from THE UK on 2001-04-16 18:35 [#00003557]

In my opinion music today is completly decided by the corparate fat cats who run record labels, all this goth rock shit currently around (limp Bizkit, Papa Roach etc) are slowing down the music scene and not letting any new genres and artists into the charts, I think something should be done about this as I am a true fan of Aphex Twin and like it for the music, whereas all of the current acts around are in it for the money, if any one has any ideas about how to screw up the music scene or who is on the same wavelength, chat to me.
remember: The Snow Answers Come in Dreams
from Canada on 2001-04-16 19:41 [#00003562]

Well Ill tell you something Hahaha. I remember a few years ago when the TEA PARTY came to my city, let me tell you : I was pissed right off, they were such fucking losers and their music sucked ass. So A friend and I had 2 free tickets from his dad to go see this concert. Thee was maybe like 5000 people there to see them. So we ruined the concert pretty much, we bought big things of coke o cola and threw them up on stage, at the band and their vast expanse of musical/electrical equipment. They didn't come back for a long time, and even said that they didn't want to at all. Hehehee.. They deserved it real good. It was in the newspaper and everything.. no one knew it was us though. So if you want to ruin that kind of thing, then get a network of people across the worl, waiting to ruin everyones concert. Hahaa.
from THE UK on 2001-04-16 19:44 [#00003564]

excellent news, i like your act of sabotage ;)
the idea for a whole network of ppl rready to sabotage popular music sounds excellent, keep on posting ppl, and email me about a possible network of saboteurs
from Canada on 2001-04-16 19:50 [#00003565]

Oh man Ill abbotage any crappy music act such as you are talking about. Im ready, its been done before by me... Ill do it agian!
from can. on 2001-04-16 19:57 [#00003568]

though im not a big smashing pumpkins fan, billy corgan had a good quote, which i diced up slightly.."if music was as important as the media made it out to be..if the pursuit of greatness..and looking for this kind of gem hidden under the dirt..the media would hit these bands, these fake bands into the ground with a stick"
from THE UK on 2001-04-16 19:58 [#00003569]

shit, i forgot the worst bands of all....dear god no (can barley bring himself to write the ursed words)....
and teeny bop, such as britney spears etc, who contaminate the music scene with the horribly artificial music
from can. on 2001-04-16 19:58 [#00003570]

poe, there's a lot of bands who arent in it for the money..interesting music like massive attack, primal scream, bjork, etc
from THE UK on 2001-04-16 20:00 [#00003571]

the thing is ross the 'media' is the big record companies, and they are there purely for profit. Im sure all people who like Aphex like it because of the music, not because it dominates the charts and looks 'cool', that is what pee's me off
from THE UK on 2001-04-16 20:08 [#00003574]

i agree with u aswell, primal scream bjork etc do make good music and good for them that they are apreciated and they get noticed in the charts, but it is the fat cat record labels pumping out worthless bands just for the money, not for the important thing THE MUSIC
from Lincoln on 2001-04-17 02:48 [#00003597]

I don't want to come off as sounding like I listen to any Boy Band/Teeny Bopper shit, because I don't... my brother said a very excellent quote to me, "You have to listen to all sorts of 'music' (if britney spears is classified as 'music' I guess) to appreciate what music is shit and what music is not." Anyone agree with me? We've all heard this recycled shit on the radio and cable tv, but it doesn't mean it has to exist. For the most part american teeny boppers do it because they're ignorant. They haven't listened to all kinds of music to appreciate or commend those artists that are more talented. It's all just one big fucking system, where the corporate bastards are overtaking everything in order to get as much money as possible without giving the artists any. ONE BIG FUCKING MESS.
from Lincoln on 2001-04-17 02:50 [#00003598]

BTW, p0}e or however the hell you type it, i listen to afx because of the super fast beats and synths that he uses. purely relaxing to me.
from Santa Fe, NM on 2001-04-17 05:19 [#00003602]

I think that people should learn to sabotage the mega record companies themselves through all kinds of crazy electronic terrorist methods. More pirate radio stations would be nice too.
from Canada on 2001-04-17 05:25 [#00003603]

