Ba ba ba bu
from 1800-765-1112 on 2001-11-01 07:24 [#00047716]

I want the lamest music available, just totally awful almost music. Something just totally idiotic, completely gay and homosexual. Something so over the top in a dumb way that it becomes good. You know what I mean?
Can someone suggest: a yodeling album
a really dorky country album with rap lyrics
anything horrible popular music albums which have particularly struck your antifancy, like britney spears etc.
I like new kids on the block christmas album, wham! (george michael), vanilla ice, michael jackson's thriller... I need more... the humpty dance, stuff like that...
Ba ba ba bu
from 1800-765-1112 on 2001-11-01 07:32 [#00047718]

Valley girl stereotypical lyrics riding in the current of classical gangsta rap. People yelling and screaming and pissed off to an extremely abnormal degree like maralyn manson or masonna. Oh yeah, I ought to check out the village people, that'll be a laugh. Who else... alvin and the chipmunks...
Ba ba ba bu
from 1800-765-1112 on 2001-11-01 07:37 [#00047719]

THat one by "they might be giants?" ... particle man, particle man, doing the things that a particle can... etc. oh yeah.
george michael and maralyn manson duet
alvin and the chipmunks get extremely pissed off and high
Trent Reznor singing about rainbows and baking bunny shaped cookies
Leanne Rhymes and... the village people I guess, that would be gay... who would write a song about the fucking YMCA. They're gay faggots who are gay and homosexual.
Palferd Q. Dames
on 2001-11-01 07:37 [#00047720]

Please fucking vacate the premises immediately.
Ba ba ba bu
from 1800-765-1112 on 2001-11-01 07:40 [#00047721]

So is that a song title, or the group...? Is it really awful sounding? That's what I'm looking for, seriously...
on 2001-11-01 11:17 [#00047728]

Who calls something derogatory by saying its "gay and homosexual"? Thats really dumb.
from uk on 2001-11-01 12:47 [#00047737]

well said jimmy. There's no need for homophobic comments like that ba ba ba bu.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-11-01 14:56 [#00047751]

homophobics are just closet homosexuals. they hate the fact that they might be gay. so they project their fear into hate, thinking that if they hate homo's they aren't one.
hope that makes sense... learned it in psychology last year.
from Rainy Scotland on 2001-11-01 15:16 [#00047753]

I know anything by Mr Bungle or Big Dumb Face is really lame. :)
from the moon on 2001-11-01 15:49 [#00047755]

try bogdan!! that guy is the goofiest mofo ever! or fantastic plastic machine. those artists are totaly for your tastes.
and if all else fails, buy john lithgow's singing in the bathtub.
Ba ba ba bu
from 1800-765-1112 on 2001-11-01 17:23 [#00047766]

Who calls something derogatory by saying its "dumb"? Thats really gay and homosexual. You really have to consider all those poore people who cannot speak. GAyness really is all backwards and messed up though. sperm+sperm = babies?, those fukers are all fucked up in head! And their music would inspire me greatly, milli vanilli, the village people... barney. I want to hear their story sung in overly happy song and dance, particularly one where the "s"'s are replaced by "th's" and there should probably be a lot of clapping where the claps aren't evenly timed, and they should sing about love and cookies and recipies, only in a serious way not deliberately joking... that would be great.
Ba ba ba bu
from 1800-765-1112 on 2001-11-01 17:51 [#00047773]

I listened to the suggestions so far and they're quite idiotic, good job! I can't believe there's no search results for ned flanders at www.mp3.com, I really want to hear him do some yodeling.
Sand Lepus
from Louisville, KY on 2001-11-01 21:16 [#00047819]

BAH! Mr. Bungle is excellent!
Big Dumb Face on the other hand is simply horrid. I'd rather cock a blender...
Baron Von Picklefoot
from My special place ! on 2001-11-02 03:22 [#00047853]

I remember a few months back I threw a kegger at my house and hired A clowns to make ballon animals while everyone drank it was very strange the clown didnt know what to do so he just got drunk with us!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
from perth on 2001-11-02 03:26 [#00047854]

is a homophobic someone whos uncomfortable of homosexuals or someone weho hates them?
i am uncomfortable around them, i know its prolly irrational but i cant help it.
however i dont hate them. BUT having said all that, its theoretic, i have never talked to a homosexual person (or at least if i have i have been unaware of the fact that they are)
on 2001-11-08 10:46 [#00049679]

The thing is that most people probably have met gay people and dont know. They are just people, not some stange different race of peopl. A gay person wouldn't just suddenly confess all to anyone who'd listen and they wouldn't go for every single man, I dont know why people think that. Girls dont fancy all men and neither do gay men.
Just thought I'd point that out, can't be bothered to argue with that ba ba person as they are just plain stupid.
on 2001-11-08 23:49 [#00049900]

try autechre...
on 2001-11-09 00:36 [#00049907]

esquivel! ESQUIVEL!!!!!
from Ottawa, Canada on 2001-11-09 02:32 [#00049916]

If you are reading this, you didn't get re-directed by mooglystar...or whatever his or her name is....
Good show.
Wizard MaC/The Voice Collector
from Amersfoort on 2001-11-09 08:30 [#00049950]

flat55 by mr oizo is stupid, but fun
Wizard MaC/The Voice Collector
from Amersfoort on 2001-11-09 08:42 [#00049953]

I also like the good old Funny Little Man Yeah this one is so much fun
And my own cd "Early Works" has got enough weird stuff to freak for 1 hour
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