from Cornwall on 2001-10-27 22:14 [#00046123]

Im sorry but this double cd is shit - i waited for months and months to get and spent £15 for it for one good track (vordhosbn). I realy do think Richard D James is trying to take the piss to see if loads of people will just buy utter crap cos of who he is (like me), i dont want a load of poor piano music or crapy chinese bolloks, i want quality like girl/boy again. Any1 who says all this shit is good is in self-denial, cos u know you wouldnt buy it if it was done by any1 else! All I can say is - OH DEAR
from cymru on 2001-10-27 22:22 [#00046125]

i think there's more than one good track on this album. meltphace 6, cock/ver 10, cymru beats = quality.
from confield on 2001-10-27 22:24 [#00046126]

actually, i downloaded a few tracks fore i bought it, and i happened to pick omgyjya switch7, meltphace6, and b-something-cord. they are the GREATEST SONGS i have ever heard in my life. i fuckin love this CD(i must admit, some of the piano tracks are bland, but theyre only a minute). i also love Cock-Ver10, ALL of the songs actually. they all hit me in the right spot. so if you dont like it thats fine, but you dont gotta be a dick and make assumptions on why people like it. i HATE about half of aphex twins music, so i wouldnta bought it if i didnt like it. in fact, i hated windowlicker and most of come to daddy. so my predictions of this CD were not good. so fuck you, i liek this CD and im listenin to it right now.
on 2001-10-27 22:39 [#00046130]

ZAPD, you're a twat. But we're all twats, don't worry 'bout it.
from NYC on 2001-10-27 23:03 [#00046143]

I agree with Zapd on the fact that a lot of people defending Druqks might not be doing it if it wasn't RDJ. This album does NOT need to be 2 CDs. It should have been one small 8 track EP to keep us at bay while we wait for his next amazing release, (i.e. CTD, ICBYD, RDJA)
from Cornwall on 2001-10-27 23:04 [#00046144]

Valid point there Ophecks, I've had time to skin up now, but most of its still sounding shit - i feel stronger drugs are in order to appreciate it - or is that the self denial kicking in again?
from cymru on 2001-10-27 23:10 [#00046145]

what hve you been listenning to recently zapd? out of interest.
from Cornwall on 2001-10-27 23:15 [#00046147]

I've actualy been listening to older Aphex Twin stuff like Beetles and Milkman - the stuff before he took his self seriously and the Come to Daddy E.P - Ive also started making my own music and with thousands of people buying Drukqs, ive got hope.
from burialyn on 2001-10-27 23:16 [#00046148]

don't you all feel good about having some new cool collection of the guy for who's stuff you're desperately longing?
i bought it on vinyl, cd and mp3'd it. i listen to the following playlist every morning (which is as good as the last bits of icbyd)
avril14th kladfcbung micshk jynweythek ylow strotha tynhe hy a scullyas... kesson daslef. btoum roumada father petiatil cx ruglen hol
from burialyn on 2001-10-27 23:16 [#00046149]

don't you all feel good about having some new cool collection of the guy for who's stuff you're desperately longing?
i bought it on vinyl, cd and mp3'd it. i listen to the following playlist every morning (which is as good as the last bits of icbyd)
avril14th kladfcbung micshk jynweythek ylow strotha tynhe hy a scullyas... kesson daslef. btoum roumada father petiatil cx ruglen holon beskhu3pmne nanou2 prep gwarlek vorhosbdn
for the others i always go one by one... it's just too much listening all through (i think listening to the lp one side a day is ok too) but all of the 2 cds in one ride is way too much to comprehend.... ;)
from cymru on 2001-10-27 23:19 [#00046151]

i reckon he made mikman and beetles for a laugh. if that is what influences you try mike flowers pop or afroman. whoops you probably got that one on already while you wre skinning up man.
from chicago on 2001-10-27 23:21 [#00046152]

i love the new work, for the most part. i just think the album shouldve bee arranged differently.
maybe disc one couldve been called the "evil" disc, containing all the songs with actual BEATS.
Disc two, called the "heavenly" disc, containing all the piano and miscellanious tracks.
from Cornwall on 2001-10-27 23:22 [#00046153]

