on 2001-10-31 01:50 [#00047297]

paperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaper clippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclipp aperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperc lippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippa perclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippapercl ippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippap erclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippapercli ppaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclippaperclip?
can you dig it?
from Canada on 2001-10-31 02:02 [#00047300]

from perth on 2001-10-31 03:19 [#00047315]

yair...no wait, nah. nah i cant.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-31 04:36 [#00047336]

the paper clip is an amazing device considering how simple it is! just think how a piece of metal that has been twisted just right makes our lives just that much better, i love that crazy things!!
on 2001-10-31 04:57 [#00047337]

You can fold the end pieces (to form a triangle with 2 pieces overlapping). Then bend it so these 2 pieces are farther, then bend it back so they hook together. Then drop it on a hard surface and it will spring up about 2 feet. You can also twirl those little pop top tabs that come on soda cans, you pull it off, stick the metal broken piece inside your fingernail then flick and it goes like 20 feet if done right.
from moon on 2001-10-31 05:02 [#00047338]

if your a pupa state gremlin named gizmo you can turn one into a bow, use a pencil as in arrow and use it to defeat the mutant spider gremlin in your second movie!!
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-31 07:00 [#00047362]

thanks for the info guys! i didn't realize that paperclips were that deep!
from chicago on 2001-10-31 07:16 [#00047366]

oh paperclips are one of my most favorite inventions ever. i bet the guy who invented it is a billionare he is.
one of the many uses for paperclips is using it to poke through resin clogged things...i know you know what i mean
and dont forget to bring a towel when you go to the beach. umm, you wanna get high? hehehehehhhheehh....i dunno whats going on.... ---ok Towely
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-31 07:18 [#00047368]

the paper clip is my tool of choice for spreading oil...mmm...oil... can't wait till tomorrow! getting two hits of acid! can't wait!
from chicago on 2001-10-31 07:24 [#00047370]

ahhh but mescaline is better, my friend.
ya know, cause thats what "people" tell me. uh huh. *coughs* *looks away*
i dont know nothin about that i tell ya. ;)
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-31 07:25 [#00047372]

i've read about mescaline on www.erowid.org. but here in medicine hat it's been three years dry of acid! mescaline probably will never make here!
how was mescaline for you?
from chicago on 2001-10-31 07:33 [#00047374]

to be quite honest. i havent tried it quite yet. i have some ready for in a week.
but ive heard from everyone that its 10 times better than my old friend Dee, first name El Es. but we shall see.
you know ive been thinking. yes. really. i wonder if people get mad that alot of us talk complete gibberish on the aphex twin board. i mean, we are not talking exclusively aphex here. is that ok? or is everyone tired of gibberish. are you? cause if you are, i can probably get down to brass tax here. important serious business. aphex twin is god. all hail.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-31 07:38 [#00047375]

i think 1 out of a 100 times i posted it has been aphex twin... this board really is a way for aphex twin fans to talk
from not chicago on 2001-10-31 07:49 [#00047376]

aphex twin? whos aphex twin?
i heard it was like these guys, who like, make this weird beep beep techno music.
yeah, so thats lame. lets talk about blink 182. cause yeah, theyre so cool. and their music is so original. yeah. posuers rock on man
from not chicago on 2001-10-31 07:50 [#00047377]

oh yeah, and pearlsgirrl, youre a fat twat face.
from chicago on 2001-10-31 07:52 [#00047378]

you bitch! ill shoot your eye out! then ill bite off your testicles and spit them in your ear! you strumpet!
from not chicago on 2001-10-31 07:55 [#00047379]

oh yeah? wellllll your mama's so fat that when she sits around the house, she sits AROUND the house!! hahahhaaa man i crack myself up!
from chicago on 2001-10-31 07:58 [#00047380]

youre so lame. what kind of stupid lame person would tell a "yo mama" joke. god, that is like, so 5 years ago! like oh my god!
and speaking of my mom and my house, stop standing outside of it and peering in my window looking at me and spankin your mini monkey. wait for my mom. you sick
Not PearlsGirrl Either
from not in or near the dirty ass city of chicago on 2001-10-31 08:04 [#00047381]

whoa whoa wait. im getting some sort of crazy notion that PearlsGirrl
and PearlsGirrlisatwatface are the same person. thats crazy talk! whoa. thats nuts. i cant believe i figured thaT out! im like, too smart for my own good!
can you believe that?! the same person with more than one screen name?! my god! these people must be brought to justice!!!
noooooooo achhhhhhh! it cant be true! its not possible! the INHUMANITY of it all! whatever shall we do?! sound the alarm!!! call scotland yard!! contact the feds!!! achh nooooooo NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
from chicago on 2001-10-31 08:06 [#00047382]

wow. i am way too bored.
maybe its time for bed....
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-31 08:07 [#00047383]

i like cookies
from chicago on 2001-10-31 08:08 [#00047384]

it must be the full moon on this eery halloween night. thats when the lunatics come out. right? yes! righto!
ok ok. im going to bed now. i swear to almighty god aphex twin.
from not chicago on 2001-10-31 08:12 [#00047385]

cookies? COOKIES?!?! how DARE you talk about cookies!!! this is an APHEX TWIN message board dammit!!!!!! stay on topic!!!! eeeeeeek!
PearlsGirrl you shitfaced motherfucker go to sleep, before i put you to sleep!!!!
this is some handmade quality shit here!!
get what im saying Happy gilmore you crazy mofo.
from chicago on 2001-10-31 08:13 [#00047386]

anyways, onward with paperclips!!!!!
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-31 08:14 [#00047387]

they are richard flavoured cookies!
from bat country on 2001-11-02 19:30 [#00048066]

paperclips are good for scraping your pipe!!
from mp3.com/Quadrapelegicrobotik on 2001-11-02 22:24 [#00048121]

lick my asshole
on 2001-11-02 23:56 [#00048146]

Thanks but no thanks. Richard flavored cookies?
on 2001-11-03 02:08 [#00048154]

my hash pipe is so clogged with resin its not even funny
from bat country on 2001-11-03 03:25 [#00048164]

use a peperclip and save the rez for a rainy day
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