from --- on 2001-10-28 02:00 [#00046192]

I really enjoy their work. ISDN and Lifeforms would have to be my favorite albums by them.
Your thoughts.
from Orange County, CA, USA on 2001-10-28 02:25 [#00046195]

on 2001-10-28 02:27 [#00046197]

I think their sounds are generally taken from outside sources (swimming pool splashes etc.) so it's way less interesting and creative than making them from scratch. Dead cities is pretty cool but doesn't make my top 30 list probably. Lifeforms seems to rely on echoes mostly to make the music interesting, while works like that one weird autechre tri repetae disk two (track... 4 maybe) is way more interesting in the echo department. It mostly feels ambient.
from netherlands on 2001-10-28 03:25 [#00046218]

hey M, i think you need to think again before talking complete crap about magnificent music like fsol. you fucking piece of wannabe shit. just cause you dont understand doesnt mean the music isnt good. fucking moron
on 2001-10-28 05:07 [#00046245]

At least I provided reasons to back my opinion of the group's music. You only backed your opposite opinion with the subjective word magnificent (and a few naughty nasty bad names directed at me).
from -op on 2001-10-28 05:52 [#00046258]

Sorry M, for I will have to strongly disagree with you on that one. I personally have not heard any other artist doing what they do the way they do it. To me it is quite interesting. Music is also about emotion. The ability to provoke certain feelings with sound, not just percussion patterns/melodies.
from a plastic bubble on 2001-10-28 07:17 [#00046285]

m, you say that using sounds from outside sources is uninteresting and uncreative? have you listened to matmos? they build all of their songs from various outside noises (liposuction machines, shuffling cards, hamster cages, etc.)...and their music is very complex and interesting...
im also pretty sure aphex does it quite a bit...i have a feeling that most of the beats from the rdj album were made up of everyday sounds...he also claims to have used the sound of his friend's diarrhea in a song...as well as falling cutlery...although i suppose fsol dont really use outside sounds in this way...they use them more for atmospherics than rhythm...
dont mind me, i'm just rambling now....
from moon on 2001-10-28 07:19 [#00046286]

everyone has an oppinion. all ill say is anyone who finds thier oppinion to outway another's is an arrogant poo brain!!!!!!!!!
i love the the album, but power to m for speaking his mind,
oh and from now on , say reverb instead of echo. it makes you sound more proffesional:)
on 2001-10-29 12:03 [#00046658]

i was drunk as fuck. sorry M, but ur still a moron. and i agree with the others
on 2001-10-29 14:58 [#00046689]

fsol's new site is www.futuresoundoflondon.com They're still updating, but they're sure to give info on their new amorphous andrognyous cd.
on 2001-10-29 16:25 [#00046700]

I think wayout described the reason I don't like them a lot better, they base their sounds on atmosphere rather than rhythm mostly. I like complex organized stuff. I like the tracks on dead cities, just not as much as other stuff.
from bat country on 2001-11-02 19:27 [#00048065]

my kingdom is my favorite song by them. that song is amazing
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