Stanford univ. music appreciation society
on 2001-10-25 14:56 [#00045358]

My colleagues and I have entered into a lengthy discourse regarding the merits of mr jame's latest compositions on the pianoforte and other electro-galvanic instumentations. Mr reid stated that he liked 'he drill n bass'bits, but i said they were rather tiresome, and expressed a contrary preference for the slower movements. There then commenced a general fracas in which several cups of tea were spilled and one of my colleague's heads was cloven in twain with a malaysian kris sword. After that, we resumed our discourses, and were eventually able to reach concensus on one small point: we all like the bit where he goes 'Come on you C**NTS, &tc, &tc.' my colleagues prposed that Imount an expedition in order to procure some of the 'aphex acid' in question.Overcoming my natural disdain for such ungodly vices, i agreed to seek out this admirable elixir.so, having ventured into an unreputable establishement, i approached a likely denizen, at which point my naievity regarding such matters, and sustained interrogations -insisting upon the existence of such a panacea in the face of flat denial - led to a manifestation of violent tendancies in the other party involved in this somewhat unsuccessful transaction. &tc, &tc...
Dr. Fassbaender
on 2001-10-25 15:08 [#00045360]

Interesting point. I wouldn't say it in this complicated way, but I am not Dr. in music theory anyway. But it is nice to have someone from University here, but sadly it's not Brandeis University.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 15:12 [#00045362]

cunt is spelt with a 'u' and not a '**'. bloody americans.
Dr. Chomsky
on 2001-10-25 15:14 [#00045363]

Umm, pardon me, I also want to comment certain aspects, ahem, uh, yes... there are several points where I absolutely cannot agree. Hello?
on 2001-10-25 15:25 [#00045369]

I prefer the drills and basses part. Yeh. But it's all good, innit?
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 15:49 [#00045398]

the faster tunes on the album are hardly 'drill and bass' - has similar tempo and pattern to that of drum'n'bass - yes...but it aint drill'n'bass.
anti establishmentarian
on 2001-10-25 16:08 [#00045402]

fuck that fucken classification shit - and that fucken psychological bullshit jargon. all psychology does is remove the emotion involved with the music, only to then comment on it with fucken pansy arse wankful, supposed 'sophisticated' bullshit terminology sprayed throughout the whole 'description' (if that - more like a display of anal retention) like someone just blew their load, unable to contain their exitement at telling the whole world this. Fucken sad.
Plus - the supposed university dude -> what a crock of shit > it aint even a coherrent rambling.
Music should involve emotion, how else can it be appreciated! By getting all hot and flustered at some 'intellectual' terminology? I think not
Stanford University Music Appreciation Society
on 2001-10-25 16:15 [#00045403]

I would like to retract my former commentaries which were tenuous in conception, flawed in execution, unsound in logic, untutored in grammar, ungainly in meter, lacking in clarity and generally unworthy of this message board. I would furthermore like to state that my appreciation of Mr Jame's work has been enhanced by the passage of time, which has enabled my Liliputian intellect to gradually scale the mountainous peaks of his sublime creations. The spiritual paucity of my existence has certainly been mitigated by such melancholy gems as 'wet tip hen ax' and all the tracks on 'drukqs'. I would consider this artist to be amongst the greatest talents of his age, if not the greatest, for the beauty which his music conveys is not that of this mere terrestrial globe but that of unearthly realms - the astral heavens and hells in which his pure spirit is able to wander at will through the vehicle of lucid dreaming. As rare as musical genius and studio virtuosity may be, that man who can be self-aware in dreams at will, hear strange music in the inhuman realms and channel it to us, the earth-shackled spirits, and also compress a drum to within an inch of it's life without it clipping, is surely a force to be reckoned with. &tc, &tc.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 16:22 [#00045405]

