from St.John\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Newfoudnland, Canada on 2001-10-25 05:31 [#00045229]

Plez give me two intergers off the top of your head between 1 and 10. Plez dont be an ass and say something that you (and only you) will think is funny, just give me two numbers, and you'll see where i'm going with this.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-25 05:32 [#00045230]

2 4
Jenny Craig
on 2001-10-25 05:44 [#00045231]

9 and 5
re di vider
on 2001-10-25 05:52 [#00045233]

9 and 2
from moon on 2001-10-25 06:20 [#00045237]

8 2
from Michigan on 2001-10-25 06:26 [#00045238]

6 and 4
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-25 06:34 [#00045240]

366745678676787889098 & Fried Chicken.
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-25 06:35 [#00045241]

Ha, ha, ha, that message above this one is pretty funny.
from the top of his head on 2001-10-25 08:58 [#00045272]

8 and 4
Richard D James
on 2001-10-25 09:00 [#00045274]

10*10 2-20
from UK on 2001-10-25 09:01 [#00045275]

5 & 1
Richard D. James
on 2001-10-25 09:03 [#00045276]

Fuck off.
on 2001-10-25 09:04 [#00045277]

8 4
on 2001-10-25 09:05 [#00045278]

7 2
Richard D. James
on 2001-10-25 09:10 [#00045280]

Fuck off.
on 2001-10-25 09:14 [#00045281]

Fuck off.
Jeffrey Jeff Jefferson
on 2001-10-25 09:15 [#00045282]

Fuck off.
Fuck off.
from Fuck off. on 2001-10-25 09:15 [#00045284]

Fuck off.
on 2001-10-25 09:16 [#00045285]

Richard D. James
on 2001-10-25 09:25 [#00045288]

Fuck off.
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-25 09:46 [#00045292]

somebody set us up the bomb!!
from grmny on 2001-10-25 10:20 [#00045299]

7 3 .... AaaaNnnnDddd? what´s up with the tester?
from UK on 2001-10-25 10:27 [#00045300]

launch all zigs
Mutant Death Pengwin
from Medicine Hat on 2001-10-25 10:35 [#00045301]

for great justice!!
from UK on 2001-10-25 12:13 [#00045309]

All our beats are belong to Richard *he he*
on 2001-10-25 14:51 [#00045356]

do the effin test already, you've got plenty of integers
on 2001-10-25 15:25 [#00045366]

Cock and Cunt
from moon on 2001-10-25 16:32 [#00045412]

okeedokie, and the punch line is??
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 16:35 [#00045414]

the punch line is... all of you can fuck off.
from St.John\'s Newfoudnland, Canada on 2001-10-25 19:05 [#00045486]

Well i just wanted to do a little test in Randomness. I noticed that nobody picked the same number twice. I believe that is because the first number is what ever number comes to your head, but when it comes around to picking the second, you base your decision on what the first number was. After all, the odds of getting the same number twice are 1 in 10 and there wasnt a single person that posted a number twice (there were 10 VALID posts). This leads me to conclude that with an individual there is no such thing as randomness. You need two or more people to accomplish this. This all ties into programming (hope somebody else here does it to). How ,i wonder, does a computer pick random numbers (after all that is a major factor in almost all programs written these days). Anyone care to discuss?
Condoleezza Rice
on 2001-10-25 19:08 [#00045489]

Wow you're right. But I think part of the problem is that people assume, even though you have not said so, that the two numbers must be unique.
from St.John\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Newfoudnland, Canada on 2001-10-25 19:10 [#00045490]

Assume... thats messes up randomness as well. Damn our subliminal minds
from a website you are reading on your computer on 2001-10-25 19:25 [#00045492]

well, I do know that the first number I wanted was 8, and then the next thought that came to my mind was to choose 8 again... (my name~~) but I was not sure if that was allowed or not. Now granted, from the perpective of programming, you did allow for repeat integers by NOT not saying it was okay to choose the same interval.
-so maybe I've learned about myself is that I tend to take the safer path? hrmmm... and as for how you get truly random intergers in programs... i remember back in vb script you had to do something where you would randomize the interger that was going to be randomized... or multiply it or something like that.
-I dunno~ i was gonna look into it more, but then this girl wanted to have sex, so I had to leave the warm glow of the monitor.
--j/k... don't worry man~ I'm a computer freak.. hehe
from grmny on 2001-10-26 11:36 [#00045688]

well, i chose the numbers that have had most impact on my life so far 3/7 ... but guess you´re right on the "randomness-effect" ...
on 2001-10-26 12:06 [#00045698]

