on 2001-10-30 20:46 [#00047105]

Will we need passwords and shit? Who here is going to sign up? I will, raise your hands, please.
We should get free lesbian porn if we start an account, by the way.
from Sweden on 2001-10-30 20:49 [#00047109]

i raise my hand, i get so high, i feel like im able to touch the sky
from Sweden on 2001-10-30 21:27 [#00047132]

Passwords, yes...
from \\\\\'s Newfoundland, CANADA on 2001-10-30 21:38 [#00047139]

Plez plez keep the message board straight forward, none of this private message shit and big ass profiles you have to fill out (no offence Joyrex.com, but i gave up on you guys).
from Sweden on 2001-10-30 21:58 [#00047145]

We'll keep it minimalistic. As a bonus: You could actually customize the MB-layout in your Preferences-page.
from \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Newfoundland, CANADA on 2001-10-30 22:06 [#00047149]

cool. Can u make it so that my Location doesnt get attcked by \\\\\\\\s anymore?
on 2001-10-30 22:20 [#00047159]

My password will be ''Windcar''.
Richard D. James
on 2001-10-31 00:17 [#00047267]

YOu'll have to answer now, are the visuals for V5 completley finished, will it be more Drukqs, sortof, looking? Is it true that there is no KFC in Sweden?
from bat country on 2001-10-31 02:55 [#00047311]

I'll sign up.
from Sweden on 2001-10-31 07:25 [#00047373]

Not finished.
on 2001-10-31 08:25 [#00047388]

Good stuff, Phobia. Personalised messageboards will be tops.
from UK on 2001-10-31 08:27 [#00047389]

PS I couldnt save my profile on Joyrex. Grr
Richard D. James
on 2001-10-31 12:30 [#00047486]

Me either, you tick always stay logged on and it logs you off anyway, it's fuct, Conan is on now, it's a repeat though, did you ever see that episode where Fabio was on and he talked about a beaver attacking his face?
from joyrex.com, of course! on 2001-10-31 16:52 [#00047566]

Not that this should be a forum for tech issues with my board, but...
make sure you have cookies enabled. your user profile allows you to selectively turn on/off graphics, features and more - so the board can be as simple as this one or full-blown if you wish.
Trust me, all you .nu fans won't be disappointed by Phobia's new mb, but you have to understand, the more features a board has or the more complex it gets, there will be issues and bug that have to be worked out first. Patience and communication with the webmaster is a must.
on 2001-10-31 17:17 [#00047590]

I'm a member of Joyrex, but I don't post there much. Decent site, but I prefer this one, I don't know why. I'm sick.
from stuefland on 2001-10-31 17:21 [#00047597]

*dances around*
yea no more name faking mo fos
Phabia Zunga
from Swandean on 2001-11-02 02:54 [#00047849]

Joyrex, I have the cookies enabled but it still does it, it's all just unnecessarily annoying.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from My special place ! on 2001-11-02 02:58 [#00047852]

I ride a giant bike with pizzas for wheels !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
on 2001-11-02 03:58 [#00047864]

Seriously, how DOES the baron come up with that SHIT!?!?!?!?! AWESOME!
Pharbia Zunga
from Swandean on 2001-11-03 04:53 [#00048186]

Will there be moderators? Will there be no smilies? I hate them.
from \\\\\'s Newfoundland, CANADA on 2001-11-03 04:57 [#00048188]

eh barron your stuff is ok, but its not compareable to Wizards Teeth (where are you man!).
Richard D. James
on 2001-11-03 05:00 [#00048189]

You're probably Wizards Teeth, Wizards Teeth is no Will Smith, where did he go?
from \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Newfoundland, CANADA on 2001-11-03 05:10 [#00048190]

I was alot more active on this mb about a year ago, back when the random writings of Wizards Teeth inspired me to try it myself, and I quite enjoyed doing itl. Honestly I miss reading your stuff man!!!
on 2001-11-03 05:11 [#00048192]

He's still here, IN SPIRIT.
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