from NYC on 2001-10-26 23:10 [#00045900]

I finally got drukqs, after not downloading any mp3's at all, waiting and waiting for months. Dissapointment is the only word that comes to mind.
People are in awe of his emotionless piano playing, although avril 14th is a nice tune its nothing amazing. Maybe its because my brother is a piano player and I have been exposed to classical/piano music all of my life. But what he did there was nothing out of this world. Most of the other piano/clavicord tracks are so boring I had to struggle with myself to let them play all the way through.
There are 5 tracks I like, on two CD's. Vordhosbn Omgyjya Switch7 Bbydhyonchord among others
And even those tracks for the most part sound like some crazy squarepusher which you listen to a while for and then never play it again. Even my low expectations for it were dismayed.
I mean even bad aphex songs are great, but the aphex magic of ICBYD, RDJ Album, and other stuff (which can't be expressed words) was clearly absent.
Is RDJ doing this on purpose?
If Boards of Canada betrays me like this with their new album I think I'm going to have to start listening to more Micheal Jackson, oh wait, he sucks now too.
Don't get me wrong, I'll still buy every cd RDJ releases for the rest of eternity, but...well, you get the point.
Comments? Disagreement?
from the farm on 2001-10-26 23:14 [#00045905]

listen to it more. Try mixing it in with other aphex stuff. At least half the tracks bear up to his other stuff. Still think it could have been reduced to one CD though.
ICBYD is fantastic, but it still has dodgy moments (Ventolin, video version anyone?)
from NY on 2001-10-26 23:28 [#00045909]

Think of it this way, you payed 20 some dollars (or 30 some pounds) for the good 5-track EP hidden in a 30 track double album.
The reasons behind this mediocre release I've heard is something about getting out of a contract (perhaps with Sire records?)...so I can see how he might have just emptied his harddrive to get it over with.
from Trondheim, Norway on 2001-10-26 23:30 [#00045912]

??? What about "Ventolin"....?! Oh, and by the way, am I the only one here who likes "Father"?
from Ottawa, Canada on 2001-10-26 23:38 [#00045915]

Yeah, DRUQKS, was kinda dissapointing for me...but some of the highlights are preety good though.
e.g: Jynweythek Ylow Mt. Saint Michel Mix+St. Michaels Mount Ruglen Holon and some more...
overall, it is kinda dissapointing oh well.
But i just picked up SAW I so i'm a happy guy. ;)
from the farm on 2001-10-26 23:39 [#00045916]

father, afx 237, taking control... thats where drukQs just gets a little lame and uninteresting near the end.
Ventolin video version is probably the only IC BYD track i always skip unless i am stoned. In which case its just more noise. which is OK.
from chicago on 2001-10-26 23:51 [#00045922]

AH! good. i'm not the only one that doesnt like ventolin. i didnt even like the remixes from the maxi. only time i'll say, it sounds good is when it sounds nothing like the original. like on the 'ventolin remixes' maxi. cylob mix anyone?
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-26 23:58 [#00045928]

when i download the entire album i really didn't like it. but one morning i smoked half a vial of oil and listened to the entire album. with the help of being extremly stoned i gained an appreciation for the album becuase it is extremely complex, the complexities are very subtle but amazing.
thanks to oil i now have appreciation for an amazing album.
from the farm on 2001-10-26 23:59 [#00045929]

twas a concept work based around asthma (ventolin=asthma medication) and the clanging, wheezing sounds are impressive in that context, but it aint a pleasurable listen
Cylob is a decent mix though, yeah.
on 2001-10-27 01:08 [#00045944]

The album has the same sort of dead, bland feel as NIN's The Fragile.
on 2001-10-27 01:20 [#00045945]

ICBYD Rocks! I told so many people about DrukQs came out that this is the real shit! I can't tell anyone I've got it yet 'cos I don't know what it's about? I really don't want to play 2 cds a million times so I brainwash myself into liking it. There is 5 tracks that would be cool as an EP but as an album or a listening experience it sounds like a terrible prog record. I hope he's got this out of his system. Give us some REAL aphex acid....soon.
from davis,CA on 2001-10-27 01:24 [#00045947]

call me weak, but i loved it the first 5 times i listened to it ithink it's much, MUCH better than i care because you do, in fact, i think it's his best since SAW 2 really....
drukqs is great... how could you not like kesson dalef??
on 2001-10-27 01:25 [#00045948]

how often do you think you'll listen to this all the way through?
on 2001-10-27 01:46 [#00045961]