Yes I think that it is absolutly foolish to think that the record companies should be able to "own" the music we listen to. I believe we/everyone else who agrees should set up networks of people and fight these bastards.
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-17 09:19 [#00003613]

Boy Bands - yes.. i remember seeing something on dateline about the backstreet boys. It was this big corporate fat ass who started them up. this was the same dude who put together new kids on the block. but it is just so obvious, because in the interview with this corporate guy, he talked about how he decided on a boy band because little girls would go into a frenzy and have to have all the cd's, t-shirts, posters, etc. Basically stuff that you can sell. So right here it is TOTALLY obvious that the backstreet boys don't exist for the sake of music, but just for the sake of money. *sigh*
from THE UK on 2001-04-17 11:19 [#00003621]

i agree with you tottaly Quoth about listening to all types of music and making your own judgment wether as to they like the music or not, but because the charts and cable tv are dominated by the mass produced music that all sounds the same ppl dont get a chance to see or hear other artists because the record company fat cats dominate what ppl listen to and smaller better bands arent seen or heard of.
Netlon Sentinel
from beyond on 2001-04-17 12:31 [#00003627]

i think the "heavy metal boybands" such as linkin' park, creed, nickelback etc. are even worse than the regular boybands. they seem to come from the same backstreet factory, but they think they make rock music, although i doubt they write much of it themselves. i used to be a rocker (still am) and i always hoped rock would be revived. but now that it has, i want nothing to do with it.
but since the industry has always regulated what is to be popular music (in the early 90's there was grunge, then rap, then r&b, then the boy/girlbands and now there's "rock"), i fear "our" music (warp) will be really, really popular for a brief time within some years. aphex twin is already known worldwide, as is red snapper. yikes...
and hey, if you don't like what's being played on the radio, give 'em a call and tell 'em what you want to hear. easy.
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-17 12:36 [#00003628]

yeah, that or just don't rely on the media for art or entertainment. I swear, i have not listened to the radio for YEARS. As for the television... i take it in small doeses... pretty much stick to the simpsons and futurama. I've noticed now that commercials are always new to me... hrmmm
from lambside on 2001-04-17 13:59 [#00003632]

i've never been sure why they are labelled 'boy bands'. i mean, to be in a band you have to play an instrument don't you? in that case they should be called 'Boy Choirs'. anyone?
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-17 14:11 [#00003635]

yeah, but then their voices are digitally remastered, etc. so then they don't even deserve the chior status..
so they should just be called 'boys' or 'pretty boys to look at'
basically boy bands is the equivalent of porn for little teenage girls... and teenage girls (i.e. britney spears) is porn for middle aged men. hehe...
from Belgium on 2001-04-17 14:23 [#00003639]

Britney is porn to me too man... CRAY-Z
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-17 15:07 [#00003645]

haha... oh, believe me, me too, me too. i don't know a single man who doesn't want to crawl up inside that booty for the rest of their days alive.
from THE UK on 2001-04-17 18:48 [#00003662]

she is FINE but the music is far from listenable
from Lincoln on 2001-04-17 19:54 [#00003674]

Just put it on "mute" and watch :)
from horse's foot on 2001-04-17 20:34 [#00003680]

britney spears would make much more money if she did many more things nude.
there is too much shite music convoluting the media, and because of that, no one knows what good music is anymore.
from Austin on 2001-04-17 22:36 [#00003687]

Dude, Britney makes her money because she never does anything QUITE nude. If she did nude once she would make a lot of money, but then the contracts from family things would dry up.
She makes much more appearing everywhere ALMOST nude. That makes everyone want to tune in and watch, but makes her clean enough for big companies to load money in to and not lose their family business.
The girl knows what she's doing when it comes to money. She's making tons.
from san jose, ca on 2001-04-18 01:29 [#00003694]

Okay, first of all I agree with Quoth: just mute her dumb ass and put on some aphex twin. she is something to look at... dear god she is. And yeah, I agree with LSDemon about her making money by teasing us... but fuck man... i'm ready to see the real britney. oh yes.
from Canada on 2001-04-18 01:35 [#00003697]

