from .de on 2001-10-28 14:47 [#00046330]

i used to be astonished at some of you, now i just sadly accept it...
aphex dj's out for some time... everyone turns up to nesh and rephresh when he plays, pack it out, can't get enough, talk about it on the internet for months and tape it for eachother... such a who-ha...
THEN eventually he releases the tracks that you've been talking about, the ones he's been dropping out, the ones you've all been raving to and paying nuf cash in entry fees to listen to and you slag it off and say you're disappointed...
I think it's just beyond most people. If you don't listen to this degree of music regularly then it's gonna leave you behind... I know, I know... It's all a matter of taste - i don't hate you if you don't like it, that's what makes the world go round... but if you don't like it then why hang out places like THIS and harp on about it...
it's so advanced that it's kinda outta context from all other music, maybe that's the problem... but that's why it's so fabulous. Same with GO PLASTIC.
My God... these records are literally the finest ever made...
if you're having difficulty understanding then all i can say is that you're out of practice - throw out ALL your indie rock guitar it's over... a bit of flamenco or death metal if you must but c'mon peeps...
too much music being released, throw out the chaff, LET'S HAVE FUN!
PS: i burned myself 2 fresh CD-R's from the drukqs i bought and i would recommend this if you just can't get it... put all the ambient/electroacoustic/piano tracks on one cd-r/md/whatever and all the fast d+b mental braindance tunes on the other... leave off the tiny interludes, the 2 midtempo more polygon/icbyd tracks and maybe 1 or 2 others vein (they are top but leave them off for now, they'll confuse you)
so you have one cd about 40 mins i guess of piano and one cd i think about 1hr of mashup... the order is important... try and tell a story... now go out and listen to that... this is very patronizing i know but i'm in a hurry (sorry)
oh i can predict the discussion now... sorry in advance, i'm not a professor of linguistics
on 2001-10-28 15:01 [#00046337]

What? OHHHH, I get it!
from essex on 2001-10-28 16:12 [#00046350]

Xanatos this is 4 u, non?
from brisbane on 2001-10-28 16:47 [#00046352]

i want people to stop bashing CONFIELD, its a MASTERPIECE.
on 2001-10-28 17:03 [#00046355]

im getting into autechre quite a bit after i listened to tri ripetae.
from brisbane on 2001-10-28 17:07 [#00046357]

yes i started at tri repetae too, and then Ep7 came out and then that was it. i became obsessed. @_@
Vampire Angel
from San Juan,Puerto Rico on 2001-10-28 17:10 [#00046359]

Patrick. I am 150% with you. I can listen to it everyday and still think is a masterpiece. Personaly, I won't separate any tracks. I just enjoy the whole Drukqs trip, even with the interludes, after all is part of the whole Drukqs experience. It was conceived by mastermind RDJ that way......In that specific order, forget about separating d-n-b or ambient/electroacoustic tracks...If you can't stand the combination then got a serious problem in your head and with your music taste.....Those people probably dont like experimentation or the just dont accept that a cd does not have to be a constant progresion of music.....This cd is like real life.....You start a day kool, then, for some reason, you feel weird or down, maybe thinking in a strage dark way.....Then you start feeling great again and so on......And another thing, I am not talking about being under illegal drugs.....I'm talking real life here................This one is a masterpiece......In my opinion.........Thanx a lot Patrick for your open-minded opinion.......Thanx very much RDJ for giving us such an excellent recording that DRUKQS is...............You are the best no matter what some people said..............
on 2001-10-28 17:12 [#00046360]

spoken like a tru prodigy
from NYC on 2001-10-28 17:21 [#00046372]