i prefer the music when he KNEW it was shit, not now he was taking the piss out of us intead of with us.
from cymru on 2001-10-27 23:27 [#00046154]

so many people like this album on and off this message board. i cant wait until he's not taking the piss, its gonna be some album.
from burialyn on 2001-10-27 23:28 [#00046155]

i'm sure he still just makes music for fun and living, he doesn't need to care bout things we have to. but it's still awsome.
imagine what'd happen had he put his face on the two discs if there was the 'angelic' disc with richard d. jesus
and the 'devilish' disc with richard devil james (richard=devil=jesus ?)
spooky. i like it the way it came out. it's personal. like it was YOU who just found
an md with 3123 afx tracks on it... we'd all love to, no?
from Cornwall on 2001-10-27 23:35 [#00046157]

I'd love to have his life - make music all day long and it doesnt even matter if its shit cos people still buy it.
from Near Portsmouth on 2001-10-27 23:37 [#00046158]

I think the album is excellent with some cool tracks on. I think the album is for a true Richard D James fan. It is much different to his other stuff, that is what I like about the guy, trying out different styles of music.
Any one going to the WARP RAVE in November?
from cymru on 2001-10-27 23:38 [#00046159]

all of us are really naive but you can hear what it really sounds like...
from Cornwall on 2001-10-27 23:40 [#00046160]

from burialyn on 2001-10-28 00:07 [#00046167]

why are you still awake? didn't your mum tell you to sleep by now?
nobody even cares how much better music than aphex can you can make...
go to sleep. listen to r. kelly or whatever
from Cornwall on 2001-10-28 00:15 [#00046171]

Actualy I listen to nails down blackboards REGULARy on my new c.d, that abstract enough for you?? Dont get me wrong, I love Aphex but im not an avid fan of his new work. SORRY
from up above on 2001-10-29 00:25 [#00046463]

well i can most certainly say that i did not like this new album that much at first either, but of course many of the songs have been growing on me.
and i realized last night why i was so disappointed in the album... it was just becuase I was expecting something completely different: like more hard hitting fast paced aphex twin.
granted that there are some songs like that on this album... and granted that there are some songs that seem to be purely ambient pieces (not the kind of music you'd chill to), i realized last night as I listened to this artist who i've seen on mtv, heard on underground dj radio stations, seen make videos with a monster screaming at an old lady-- this man who has written all of this electronic music turn around and release an album with tracks that are 100% piano. and of course it's not just the fact that he plays the piano, but that it is just yet another tool he uses to express himself musically. and he doesn't give a fuck what everyone expected him to release, just what he wanted to release (or at least I hope).
well~~~ that's all.
welcome to your doom
from redondo on 2001-10-29 03:47 [#00046506]

I love this album, and all the people who "hate" it don't understand what aphex twin is all about... this cd is composed of shit that he had on his hard drive from earlier times... he didn't give a shit about what you thought about it. he likes the tracks obviously and that's all that matters to him, and that is really all that matters to me- i could listen to any type of music as long as the person making it was sincere about it. you can tell about that, and you can tell that rdj likes these tracks. on windowlicker he almost went pop for a moment but he came back with a double CD of UN-RADIO-PLAYABLE songs that have nonsense names to further confuse people and make them hate him... it almost seems like he likes it when people hate him- wtf you think come to daddy video was all about? to get a laugh and piss people off. so if you are pissed at Richard D. James then he is laughing at your ass, muthafucka. whenever an artist does something different or weird with their art, then everybody makes a huge fucking deal over it... if the artists all stayed the same then where would newer better things come from?
so, to conclude, I love drukqs and if you don't, then piss off, you cunts.
from purf on 2001-10-29 04:17 [#00046516]

i liked drukqs the first time i heard it, and i still like it after the ~25th listen. if it wasn't an aphex release, i would have bought it, because i really like the piano pieces, and the drill pieces are interesting enough to hold my attention for 7-8 minutes each (eg. ziggomatic 17).
but fucking hell, you like it or you don't, don't try to make other people like/hate it...
from not here on 2001-10-29 04:25 [#00046517]

when i first heard it, i was pretty surprised with the piano stuff too. but after a few times listening i learned to appreciate it. it so original.. i really can't imagine anybody else coming up with something as good as drukqs just because of his originality and his broad range of music he creates. for instance compare Come to Daddy Pappy Mix with Avril 14th. this guy is awesome. there isn't one song by him i don't like. i might have taken a little while to get used to but you learn to appreciate it.
from purf on 2001-10-29 04:29 [#00046518]

only tracks i dont really like (but still listen to them cos they're short):
father aussois lornaderek bit4 but i guess they could be listened to as spacers or something
from Laguna Niguel, CA on 2001-10-29 04:36 [#00046519]

