from Bulgaria, Sofia on 2001-11-05 08:51 [#00048600]

this mb is nothing more but waste of space. I thing that afx.nu is really cool site but this messageB is filled with very stoopit messages from people who R not Fan's, who are sittin in front of their PC's MAC's and thinkin' they are IN TO aPHEX, and know everything. This is shitty and I think Phobia should think about it...
p.s. Not talkin about everyone posts of cource
from Sweden on 2001-11-05 09:39 [#00048612]

GrenAtix: Eh, I know.... Wait for V5.
on 2001-11-05 10:21 [#00048625]

I'm sitting in front of my C64 thinkin' I'm into Aphex Twin. GrenAtix, looking at the way you type, I'm inclined to believe that you're retarded.
quan yoemans
from brisbane on 2001-11-05 10:32 [#00048626]

im into afex twins. i love that song Come To Daddys, i even downloaded the mp3 of it!!
m i f f
from cymru on 2001-11-05 10:33 [#00048627]

Why do you bother posting?
Bernard Fanning
on 2001-11-05 10:42 [#00048634]

Miffy Simplicity, Quan, you suck, I like that new video cause I had this idea that your head could get caught in Ben's bike wheel if you fell off, then your head would become all twisted and funny looking.
quan yoemans
from brisbane on 2001-11-05 10:44 [#00048635]

that would be awful, im beautiful. we get naked playing fat cop live at the moment, yea yea yea yea
Bernard Fanning
on 2001-11-05 10:46 [#00048636]

I know this is off topic but this topic is retarded anyway, is there a way of making money by, I don't know, say you run a site and you have like a purchase page and you have links to amazon or whatever, do they pay for that? Because someone claims that that pays for their domain, do you know what I'm talking about?
quan yoemans
from brisbane on 2001-11-05 10:47 [#00048637]

did you not make enough money from Odyssey #5? :(
from UK on 2001-11-05 11:05 [#00048641]

I agree with GrenAtix. It's a shame this post has turned into the very thing he disliked.
*I even downloaded the mp3 of it!!*
on 2001-11-05 11:15 [#00048645]

Chrispy, it's understandable that a person would agree with themself.
from UK on 2001-11-05 11:16 [#00048646]

yes it is. and the relavance?
from grnnnnnee on 2001-11-05 15:13 [#00048700]

oh, you people are aaaaaallllll idiots.
does anybody here use the majestican comntrafabulous beautyiful-is speak only for her!!-
Roland R-8 MKII?
i mean tipsantricks and such. bronchusevenmx26@hotmail.com
scope edit!!!! wrghjjj!
from grnnnnnee on 2001-11-05 15:16 [#00048701]

"relavance" .there's five a word if i ever didn't hear two (three)
from UK on 2001-11-05 16:00 [#00048704]

from Kirby's Dreamland on 2001-11-05 17:27 [#00048739]

eh? (orbackwardsy:?he) right! confused are ye? confused likewise abird standininthemiddleofa two-way-street-filled-(later after dark, I might add)-upsy and downsy withy. Bit lost? Bit scared? Bit, maybe-just maybe, now-bitfeelin unsafe. Like the slowblack deathing that comesusall in the midday with five or so showers taken (indeedy, written like by the venerable Douglas N. Adams, genius that he might an'or just an ordinary golgafrinchan) an no more meals logically could be eating (too full a stomach is bad for the heart, say many a white-cape-doctor in his infinite knowledge of thee humanphysicalcondition) so you sit-telephone? nah,nah nobody to call, and if you did leastaways you might find it didn't help at all. teleVISION-nownow, there's an ideerworth the time'a day. So, the box it is, and ya feel just the same as before only now the upperleftcornerrabbits and running jumping screaming monkeyswith-including, but not limited to: news programs, sitcoms(those worthless inventions of-who? who? the golgafrinchans.), last-and-least of all..public TV! nowthis akin to those socalled best people-our best and brightest tellingus what to do/DON'T LISTEN!!: |you just might learn something| and- whatsogood to keep the mind dullbroken as an old dry useless pencil? (pencil upon, which written:::[the future]) giveyathree guesses:
no, no: letyme guess for you: (ya stupid idiot!)
TEA!:earl.pekoe.oolong.green.chai.breakfast-blend...even-in the direst of circumstance-even this, evensay: HERBAL. (notbad, some kinda thoseteas. spiceblends and such and such) SO- the tea. The mind: dull. The environment: hazy, lazy: most of all--boring! Complete boredom surrounds and in comes(-here he is, all clap now and shout exclamations!)
THAT sinking FEELING. (venerable cliche though-he-may-be, he still exists suchforth: and here's why:)
1)There's no people about. 2)Telephone is no substitute. 3){Music, TV, Books; normal occupation hereforth}--all got boring/?/Yes.
the cure, the cure the cure for it all!
consisting of-but not limited to:
(orinotherworths:talk to yourself! insane may be insane, but best company's company nearby-that's how itis.)
and when you grow tired of it, you feel all better, and you can put away the tea.
on 2001-11-05 18:30 [#00048765]

on 2001-11-05 18:31 [#00048766]

