on 2001-11-05 18:36 [#00048769]

So which one do you like better? The ICBYD version sounds so evil. The start reminds me of death, I get frightened. EEK.
I love the HKFHKDHKLDHFD!!!! sounds, know what I mean?
from St.John\\\'s Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-05 18:39 [#00048770]

yeah that sound that keeps coming up and then going away. Feels like its moving around in the song.
Off topic:
Gwark2 - damn those friggen pipe noises, i've never heard anything so atmospheric before! Feels like your in a hudge room and someone is running around real fast making metal noises!
Baron Von picklefoot
from My special place ! on 2001-11-05 18:41 [#00048773]

Stop eatting my underwear I need them for the big race !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!!!! I'LL DO MY SHUFFLE FOR THOESE WHO'S MOUTHES SHOULD STAY CLOSED !
from St.John\\\\\\'s Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-05 18:42 [#00048774]

man just make a new topic if you want to write that shit.
on 2001-11-05 18:48 [#00048778]

I like the baron, he's a funny guy, but STAY THE HELL OUT OF MY TOPIC.
HAHDKJFHSKJHS!!! Love that sound.
on 2001-11-05 18:53 [#00048784]

I can't stand the girls screaming and going on in Gwarek 2, ACK.
from Keele, UK on 2001-11-05 19:50 [#00048795]

ICBYD definately. The Philip Glass version is interesting but it seems such a waste when you've got all this electronics potential and you just use a bunch of violins. They certainly add atmosphere, and sound gorgeous, but then so do electronics. The best would have been more of a collaboration rather than a remix type affair. IYKWIM.
from europe on 2001-11-05 20:20 [#00048800]

i love the girls screaming in gwarek2.
icct hedral in the orchestral version is not just a bunch of violins, but string orchestra (violins, violas, cellos and double-basses), flutes and brass orchestra with women's chorus.
from Keele, UK on 2001-11-05 21:35 [#00048815]

Yeah, ok, it was a bit of an exaggeration, but the theory remains... :o)
from europe on 2001-11-05 21:48 [#00048817]

yes, it's true a real james/ glass collaboration would have been awesome, more than just an orchestration... like glass' collaboration with ravi shankar, which was fantastic. but i guess richard does not like collaborations that much (even if he did the orchestration together with glass in his studio). :^)
beef fog
on 2001-11-06 01:43 [#00048886]

Gwarek 2 sounds like a dungeon to me...
on 2001-11-06 01:45 [#00048888]

ICBYD all the way.
on 2001-11-06 02:10 [#00048892]

Icct Hedral also has the coolest song title ever, it's so nifty.
from bat country on 2001-11-06 05:16 [#00048925]

you know, if you listen to aphex airlines at full volume your ears pop as like you were on an airplane. try it in your car.
from Essex,Uk on 2001-11-06 14:29 [#00049033]

Yep, the ICBYD too... Glasses version is cool but without the great deep rhythm that RDJ uses at the start, it just doesn't work as well...
And Glasses version is bit toooo similar to the rest of PGs works to be really interesting - ditto on the collab idea, that would've been far more fruitful (maybe in the future?...fingers crossed etc..)..
on 2001-11-06 15:40 [#00049070]

Solid opinions, kudos.
from NYC on 2001-11-06 15:54 [#00049076]

Glasses version simply doesn't have the drum effects which is what makes the song. I actually wrote a paper on this for my music teacher last year in summer school. How electronic music's capabilites can be superior with one man at a computer than an orchestra of 20 people. I played ICCT both versions for her, but she wouldn't let me play it for the class. Bitch.
from europe on 2001-11-06 17:28 [#00049113]

xanatos - today i listened again to the icbyd version of icct hedral. it's great. but so is the glass orchestration. but, yes, a percussion part in the glass version would have been nice. glass writes great parts for timpani, so it's really strange, that there are no parts in i h for timpani and percussion in general. but i dunno which version is better, they're just different.
it's the same with the question, 'instruments or electronic equipment?'. it's just about different ways of doing music. there is not only one possibility in the arts (even if some people claim it), but a lot of different possibilities. you have to choose what you need, for a piece of music or a visual work. there are wonderfully varied pieces for two or four musicians, which never could be done with any electronic equipment (recent examples: phil glass' the screens and in the summer house, steve reich's nagoya marimbas and the triple quartet). and there are sounds in electronic music, you could never do with instruments. it's really not about competition but about choices. i cannot understand why some people say that electronic music is cold (aphex twin and especially boc are proofs that it isn't), but in the same way i also cannot understand why any electronic eqipment sould be better than instruments played by musicians. both ways are possible. and a composer/artist simply takes what fits best for his music.
perhaps the best choice for aphex is an electronic eqipment, like in the case of icct hedral, or piano and prepared piano. but in the end as i'm missing the percussive parts in the glass orchestration, i'm missing the chorus and the string orchestra sound in the original icct hedral. :^)
on 2001-11-06 17:37 [#00049121]

The intro of the ICBYD version reminds me of death. I said that already, but I mean it.
from europe on 2001-11-06 18:04 [#00049129]

yes, there's the feel of death in the piece, and immense fear. 'at the heart of it all' remains me of death and destruction, too. sorry for mentioning classical pieces again, but the same feel of death and extreme fear is in some pieces by shostakovich, especially in the string quartet no.15 (string sounds again, and in fact it sounds similar at some places).
from Keele, UK on 2001-11-06 18:24 [#00049134]

If the electronics are played by humans?
I think that there is a lot of acoustic music that does not need to be acoustic, and could be simply better using not only electronic instruments, but even simple effects like reversal of sound etc.
There is a richness to 'real' sounds that electronic sounds lack, although a sampled sound would obviously start off 'real' anyhow... 'Real' instruments are great for being used anecdotally, as in, when you hear strings, depending on the piece you either think massive/classical/sophisticated/soppy perhaps no matter how good your electronics are, you can't fake that connection, but then it's just a connection because strings have been around for ages and we have a lot to connect them to. Electronics are pretty new, we have less references. To me, there's nothing too special about the sound of live instruments played by live people. Apart from the knowledge that it is, IYKWIM.
Gad that was long.
from europe on 2001-11-07 08:58 [#00049273]

if there's something special to instruments played live by musicians it depends on the composer and on the musicians or the band. the point is, 'is the music good or great?' and only then, there's the question about the instrumentation/ equipment. aphex' and boc' music for example is great and its electronic sound is great and stravinsky, steve reich's and phil glass' music is great and its sound done by live instruments.
in recreating the music with a different equipment, there's the need to recompose it. just orchestrating (and also doing it with electronics the other ways round) ... well. maybe aphex didn't want that. aphex said that phil glass did something like this in the first place, but he - aphex - found it shit. maybe it was too much of a departure from the icct hedral icbyd version for aphex' tastes who just wanted an orchestration without much new input by glass. and that's the point. a real collaboration of phil & rich... that would have been great. a kind of an ep., for example.
from europe on 2001-11-07 09:00 [#00049275]

ps: well i listened again to icbyd, and it's sounds better all the time.
from gwarek2 on 2001-11-20 21:35 [#00053964]

from Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-20 22:00 [#00053996]

it reminds you of death huh? So you've been dead before?
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