Cock and Cunt.
on 2001-10-26 17:23 [#00045811]

2,4 9,5 9,2 8,2
2 was picked three times and nine was picked twice...? I read a brief bit on how random number generators pick random numbers, but don't remember it exactly. I'm a freak and when I read I take notes so it's probably in one of my notes. I know it's based on logical mathematics to make it appear random. ((I think there's some weird flaws in mega man's randomness for snes/nes. Very rarely when you vanquish a foe, you get an extra life... however when you FINALLY get one extra life, the odds increase greatly that you'll get another one soon, sometimes you'll suddenly get 3 lives almost in a row.))
on 2001-10-26 17:41 [#00045813]

Cock and Cunt.
from St.John\\\\\\\'s Newfoudnland, Canada on 2001-10-26 21:29 [#00045853]

Cock and Cunt is getting pretty old. I guess where there is intellect, there are idiots. (this post also proves this)
on 2001-10-26 21:32 [#00045855]

I can't help it, please forgive me. I just enjoy the consonants coming out of my mouth, along with my dignity.
from St.John\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Newfoudnland, Canada on 2001-10-26 21:35 [#00045857]

Try changing the order that the consonants come out.
from moon on 2001-10-26 21:35 [#00045858]

but if you repeat all the numbers randomly its quite likely for 'cock and cunt' to come up again isnt it!
dont be so mean to ol ophek, hes just being random.
from St.John\\\\\\\\\'s Newfoudnland, Canada on 2001-10-26 21:41 [#00045863]

Wow what are the odds of that, the same thing came up 3 of the 4 posts! Geez i think i'll go play the lottery.
on 2001-10-26 21:43 [#00045867]

I'd say Cock and Cunt again, but chances are I'd get a smack upside the breadbasket, eh?
from moon on 2001-10-26 21:48 [#00045868]

and if someone near you is holding a bread basket those odds will most likely flip to you getting hit WITH a bread basket!
redi vi der
on 2001-10-26 21:53 [#00045871]

i do a little coding as well, your little experiment was cool. what languages do you know?
p.s. - if you'd like to look at a few of my applets my site is here
re divi der
on 2001-10-26 21:54 [#00045872]

whoa i just did an [a href] to my site and it fucked the code of the board.
it's at:http://www.geocities.com/autocatalysis
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-26 22:05 [#00045874]

people aren't random. every possible action one can perform has been determined and we then perform those actions. if something was truly random, it could not possibly exist due to the fact that it would have to be able to perform actions that are not possible or in existance.
from St.John\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Newfoudnland, Canada on 2001-10-26 22:06 [#00045875]

it would be funny to see someones arm just move randomly. Actually now that i think about it, that would be disturbing, because the person would probably be beating the hell out of themselves!
from St.John\\\\\\\\\'s Newfoudnland, Canada on 2001-10-26 22:08 [#00045876]

redi vi der i like your programs. They are like the ones i write (but a bit better then mine). About the only thing i wrote that was any good was disco pong. I have used Object Oriented Turing and Q-Basic. I'm tyring out Visual Basic right now. If anyone could tell me where the hell i can find Turing i would appreciate it!
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-26 22:14 [#00045878]

someone beating themself with their own arm would be pretty funny. the potential for that action exists, so it wouldn't be random though. people have free-will, but they are not random. if i was random, thought would be impossible. thoughts and thought patterns, sensation and perception, would mean nothing to me as i would not be able to understand them from the fact i would not be able to focus them or bring them together. being random and having to think would create strain for the fact that thoughts would have to be organized or formed when they cant because there would be no process for doing such an act.
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