Nice ass!... i Think ill grab it
from Lincoln on 2001-04-18 01:36 [#00003699]

DAMN RIGHT Xehpa88! nice post! btw, interesting track you got off of you answering machine. it's really distorted however, you have better version you could email me? debeatz@hotmail.com
from can. on 2001-04-18 02:25 [#00003701]

what's terrible is that (though i dont like her) Billie the pop star has been almost lynched since she started going out with a guy from Five...talk about stupid fans (girls) who are obsessed out of their minds with boybands. Our grad next year, we get a song every year, and usually it's a pile of shit, but my friends and me are going to try to vote for some pixies *really not likely..* I do agree you have to listen to everything to appreciate music, i dont like corporate music because it sounds corporate and unoriginal to me..But there's lots of good stuff in every genre..i love jazz, electronic (use the word to cover a whole bunch of subsidiaries in it), piano players (kate bush, tori amos) and etc.
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-18 07:24 [#00003725]

Quoth: nah sorry, that was the best recording that i got. i mentioned that somewhere.. i don't know if i did on my site.. or on another message board or what... i lost the message so this is the only copy that i have...
yeah, I have great Britney spears pix. but i'd rather just have a fucking gf. fucking hoes
from Australia on 2001-04-18 08:58 [#00003738]

I try to listen to as many types of music as possible, no matter what genre of music you can find there will always be something that you will be capable of liking, so I say start listening to stuff that you haven't heard before, listen to the stuff that you'd think that you would hate (ie. country music, jazz, etc) and then make your decision on what you like, and for god sakes start supporting experimental bands that are starting up, If we support the good musicians enough,... then soon they will become the popular thing (because so many of us will be supporting them) so I recommend that you go to mp3.com,... besonic.com,.... or ampcast.com,... or garageband.com,.... and listen to all of the artist's, If there's something you like,.. E-mail them, socialize with them and make the musical community a much warmer place to be in, only then will we be able to progress, instead of trying to hinder the progress of bad music,.. help the progress of good music, that is the only way that we will ever be able to fix what all the companies have done with music today..
best regards Tek,...............
from THE UK on 2001-04-18 12:04 [#00003750]

definitely, listen to all types of music and make your own opinion, but how can other people when all they do is watch mtv and listen to popular music radio, so how can the smaller band compete? when the record label fat cats virtually choose what people listen to
from Scotland on 2001-04-18 18:19 [#00003800]

small, live bands will always have a market, as will big and shiny polished poptarts. A friend of mine used to be into grunge (for want of a better word) eg nirvana, sonic youth etc and now loves Hearsay and Westlife. I can't understand it. I think my point is when was the last time you ever liked anything that was in the charts? You're not meant to. We're not the target market.
from Lincoln on 2001-04-19 01:06 [#00003854]

Somebody said a while ago they haven't listened to the radio in like two years or so. Where I live we got a kick ass college radio that does play AFX tracks once in a while. 89.3 KRNU if any of you are able to pick it up. I live in Nebraska so sorry for all y'all out of america. the "music today" for that radio station kicks ass, always a good selection of electronica and straight up experimental stuff.
from australia on 2001-04-19 03:39 [#00003875]

yeah we got RTRFM here government funded community radio hosted by a bunch of stoned university students (i guest DJed a metal show and the DJ goes off during a set to smoke buckets with soem transients in the recepotion lounge....no none else is there that time of night) they play kick ass techno loads n that station too. Mostly 4/4 but i found a show called the ambient zone and i heard my first funkstorung there. the other nights. wicked. :)
from lincoln,ne on 2001-04-19 04:11 [#00003876]

you are all funny w/ britney spears....but dont use women (blah blah blah) ya know common curtosy to women and men both........im 26 and dont think she still looks 13.......so no.........
QUOTH---ive never heard afx on KRNU...but its ok....i isten mainly to 106.3 the blaze (rock/metal)......
did you see FUGAZI on tuesday @ the union on UNL please....thanks......thad.........thad1@hotmail.com....... campus?????? it was wonderful......wrtie me .........................
from THE UK on 2001-04-19 12:57 [#00003922]