You know what? I think Drukqs is great. I was a little underwhelmed, but now it's really coming around, it tastes better. Really, it should grow on you. I think it's his best, and I'm NOT jumping to conclusions, really. Better than ICare and RDJ, methinks. AGREE WITH OPHECKS!
on 2001-10-27 01:56 [#00045962]

It's no way as good as I care. There is no innovation or humour. The piano things aren't a patch on piano solo's that have been done for a hundred years, The ambient tracks are nothing and the electronic tracks have good sections but they've been edited till there's nothing there, 54 cymru beats is cool! The other tracks have only fleeting moments. It's not a great album, it leaves emptyness more than fulfillment. ICBYD is the peak.
on 2001-10-27 02:19 [#00045969]

I see what you're saying, maybe IC is the shit. But Drukqs is great on its own terms, don't be comparing it to the rest of 'em. Maybe it isn't too groundbreaking, but I don't think it deserves all the criticism, eh? Fuck the rest of his albums. Maybe a lil too much filler, agreed, but the good stuff is real good, eh? If you don't like the filler, skip it, I hate the pretentious fucks that say ''oh, you HAVE to listen to the whole thing straght through, and have the ACTUAL ALBUM, or you're not a real Aphex fan.'' Skip Father and listen to Vordhosbn, lollippper.
on 2001-10-27 02:19 [#00045970]

You know what? I think Drukqs is great. I was a little underwhelmed, but now it's really coming around, it tastes better. Really, it should grow on you. I think it's his best, and I'm NOT jumping to conclusions, really. Better than ICare and RDJ, methinks. AGREE WITH OPHECKS! or JIMMY!! (lol I copied this from OPHECKS no hard feelings, I just feel the EXACT same as you :) )
on 2001-10-27 02:20 [#00045972]

Aw thanks Jimmy! But I'm taking you to court, ya bleedin' copydog.
from UK on 2001-10-27 02:23 [#00045974]

I didn;t download any mp3's either, for fear of spoiling that magic moment when you listen to ir first. I really liked the album on first listen, although I still really have to listen to it properly (ie by myself, all of it in one go, having a decent spliff)
But what about that Squarepusher comment? I listen to nearly all of squarepusher's albums again and again and they just seem to get better and better. The Sq albums I don;t often listen to are the 'quiet' ones: Maxi, burning'n, budakhan and rotted note.
Tom is definetly on the same level as Richard is.
from purf on 2001-10-27 04:10 [#00045986]

i've listened to drukqs all the way through some 20 times and i'm not bored yet.
i think it's his best album, but tied with that are icbyd and ab5 (does ab5 count though?)
from confield on 2001-10-27 04:31 [#00045992]

first time i heard it, it seemed obviously reminisent of NIN's the fragile. and in the same respect, it grows on you. its also similar in its use of real instruments. NIN started getting away from the "industrial" classification with the use of stringed instruments. aphex twin gets away from his reputation for programmed, heartless tracks(thats what people think) with the use of piano. anyway, after listening to the whole thing straight through, i immediately compared it to the fragile. in the same way it sounds like one long song at first, but each track grows. some slower than others.
from europe on 2001-10-27 11:52 [#00046037]

it's funny people are always comparing i care because you do with drukqs... i like some tracks from icbyd a lot (mookid, next heap, icct hedral), but i'm never in the mood for buying that album. i guess it's a matter of taste. in my case i prefer the ep.s and drukqs. perhaps it's also, because i got only recently into aphex twin's music. i listened to icbyd after listening to everything else (with exception of drukqs, of course), and i was just as dissapointed of icbyd as an album as some people here are dissapointed of drukqs.
from europe on 2001-10-27 11:54 [#00046038]

ps: just my personal opinion.
wizards teeth
on 2001-10-27 12:04 [#00046039]

i love it and hate it
nanou 2 is cack
i am not a big fan of some of the piano tracks
i could listen to some of the tracks for ever
i love the one that sounds like a whip at the start
who am i to comment
well done richard if you are reading these messages or sausages
from Urban PostModernVancouver< Canadaaaa on 2001-10-27 13:12 [#00046042]

