on 2001-10-28 03:05 [#00046216]

From the ten best albums of all time thread I gathered a lot of people really like that album... strikes me as odd really, I tend to think of the two ambient collections as his weakest works... ah well, must be me.
from netherlands on 2001-10-28 03:28 [#00046219]

if u dont like saw 2, u need to check yourself
from usass on 2001-10-28 04:18 [#00046232]

for real, b
from --- on 2001-10-28 05:59 [#00046261]

Selected Ambient Works Vol. II is the best album I've heard to this day. Thought, currently I am trying to surpass it.
from --- on 2001-10-28 06:00 [#00046262]

Thought = Though
excuse the typo
Johnny Appleseed
on 2001-10-28 06:11 [#00046268]

Yeah, theres nothing else quite like it...SAW1 isn't too impressive in my opinion though...
from NYC on 2001-10-28 06:59 [#00046277]

I'd love to hear the ambient works he didn't select.
from moon on 2001-10-28 07:15 [#00046284]

i seriously DONT know why i love this album so much. its simple , repetative, and at times amatuer. but its also brilliant in those same aspects. deffinately a worthy perchase!
Maximus Volumus
from UK on 2001-10-28 09:37 [#00046302]

Personally i think Selected Ambient Works II ever,keeping in mind i havent heard much ambient stuff..i doubt it will ever top this. The best one for me is the one with the distant Casio keyboard sounding riff. All the rest are worthwhile listens too.
I didnt think Selected Ambient Works 85-92 was up to much, however Xtal is brilliance.
Well, thats my bit.
Techno is AFX
Maximus Volumus
from UK on 2001-10-28 09:42 [#00046303]

Shit!!! There was a massive typo on that one!!! I meant to say Selected Ambient Works II is the greatest ambient album ever....
Maximus Volumus
from UK on 2001-10-28 09:42 [#00046304]

Shit!!! There was a massive typo on that one!!! I meant to say Selected Ambient Works II is the greatest ambient album ever....
Maximus Volumus
from UK on 2001-10-28 09:45 [#00046305]

............................I'll get me coat.
from perth on 2001-10-28 14:50 [#00046331]

i lie kit coz its more, sorta emaotional that mostr of the other stuff... makes you think more, more inspirational, in a way. i mean who can listen to somethign like, i dunno, afx airlines and see places?
BUT when yure not in the right mood for it, its just boring.
thing is im usually able to relax enough to listen to it whenever :)
on 2001-10-28 14:59 [#00046335]

It's boring to me, thought I appreciate why you morons like it. No, wait, you're not morons, I love you all. I respect opinions, forgive me.
It has it's moments, but it puts me to sleepys.
Sand Lepus
from Louisville, KY on 2001-10-28 18:39 [#00046383]

I love SAWII.
As far as ambient goes, tho', I like Brian Eno a good bit more. Check out Ambient 4/On Land.
from St Louis on 2001-10-28 18:41 [#00046384]

Of the six of Richard's albums that I own, SAW II is my least favorite. I do like the textures, but it's too repetetive and drawn out. But I'm just a dumb kid
WW's Sketcher
from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada on 2001-10-28 21:10 [#00046407]

I'm probably one of the few people who think this, but..
I found SAW II, kinda bland. :/
The 12th track was supposedly preety good or so i've heard.
I dunno, i think most fans will be intrigued and fascinated by the intricately detailed music of the Aphex Twin
But, still...it's just too bland for me, ah well. :/
SAW I still rocks. :)
on 2001-10-28 22:12 [#00046422]

There are brilliant tracks and there are boring tracks on it. It´s not like it´s Das wohltemperierte klavier or anything..
from nz on 2001-10-28 23:39 [#00046449]

i think selected 85-92 is extremely good. bit of nostalgia for the old folks !
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