i think i will make an apropriate site for this 'network',my previous sites have been disasters. anyways, what are the laws for site?, i dont want it take down by the fbi or something
from THE UK on 2001-04-19 15:33 [#00003942]

i hope that worked
from THE UK on 2001-04-19 15:34 [#00003943]

wooohooo, i do know basic HTML!!!#
*dances around the room*
d. griffiths
from Amsterdam on 2001-04-19 15:46 [#00003944]

whooop di doooo!
wizards teeth
from inside pele\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s wisdom tooth on 2001-04-19 15:50 [#00003945]

What "network" are you going to make a new site for ?
How does one add more than text only to the message board ?
from THE UK on 2001-04-19 18:30 [#00003954]

mat be for sabotaging pop gigs ;)
that would be funny...but probably wont happen
from glycerol ester of wood resin on 2001-04-19 19:28 [#00003960]

if you don't like music today there is a solution.
make the music you want to hear.
if you can conceptualize it, you can create it. in this world we live in there is nothing stopping each and every one of us from creating our own music. the very fact that you have access to a computer and are reading this message is proof that you possess the neccesary tools to manufacture your own music. the skills, the drive, and the desire are another matter.
but if you feel you have to "reach people" (i.e. 'perform'), than that's another matter entirely. that's your problem. now you rely on them. on society and thus on industry and media.
take this path at your own risk.
but - create your own music for yourself. and the satisfaction will be sublime.
no marketing. no advertising. no commercials. no agents. no managers no labels. no R+A. no sold out appearances. no weak follow up albums. no categories or genres. no CD clubs. no promotion. no magazine glossies. no publicity. no 12-year olds nicking your material.
no limitations.
no excuses either.
"I color the silence in layers. Then i take away one silent layer, and there is another silent layer beneath. Then I remove the second silent layer, and there is another silent layer beneath that, and......"
from San Jose, CA on 2001-04-19 21:12 [#00003967]

from THE UK on 2001-04-19 21:20 [#00003970]

well, that thought of producing my own work has always been at the back of my mind...somewhere in one of these threads i have asked ppl if (in the uk or online) if there is anywhere that sells mixing desks(studio), analogue synths, samplers, decks etc, so if any one knows, tell me!, (i would prefer the actual instrument, not software)
thx, i think it is good that most ppl here like producing their own material, good work
from Lincoln on 2001-04-20 01:50 [#00003998]

I make my own stuff, but I think it could really be changed for the better if someone were to be my partner in crime. Take for example; ID LAB & WIZARD'S TEETH collaboration. I wouldn't mind at all w/doing one w/any of you.
wizards teeth
from Inside a Kangaroo on 2001-04-20 09:44 [#00004029]

I am a fan of collaborating, there are only a few of my friends in Newcastle who are interested in making tunes.
Send me an e-mail and we can start sharing ideas.
rubbish john
from the very top of very tall sycamore tree. on 2001-04-20 15:06 [#00004051]

I was intrigued to see what people's comments were on the state of music today. I wasn't surprised to see that most people think that it is a huge pile of steaming shite. I agree.
so i choose to ignore most of it, that is unless it gets too much for me, and i end up ranting about how much i hate it and if someone doesn't calm me down and get me to shut up, I usually end up chewing the heads of small dogs. Please understand, I'm not usually like this, but the the shite we are sometimes forced to listen too really winds me up.
from can. on 2001-04-21 00:32 [#00004103]

well it's good to not do things for money..but making music for yourself after awhile gets kinda boring, ive been making music for about a year and a half, and now i really want to get it to my friends, but then again, it's just my friends..i would hate it to be widespread in my school, because i like giving it to people who'd APPRECIATE it..not like the bands at my school that sell their cds for $10, play shows and are typical rock bands that girls will love..RR, i have lots of friends and i'm not an outsider or anything, but these are the type of guys who take out their guitars at parties and the girls get soo turned on...I'm still contemplating playing my school, just to weird everyone out, there's so much conformity that id love to do this for a change of pace
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