Are you mad?
from St.John\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-11-05 18:40 [#00048772]

I find hilarious that someone bitches about a message board being supid cuz this topic alone is not making things better.
Baron Von picklefoot
from My special place ! on 2001-11-05 18:45 [#00048775]

I love Aphex's music but you can only talk about for so long thats where all of the other goodness on this board comes in!!!!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!!!! HMMMMMMM MAYBE A TOOTHPASTE MADE OF CHEESE WILL CURE MY LIMP!!
on 2001-11-05 18:50 [#00048780]

You crazy nutter.
from perth on 2001-11-06 03:32 [#00048909]

i decided that Baron von Picklefoot has become the highlight of the board.
I wanna see the baron and the wizard (wivs teef) go head to head.
funny shit.
but hes right. this board is hilarious
from Canada on 2001-11-06 03:37 [#00048911]

i haven't seen wizards teeth around here for a long time.
have you ever wondered why he never put an appostrophe s on wizards teeth?
the aron has spoken!
Baron Von Picklefoot
from "My special place " on 2001-11-06 03:50 [#00048916]

I can't go toe to toe with Wizard his powers are too strong but, I will bake a cake for everyone on this message board !!!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!
from perth on 2001-11-06 04:22 [#00048920]

cake! noice, dude! um we talkin cheesecake or...the infamouse greencake?
i wanna say that i have spoken so much, but i wont, coz i dont wanna rip ya off.
GreenAtix's Intellectually Disabled Brother, Steve
on 2001-11-06 04:28 [#00048922]

Tha parson dar startid dis mboard iz stupit.
from bat country on 2001-11-06 05:37 [#00048929]

WELL, I JUST REMEMBER WHAT MY FATHER SAID TO ME "you can't trust a man thats made of gas!"
from UK on 2001-11-06 08:43 [#00048954]

Or a man with a pig farm
from BG on 2001-11-06 11:18 [#00048972]

Walter on 11:21 11/05/2001 I'm sitting in front of my C64 thinkin' I'm into Aphex Twin. GrenAtix, looking at the way you type, I'm inclined to believe that you're retarded.
Sorry Walter, this is not my natural language so i will type as i like! If you can type into Bulgarian you can tell me something, otherwise don't use your Brain in such a RE:
And 4 the others - this is what i mentioned above - Stoopid people searching for NAG, not Fans of Aphex
from bat country on 2001-11-06 14:33 [#00049036]

enlighten us grenatix, tell us what messages you would like to hear.
from Glasgow on 2001-11-06 15:34 [#00049066]

its "type IN Bulgarian" not "type INTO" fuckin fraud
from Sweden on 2001-11-06 15:36 [#00049067]

Camann and Aktium: Stop it! Show your fellow visitors some respect!
on 2001-11-06 15:37 [#00049068]

90% of the posts here are pure gibberish, but innit great though?
I'm still waiting for my cake, Baron ol' boy.
from words on a gravestone on 2001-11-06 16:39 [#00049098]