I guess I'm not sophisticated enough to understand Richard D. James or his music.
Maybe when I grow up.
When I first heard Boy/Girl song, Alberto Balsalm, 4, IZ-US, Polynomial C, Windowlicker, and countless others I was in awe. Aphex convinced me that his music was superior to any sounds ever created on any instrument electronic or otherwise ever. It sent shivers up my spine, I listened to it over and over, and I still do today. Druqks doesn't do that to me. Maybe it does to you, but I don't think that I'm not on a "high enough level" to understand druqks.
I think its a good CD, but not a good Aphex Twin CD. This is the Aphex Twin, if it was some new guy on warp, I would say "Hey, he has a fresh sound", but its not.
I agree with Vampire Angel absolutely on how his music is like real life, you go through the dark, the happy, and ICBYD and other CDs like that do that way better for me.
I've been listening to aphex since I was 12, so it would be tough to tell me I need more experience listening to his music, or other IDM. You are right, the music is Avante Garde and I have liked it a little more as I listened to it over and over. But for me, the magic is gone. And on top of that, its repetitive. When I first put it in and heard Vordhobsn which I love, I said wow these drums are fuckin crazy, then I heard them over and over with only slight stylistic changes and was less and less impressed.
I'd be the first one to defend Aphex in any of his works, but this is far from his best, if not his worst release in years.
Vampire Angel
from San Juan,Puerto Rico on 2001-10-28 20:07 [#00046400]

Everybody deserves to make objective opinions, I made mines, Xanatos made his. Anyway, I respect his point very much because he did explain, the way is supposed to, his whole perspective on Drukqs......So, Xanatos, even though I don't agree with you, you are such a nice respectful person that really knows how to express on words your points of you.........You really are my friend.............It doesn't matter what you might think on Drukqs...Hope everybody here could express pints of view like owrselves, not just by swearing or making fucked-up coments about it.......Really RDJ is the best musician on earth, but then again, we all here should already knows that...Hope more people like you enter here in this nice and interesting messageboard......Taka care everybody......Now got to have my everyday dose of DRUKQS...........
from NYC on 2001-10-28 20:34 [#00046403]

^ thanks. What you said about aphex being like real life was 100% true. In fact, thats what all music should do.
I listen to the melody of Boards of Canada - Pete Standing Alone, and I think, this is just like real life. It sums up how I feel about certain aspects of life in a few minutes in a way that I could express in a 100 page essay. In fact, thats what art is all about. This is why I think Aphex Twin- Alberto Balsalm is one of the greatest works of art ever created, am I taking it to far?
on 2001-10-28 21:47 [#00046417]

Pete standing alone=my fav BoC track Alberto=my fav Aphex track
from nz on 2001-10-28 22:00 [#00046420]

another 2 cents
after listening to DrukQs for about 2 days now, i have to say I don't quite get the bashing of it .
i mean, i can see how some people will still prefer RDJ over it or ICBYD, SAW, SAWII perhaps even come to daddy or windowlicker - infact any of his releases. Although i don't really like to rank richards work, i think drukqs is a fine release, with some scorching tracks, and equally qualifiable to first ranking as any of his others.
the thing is, the [perhaps] over abundance of those piano/music-box type tunes seems to throw a lot of people. why ? well maybe its because, its his first album in 5 years and people are impatient (including myself) to listen to his stuff, and so the ups and downs especially that drukqs forces you into makes it difficult to grasp and thus appreciate to its potential.
i don't think this album lacks at all .. the piano tracks (specially avril and kesson) are fuckin beautiful. vordhosbn or so is brilliant (perhaps the most RDJ reminiscent piece) while i'm really digging "taking control", "meltphace 20" and this sort of schizoid shit ..
oh - and sorry bout the long post
from usass on 2001-10-29 00:18 [#00046460]

haha...he said "the bomb"...whitey
on 2001-10-29 00:48 [#00046464]

Patrick, an opinion is an opinion.
from NYC on 2001-10-29 03:03 [#00046498]

Zetre, seems like we have mad similar tastes, you should email me we probably have lots of suggestions for each other to listen to.
from not here on 2001-10-29 05:40 [#00046538]

i like ep7 and confield =)
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