oi you cunt - yes you anti establishmentarian, i think you'll find that you missed out the hyphen in your name.
you see... if you're gonna attempt to choose a name that you think will make you look a bit intelligent, or even a little bit 'cool', you should at least get it right.
Also, you fucknose bastard of a little girl, if you're gonna 'have a go' about people being 'anally retentive' it would probably be best to not use an 'anally retentive' approach to your argument.
one question...brains.......do you have any?
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 16:35 [#00045415]

i didn't think so.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 16:36 [#00045417]

um... I fail to understand the meaning behind this whole entire thread.
Aphex Acid is referring to his music... some dumb bloke talking about acid house or whatevers was my interpretation.. if it is even worthy of interpretation
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 16:42 [#00045420]

Dr. Ned Rorem
on 2001-10-25 17:54 [#00045475]

No no no. He is not a composer. Mr. James is simply not a composer. You can only enjoy his music when you are on drugs. Look at his newest work - it is even called drukqs! This is the humanity's downfall! I can't believe that even well-respected professors from Stanford University are blinded by this person Aphex Twin. I vehemently dissagree!
from moon on 2001-10-25 17:58 [#00045476]

dr. ned. let me guess.......you do drugs. am i right
Dr. Ned Rorem
on 2001-10-25 18:02 [#00045477]

Uh, ahem, umm... no.
on 2001-10-25 22:32 [#00045543]

Well, I think RDJ is AOK.
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-25 22:49 [#00045573]

Spermanology. hur hur hur
on 2001-10-25 22:50 [#00045575]

What are you on about now, you stupid cunt?
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-25 23:10 [#00045586]

dr. ned norem: the album title "drukqs" means nothing. rdj said it himself. by the way, i will be suing you for malpractice, unless you want to give me my liver back.
from British Columbia, Canada on 2001-10-25 23:29 [#00045590]

Sorry, this is unrelated to your topic of discussion guys but I just wanted to know if it is true, if richard is actually going to collaborate with LinKin Park. I pray that it is not so. But please let me know the truth.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-25 23:31 [#00045591]

i hate you for asking that question. aphex twin would never do something like that anyway. he tried to do a collaboration with madonna, but only in a manner that would poke fun at her.
from www.dronox.com on 2001-10-25 23:34 [#00045592]

I think he colaborated his monster penis with her aged used vagina.
I know for a fact.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-25 23:36 [#00045593]

ehehehhh...so nasty
dingle berry
from on a small plastic chair breathing fire on 2001-10-26 08:07 [#00045654]

why the hell does that fellah from stanford uni make out like hes the monicle wearing monopoly guy??
on 2001-10-26 11:56 [#00045690]

i know alot of boring nerds like that guy...i think they all masturbate to the dictionary...
from UK on 2001-10-26 12:05 [#00045697]

Can I also say that he got it wrong. It's cunt not cunts. thanks
duck paste man
on 2001-10-26 14:58 [#00045763]

yo chicken dude - everyone posting on this board (perhaps a few exceptions) is anally retentive - think about it, who can be fucked like making any point on some fucken internet message board. and YES i realise that this includes me - just that i don't really give a fuck - not like you do n e way => ha quite amusing how such an absurd like thing can get people like so worked up .
And just for the record. your reply was REALLY cool. No i'm quite serious. everyone on this board will regard you as like this cool person and shit - and people will think i'm a fucken cunt and shit. Cause like i try hard and like put fucken cussing words all over the fucken place and shit? And so like you have won. Well .. i'm really happy for you .. :)
WOnderful. Like cool boss. Your a legend. You have made yourself a legend ary statu s on a mb board.
fuck man take a walk in the park or some shit - get some air in t-/
from UK on 2001-10-26 15:26 [#00045773]

Is this the fabeled junction of Duck and Chicken Paste?
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-26 15:33 [#00045776]

from UK on 2001-10-26 15:35 [#00045777]

from UK on 2001-10-26 15:36 [#00045778]

Poultry Paste Men
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