Ay-ay-ay! Knownot you peopleee the fine masterworkth's artof gibberish spouting nonsensetalking! Far-yasee/there are tworules(three) andya'v broken everyone:
1)It makes sense to you, indefagitable writer though you may be, but nobody else.
2)This kind of shite really goes on inside your head (for the more authenticlikesuch presentation-farya'-stoppedmyselfshort---seee: poseurs is poseur but a true poseur is no puseru, andmany a wise man knows when and when-not to cluck the hens browning- that much is for certain. Which brings me to my next point:
(stopped short- see next issue)
But but CHEESE toothpaste now there's an idearworth none its weight in gold but pur fat ham ham . Great and greater though the teeth may shine until one spot aheadaya's just a greatwhite -like-blur(as if, a black hole reversedyways was placed on there like a bug on a telescope that screams "ALIEN! ALIEN!" like suchdid one Saturday morning cartoon program) nut yasee the color of them all reallymeans nothing to a limp-it's moreso the texture<<<
1)(*see 2) 2)(*see 3) 3)(*see 4) and so thus is life-such, rather. Nothing directly repferrable and thus Buddhism-orthe codyanterrpretation-is NOT a valid way of thought (and oh-crash the mountain-here somes another one) thus ALL world religions are absolute shite for the threefive reasons mentioned in passing. It is use ful to conclude that one must first remember before one sees, and that one must also remember before one acts. It is the falsificaton of one's own memory that leads to disaster for somany yet is realized by sofew.
4) SEX: none. -There is actually quite a bit of this going on.
Yours Truly,
The inspakeable he, An A+ student of human nature,
Will he ever finish this outroduction?,
We don't know.,
But we hope so,
(((It is driving us crazy,
Whee, !!look at me go,
"Don't Talk Polotics, Don't Throw Stones"
--Your Royal Highness.
from the moon on 2001-11-06 16:42 [#00049100]

ophecks wants to be baron von picklefoot's smelly love bagel. I have speakted!
from Durham, NH USA on 2001-11-06 17:29 [#00049114]

This board has WAY too many people trying WAY too hard to be weird to look hip or something. Might go down in high school drama class but looks weak here.
on 2001-11-06 17:36 [#00049118]

I worship the Baron, do you have a problem, Dblhlx? Take it up with my FISTS, HHHHIIIIIIYYYYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
*Lunges at Dblhlx
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-11-06 17:37 [#00049120]

yeah no shit. its gettin old people, when i see a message that is like a page long, i just skip right through it, what a waste of time
on 2001-11-06 17:38 [#00049122]

Yes, let's relax and discuss music, that's what we're here for.
from words on a gravestone on 2001-11-06 17:49 [#00049125]

--- This is his name:
James Joyce.
This is what he wrote:
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Ulysses Finnegans Wake other things. --- Yes, these other idiots (the Baron, in particular) are just full of pretenses and nonsense half-insult sentences and, at the top of their little teeny brains, the height of evolutionary perfectionsm, I might add, the name of their favorite Aphex Twin track, which probably took Richard 5 seconds to make, and which they worship like the little biiiiitches they all are---
--after studying the monkeys meticulously and carefully for hours and hours and days and days and suchon soforth, I, your humble Dr. Zais, CONCLUDED:
they're all like that.
from words on a gravestone on 2001-11-06 17:57 [#00049126]

""" its gettin old people, when i see a message that is like a page long, i just skip right through it
Which proves my point:
Illustrated here:
1) You people don't understand anything longer than a few sentences.
2) You don't WANT to.
Askme, askwhich-I WILL SAY-
YOU IDIOTS!!!- Sincerely, "Miscellaneousrandom Shiftchanging Indole"
Next Issue:
Will he be 5-Meo? Will he cross the blood-brain barrier? WILL he have MORE than ONE Methyl group?? WILL HE, oh goodness,
go butyl?
Tune in next week.
from bat country on 2001-11-06 18:07 [#00049131]

if all you see, is violence. Then i make a plea-ya-in their defense. Don't you know they speak vaudevillian? And for what it is, hear what my theory is: some gibberish it is so serious. What we need is some more silly men.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-11-06 18:51 [#00049141]

yet another waste of a table in phobias SQL database.. ;)
Dr Robotknic
on 2001-11-06 19:50 [#00049161]

GreenAtix wants us all to post about flowers, Bulgarian waffles, and crem coloured ponies.
from bat country on 2001-11-06 20:46 [#00049175]

and taking over drum machines
Ronald McDonald
on 2001-11-06 20:50 [#00049178]

What kind of person spells it "stoopit." Is it on purpose or did you just learn the english language under the guidance of Hurbert Leeroy?
from bat country on 2001-11-06 21:01 [#00049184]

HAHAHAHA....."James joyce is fucking my sister!"
on 2001-11-06 21:21 [#00049196]

Everyone stop posting on this thread, it's long and disorientating.
from bat country on 2001-11-06 21:47 [#00049203]

i know, this mb is just 100% silliness
from NYC on 2001-11-07 00:53 [#00049228]

lol I can't believe phobia agreed with the person who wrote this thread and was like "Wait for v5..." Like making a new layout and a login password system are going to make people's posts more intelligent or the people less "stoopit" because they're not really aphex fans.
Of course they're aphex fans you fucking idiot (not you phob the guy who made this thread)
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