So many people think that they know what Richard is all about. Thing is, if you did know, you wouldn't be coming up with assumptions and making shit up that no one knows whether it's true or not. First off...Rolling Stone can kiss my ass. To give an album such a lame rating (and even a rating at all) is like putting a rating on art. The thing about this is....YOU DON'T. The opinions of others is what is so great about an album, but when it comes from some idiot at Rolling Stone who thinks he knows music and encourages others to do the same based on his opinion needs to get his/her head outta their ass. Richard has paved the way for so many DJ's and other artists that those artists don't even know where their inspiration is coming from, due to the fact that they try and make something that THEY think people will like. I saw a post on here about people not listening to the radio anymore. Who needs the radio when you can listen to what YOU like than what OTHER people like. Bands like Limp Bizcutt, Sugar Ray, and other bands with ego prob's need to wake the hell up and make something different. I've only been listening to Aphex Twin for about four years. In this period, I've found out shitloads of things about why I like him: no one knows about him here in Southern Cali, his stuff is tough to find, that and there is just something about his music that I like...although most of his songs to me sound unbearable to listen too. Other than that, I don't really know why I like his music so much. I never really knew that Richard could play the piano, I mean the grand type. I found the album very interesting, yet I do agree that it should have been stuctured differently, having a piano solo followed by hard beats is a little odd. If Richard put together an album from shit that was taking up hard drive space off of his computer and slapped it on an album to satisfy WARP, I don't understand why he's want to create a shitty album (to him anyway) that is marked by his lable, Sire. Seems like a contradiction to me, and that would be just plain stupid, and RDJ is anything but. I didn't know what to expect from his new album. I did know that whatever it would be, I would accept it simply because it was done by Richard, and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, i suppose I will always be in awe of of his work, it is unlike anything that I have ever, or will ever hear.
on 2001-10-29 06:49 [#00046553]

he doesn't play the grand. he triggers it via midi.
Its one of those pianos that you can like get stuff for and make them play tunes by themselves and stuff.
also, i don't think rdj thinks too much about making albums than songs, which may explain why so many people complain about its irratic behaviour. personally i don't really care, the songs (which matter - although granted it is ANOTHER theory blah bla..) are fucken a ..
from madness on 2001-10-29 10:39 [#00046629]

Hey ZAPD !
Is that you Richard ?
I don´t know but anyhow I feel about it that way.
Anyhow - I like drukqs very much. I found the piano trax very interesting. When I first listened to drukqs I didn´t understood what he wants to say with them and the whole time I tried to compare them with his older releases.
In the end I realised. That is wrong.
Don´t start comparing.
Listen without prejudice !
This is my advice !
I don´t care if he release some old or some new trax.
I take a look of what comes over and to me there are a lot of good feelings when I´m listening to drukqs. The album is also very melancholic and dark but that shows once again the variety of his art.
Life is about the good and the bad.
Richard shows that in his compositions and I like that.
I buyed drukqs last friday and listened to it the whole weekend and I just love that album.
It´s anyhow right that Richard musically took one step back !
So what !
Richard has started to go back to the roots.
Isn´t that the best thing that could happen ?
Sometimes you have to take one step back to get ahead.
Maybe he will come up sometime with something completely new that blows everyone away.
Who knows ?
So come on you cunts
Milk Man Dan
on 2001-10-29 10:52 [#00046630]

Rove McManus is in my anus.
on 2001-10-29 11:53 [#00046650]

Rove McManus is my bitch. Your ass is my bitch, wow!
from UK on 2001-10-29 12:32 [#00046665]

Your friends are my Gimps so...
Rove McManus is in the ass of my gimps friends ass bitch.
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