In the case with Aphex, one must remember that everyone has waited long and long for his 'new stuff'.
So, in the meantime a few years had to be withstood of listening to the older, classic stuff which by this point has become so familiar by most that its weird to have something new and fresh amidst it.
This is often the case with anything in life.. Try moving to a brand new house after you've lived in your familiar surroundings for about 10 to 15 years.
Once in the new place you're not going to find that so-called 'soul' as your old familiar place will have, and the same goes for this album.
The problem is that the wait for this album has been extremely long, expectations will be too high, and some fanatic people will almost get pissed off to the point of saying": fuck you RDJ" so here is the new album.
I personally adore this album and have nothing but praise for it, and I dont think that there has been another album by any other artist within the past few years that has satisfied me this much, as matter of fact , I dont think there has been another artist that has come out with such a diverse and heartwrenching album these past few years period.
Trust me, a whole year from now, this album will most likely be enjoyed as much as the other older Aphex albums.
Remember, RDJ is a trickster and an observer of these times ...erm better then most artists and his fans...he plays people with this album for a few reasons......this album is about the Now...Possible futures... and ones possible views of it......
RDJ always stands around the corner waiting to fool those of you that think he's "lost" it or whatever.
from Sweden on 2001-10-27 17:00 [#00046074]

You are right, very right!
I love Drukqs more and more... It was the same thing for me with RDJ album, Squarepushers Go Plastic etc.
on 2001-10-27 17:44 [#00046077]

I don't have it yet. It was delayed till the 13th on Nov here, I want to cry. I only have the MP3s, FORGIVE ME, FORGIVE ME!
from NY on 2001-10-27 20:22 [#00046109]

I was listening to ICBYD today and it struck me how equal it is to Drukqs..ICBYD has all the styles on it too like = come on you slags, ventolin and mookid totally different styles etc.
I love both albums but I think that Drukqs is better (ICBYD got my all time favourite AFX track though, Alberto Balsalm).
Sound Assassin
from The Studio on 2001-10-27 21:13 [#00046112]

I must admit on the whole I like it, I really don'y like that track with the screaming or whatever it is...just plain done before pointless "I'm sick" crap! A lot of the piano-y trax sound very much like some wierd avant garde John Cage stuff I have in my dusty cupboards.....
Still I like it!
Have fun
from New York on 2001-10-27 21:13 [#00046113]

Alberto Balsalm is my favorite too...
from Cardiff on 2001-10-27 21:42 [#00046118]

I can't believe that people have labelled Drukqs as bland! I may stand alone on this but i thought RDJ had just set the standards for braindance for the next ten years, it was totally unlike anything else in its genre. It is a groundbraking record, the piano pieces show this. Who else would dare to release an album like this? The answer is a musician. This is not an ablum released to please the fans, thats clear, this is an album that RDJ has made because he loves to create music. That is why this album is unique, as no other artsit in his genre has had the security to do this. And of course because its RDJ at his purest we have seen him.
from cymru on 2001-10-27 21:48 [#00046120]

Someone mentioned go plastic. im a big squarepusher fan but this was a right let down. Maybe i need top keep trying...
on 2001-10-27 22:43 [#00046133]

The manic parts are SO manic, the calm parts are SO calm. I like it a bundle, no doubt. 'Tis a bit uneven and weird, but that comes with the territory, the guys a crazy cunt!
from NYC on 2001-10-27 22:59 [#00046140]

