone I know likes the "Come To Daddy" video and they recognise the music, they don't recognise Windowlicker despite having seen the video though. And they just say "That's not Aphex" when you play something like "Milk Man."
on 2001-11-06 12:44 [#00049009]

Don't you feel elite when someone plays some trendy Korn bullshit, then you play Aphex and everyone stops and listens?
on 2001-11-06 12:46 [#00049011]

No, not at all. I might if I was a dick.
from Denmark on 2001-11-06 13:26 [#00049019]

That sounds like some corny love story "aperson"!!!
Most of my friends like it, but not the way i do.
on 2001-11-06 13:38 [#00049021]

Well, I'm a dick, so I DO feel like that. Ha. :p
from grmny on 2001-11-06 14:04 [#00049029]

people i know like him ... maybe not everything, but they are all not soooo into it like me, so most don´t even know what he all did ... and if they don´t really can listen to it it always turns out like "well, not my kinda style, but fucking respect for what he does is amazing ... "
Milk Man Dan
on 2001-11-06 14:11 [#00049031]

Funny worded is last post above.
from grmny on 2001-11-06 14:12 [#00049032]

ummm, why?
on 2001-11-06 14:55 [#00049041]

I am teaching my friends very carefull 'the ways of the Aphex Twin'. Don't start with fuckin' Ventolin and expect them to like it. You will just scare the shit out of them. Every friend of mine who heard SAW likes it. In a couple of weeks I will introduce them to Surfing on sine waves and we will see what happends.
from Rainy Scotland on 2001-11-06 15:03 [#00049045]

I play that stuff to annoy my girlfriend. Makes me smile.
on 2001-11-06 19:59 [#00049163]

Your Mother is your girlfriend?
Pork Stank
on 2001-11-06 20:16 [#00049166]

i reckon that rich guy makes music of the necronomicon. its not like that "normal" shit. you listen to ventolin when youre not ready and it'll blow your mind, mate, itll kill evryone!
were not dealing with merely music here. were dealing with the cosmic forces outputted by dear rich's 303, i reckon!
are you intelligent enuff for intelligent dance music?
__ /|
from mp3.com/quadrapelegicrobotik on 2001-11-06 20:47 [#00049176]

i got all my friends into afx...
from mp3.com/quadrapelegicrobotik on 2001-11-06 20:52 [#00049180]

..then i raped their children as they went out to buy drukqs....
from UK on 2001-11-06 20:57 [#00049181]

when ever i play it, sit back, and i get odd looks. My mates seem to slag it off, apart from one (bit of a ringleader) likes it, and then the room changes........
Damn futile trendies
on 2001-11-06 21:04 [#00049186]

No. Most of the people I know think of afx as pretty standard. Its when I play them Richard Devine that gets me the weird looks.
on 2001-11-06 21:21 [#00049195]

Who is Richard Devine?
on 2001-11-07 03:48 [#00049261]

Most of the people I know think of Richard Devine as pretty standard. Its when I play them Pain Jerk that gets me the weird looks.
(to my surprise, afx namedropped Pain Jerk in a recent interview)
vi scose poise
on 2001-11-07 10:58 [#00049333]

my friends are into Cannible Corpse and shit so we scare each other.
Ceri JC
on 2001-11-07 11:00 [#00049336]

A few years ago in a design technology metalwork lesson my friend played some stuff by DJ Food. The teacher sprinted across the room, pushed one of my friends out of the way and turned the lathe off. He thought the metalic rasping noises were the lathe breaking!
Scary Bear
on 2001-11-07 11:28 [#00049341]

Murray: Thankyou you have just inspired me for some artwork mate.
I know one boarding house junkie ho loves this shit. The rest rip the piss and ll go to their rooms together listening to Nelly and Dre and shit like that.
Crowds fuck me off. Common English townie cunts, the same fucking person over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and oer and over again. That pisses me off. AFX would have a bigger fan base if it wasn't for the fact that everyone wants to be the same. As soon as I see people who look like real individuals 90% of them like tha Twin.
They are rude tunes but I also feel proud of myself for not being dense enough to be a clone. After listening to this shit for a year I realise it reall does shape you a bit. I'm not usually and over the top person but fuck 'odd looks' I got something more awesome than their ugly Adidas shoes can ever give them.
Perhaps A little carried away I got. mmm, yes.
Ceri JC
on 2001-11-07 13:45 [#00049381]

I have 1 mate who is 1/2 townie and he owns come to viddy, come to daddy, RDJ album and windowlicker video. Mind you he's only 1/2 townie.
vi scose poise
on 2001-11-07 13:53 [#00049386]

im not from around your parts....
im curious... whats a townie?
from Sheffield on 2001-11-07 19:05 [#00049492]

Townies, bah, hate em and their crappy Hard House. BTW, a townie is like a common (predominantly working class) youth who like to wear adidas and tracksuits and start fights and talk like a twat. Thats what I put in my sociology anyway.
vi scose poise
on 2001-11-08 02:51 [#00049597]

we dont have them here... we just have white people who think they is black, that shit is whack, im gonna poppe a cap in their white boy asses.
from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-08 03:05 [#00049601]

My friends find Radioheads Kid A too weird... so, if I ever played Aphex Twin, they'd probably run away screaming or something...
from NYC on 2001-11-08 03:06 [#00049602]

I know all about it, I'm a senior in high school, out of the 3000 kids I have found a total of 3 into aphex, including myself.
Everyone blasts their ghetto rap music accross the street and so I said fuckit, and put on Druqks in my boys car, and blasted Vordhosbn...it was amusing...for the thirty seconds it was on
from NYC on 2001-11-08 03:06 [#00049603]

That's why I'm on this goddamn MB so much, because real life fuckers hate aphex. Who can blame them?
vi scose poise
on 2001-11-08 03:41 [#00049613]

maybe we're all dillusional retards who listen to retarded music.
on 2001-11-08 04:23 [#00049620]

i have yet to find anyone who likes aphex twin when i play it for them....other than my mom. i played "bucephalus bouncing ball" for her and it made her laugh. she said she couldn't really get into listening to it regularly because she doesn't have enough time to sit and actually thoroughly listen, but she respected it and liked what little she heard. anyone else i play aphex for gets pissed off at me (literally) and demands i take it out. some have threatened to throw my cd out the window (!!).
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