Ok well a few things. I've been listening nothing but druqks since I made this thread, and people are right, it has started to grow on me. I am really into the first couple minutes of track 2 on CD one, and the strange beat he drops like 2 minutes into track 4, that is what aphex is all about.
Honestly though, It doesn't have the aphex beauty to it. Track 7 on CD one kind of reminds me of mookid which I like, but its lost the old feeling.
I hope you are wrong Nathan that this sets standards for the next ten years. Anyway, there never have been any standards for braindance, thats why we all love it so much!
Archrival, Frothbottom: Right on, Alberto Balsalm is the best IDM track ever made, in fact, it might be the greatest five minutes of sound ever created by anyone. Maybe I am taking it to far...the way I found this website was I was listening to it one day, and I wondered, does this make anyone else feel like it makes me feel? And I typed it into google, and a thread on this message board came up, 'Beautiful Electronica Songs'...
Where the f'ck in new york are you guys from?
from Lincoln on 2001-10-27 23:01 [#00046141]

it sukqs your mom right up xanatos... hehe... no, really I respect your opinion... it GROWS on you, trust me
from --- on 2001-10-27 23:55 [#00046162]

I like Drukqs.
from Birmingham, UK on 2001-10-28 00:05 [#00046166]

bland?? the fragile??? your joking?
from New York on 2001-10-28 02:30 [#00046188]

lberto Balsalm and Nannou have got to be some of my favorite AFX songs, if not my favorite songs made by anyone. Nannou 2 was very disappointing though...
on 2001-10-28 02:14 [#00046193]

very nice album richard. avril 14th soundz like it would prolly take about 3 hands to play live.
gl on MEN records (kant wait)
from Orange County, CA, USA on 2001-10-28 02:24 [#00046194]

what a bunch of over-analyitical fucks... just buy it and shut up
from usass on 2001-10-28 02:31 [#00046201]

what is this "oil" you speak of?...pcp?...or are you actually smoking engine oil?....dude thats not cool
from Orange County, CA, USA on 2001-10-28 02:33 [#00046203]

hash oil honey oil whatever the fuck you wanna call it, its pure extract THC: tetrahydracannibinol, the main ingredient in Marijuana that gets you fux0red.. good shit!
from usass on 2001-10-28 02:45 [#00046209]

wow i am a big pothead and i never even heard of oil(that i recall)...gotta get me some of that ish...i feel like ive been missing out...and no need to get faded to listen to drukqs...it even works when you are sober...and anyone whos ever programmed a drum machine should totally get off on taking control...the concept, the song, hell the whole album...its def grows on you...and leaving you want more?(maybe from another thread i forget)..shouldnt any good album leave you wanting more?...cause you cant get enough?...right?...right
on 2001-10-28 02:52 [#00046211]

Squarepusher's Go plastic on first listen is just another squarepusher album, but he really is a genius. I listened to it the first time, then put it away, then listened to it two weeks later and was astonished!
from ismambuff on 2001-10-28 06:54 [#00046272]

just remember children...HE DOESN'T MAKE HIS MUSIC FOR YOU!!! TWATS!!!
from NYC on 2001-10-28 06:57 [#00046274]

sure he does.
from Buffalo, NY on 2001-10-29 17:36 [#00046725]

Drukqs is amazing. its complex so you need to listen to it a lot of times to break it down. its like the rdj album. at first i thought it was all noise but the more i listened to the more it broke down and i keep finding newer things on the album even after listening to it 1,000 times. The same is gonna happen to drukqs. Just give it time!!!
on 2001-10-29 17:41 [#00046726]

Exactly!!! You get to know the songs and all their little quirks. There's just so much to hear. Always some weird thing to look forward to, while OTHER weird things are happening.
Ziggomatic and SMMount are SLOOOOWLY making sense to me now.
on 2001-10-29 17:44 [#00046729]

it's really funny how some people say about drukqs "you have to listen to it a lot of times" or "it's too complex for most people to understand", and then they'll turn right around and talk about how autechre sucks, or it's just noise. wake up, people - autechre has been doing this for years. i am a huge fan but i still have to listen to an ae album 30 - 40 times to even begin to discern all that's going on. if you say that some people can't understand what you listen to, then you should be willing to admit that you aren't able to understand some things other people listen to.
from UK on 2001-10-29 18:08 [#00046735]

Yeah, I've had second bad vibel on my mp3 player for years, and pratically listen to it every day.
When i first heard it, i loved the mental stuff, then i love the dynamic. Now i notice the fuzz on the crackel as it goes down my spine. I love that song so much.
Its the same with drukqs. When i first heard it, i tried to like it, then i hated it. I left it for a few days, picked it up again and it was amazing. Now i'm trying to get the dynamic of each song.
Rich never makes it easy.
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