Beating The Prisoner To Death
from the world on 2001-10-25 02:25 [#00045192]

I just want to know who here thinks Drukqs is Afx's best?
Beating The Prisoner To Death
from the world on 2001-10-25 02:36 [#00045193]

Jeremy kwhy
on 2001-10-25 02:41 [#00045194]

Even Phobiazero doesn't rate DrukQs! This not his best album, he's trying too hard. These 'experiments' have been done 40 years ago. preparing a piano was punk 50 years ago, now it's lame. Hopefully Richard will do something cool soon or the myth has gone..
Beating The Prisoner To Death
from the world on 2001-10-25 02:46 [#00045195]

how can u say that? Drukqs is great. I never heard anything like the tracks on that album. Its artistic, fun, cool, and great to listen to sober and high.
now, i know you have your opinions, but I think Drukqs is a great release. I know it isnt his best, but then again...its comparing drukqs to another cd. whats your favorite Aphex album? then we'll compare.
Beating The Prisoner To Death
from the world on 2001-10-25 02:54 [#00045196]

How come no one likes Drukqs?! Everyone's all like: "Its not a good Afx album. Aphex sucks now. I hope an error occured while making the album!"
on 2001-10-25 03:04 [#00045199]

chill bitch
from usass on 2001-10-25 03:08 [#00045203]

a lot of the songs sound the same...still it holds some of my favorite aphex tracks...and why does everyone refer to aphex twin as afx?...i thought they were 2 different projects
Lazerus Johnson
on 2001-10-25 03:30 [#00045208]

i like it. it is good for the most part...the chopped up drums gets really old though...i like the piano and melodies alot...I realize that richard is an incredible musician, and the album shows his talent, but it doesn't really cross any boundaries...By the way, I think that Gwely Mernans is close to the best song on the album...It has great character...I just mention that, becuase I know some people here don't especially like it...
from St.John\\\'s Newfoudnland, Canada on 2001-10-25 04:04 [#00045218]

In my honest opinion i think people are saying the stuff about Drukqs because of the whole "oh he only released it to get off warp". Well who cares I dont care if he released it so that he could get a couple of bucks to go out and get shit faced. Let the man have his intentions, and let us have his music.
from moon on 2001-10-25 05:08 [#00045226]

aphex twin has never hailed or praised any of his own albums.
anyone basing thier drukqs oppinion off that comment dont know aphex for shit. he has said that kind of crap in his interviews for years.
if youve actually listened to drukqs with an open mind and didnt like it based off your own oppinion then thats fine. but dont base your oppinions on what others say, ESPECIALY WHAT RICHARD SAYS!
he can be his own worst critic.
Baron Von Picklefoot
from My special place ! on 2001-10-25 06:37 [#00045243]

I worship the devil !!!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!!
from NY on 2001-10-25 07:04 [#00045250]

I dont think people understand how good this album is. I mean name one better album that has been released in the last 4 years? I think this is his best and most complex album so far.
from moon on 2001-10-25 07:07 [#00045251]

thats your oppinion and mine also. but dont expect everyone to agree. at least right away.
The Dickhead Of Reason
on 2001-10-25 07:16 [#00045254]

Yeah, let them come around, they have a different opinion to mine, mine is right though, let them be, let them come around, then they'll realise that their opinion is wrong because it's opposed to mine.....
from moon on 2001-10-25 07:37 [#00045256]

wow, dick head thats very arrogant of you. if youre mocking me you are doing a poor job. people change thier minds. its a fact.
if they dont like it that doesnt mean they are wrong. thats just thier oppinion.
you deffinately read WAY too far into what i wrote.
from UK on 2001-10-25 09:46 [#00045291]

I agree with people that say it should'nt be this long but its not a chore to listen to all the way through. It's really fun to listen to. I dont care whether it's complex or not. Those are some cool, fun sounds! I like it!
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 12:14 [#00045310]

we should all take in to consideration that no-one really sets out to 'break new ground' when they write a tune.
if they do - they are right pretentious arty farty wankers who should be lined up and shot.
i think anyone who is dissapointed with drukqs has no-one to blame but themselves for building it up too much.
from Urban PostModernVancouver< Canadaaaa on 2001-10-25 12:18 [#00045312]

Lazares agreed, besides the lovely piano a la Satie interludes < Gwely Mermans is one of the greatest pieces on this album, its hauntingly beautiful and I actually enjoy it a little more then the fast drill n bass stuff on there.( not that I dont like the faster stuff but I just prefer Aphex more haunting and pretty stuff).'
I love Vorhdshorn and Meltphace 6 ofcourse and to a tiny lesser degree Micheals Mix and Ziggomatic ( he does that stuff well, no doubt , and still does it better then his competition), but Gwely Mermans is on a whole other plane altogether, I can play it over and over and not get tired of it.
Ah , sorry, but to the person who says that the album all sounds the same , he obviously isnt listening properly, its the most diverse album released by any artist these past few years.
from the fast to the bizarre, lullaby, to the piano pieces and then some, the same>???
This whole album skips from high to low and in between and back, theres no consistency in the album musically at all, so open thy ears to whomever says that its all the same.
DRUKQS is the greatest album released by ANY artist these past few years.
Radiohead isnt bad, but no comparison to this album, sorry.........this blows both Kid A and Pyramid outta the water IMO.......
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 12:21 [#00045314]

now...come on ... aren't you being a little sycofantic.
from Dark Side of the moon on 2001-10-25 12:59 [#00045332]

Mt. Saint Michel Mix+St. Michaels Mount has got to be some kind of 4th dimensional gift from the clouds...Could be one of RDJ's best to date.
Scary Bear
on 2001-10-25 13:14 [#00045337]

I like it. I like Radiohead too.
That is all.
THE DJ Bladdered
from space on 2001-10-25 13:52 [#00045340]

I like the fast stuff slowed down - if you can get hold of a deck with a pitch shifter, stick the fast on to -8; well funkier like this
Aphex music - playable at any speed
from europe on 2001-10-25 14:26 [#00045348]

i like drukqs a lot. i think kid a is good. but if i had the choice between drukqs and kid a i would certainly choose drukqs. i have my opinions about kid a, it's stature and its marketing, but i don't want to bother anyone with these opinions. and i also simply don't want to act like people here who say 'this is like that and i'm right and anyone else here who does not think like that is a moron/wrong'.
a friend of mine gave me kid a, i listened to it three times, and then to some songs i liked, but after returning the album to her, i don't feel in the need to buy it. but drukqs really touches me like some of my other favourite albums/music. i cannot change it that my other favourite music is 20th century classical music and some jazz - with exceptions in other directions in music, of course. and so i rate drukqs as high as satie, stravinsky, schoenberg, reich, glass, bley (etc). i also don't want to talk about things i don't like that much endlessly. for me this is boring, it's a waste of time.
from europe on 2001-10-25 14:45 [#00045353]

cage never saw his first pieces for prepared piano as an experiment. the first piece he did for dance, and there was not enough room for percussion, so he prepared the piano and made a kind of percussion ensemble out of it (that was 'bacchanale', in 1938, and it sounds as new now as anything now). it's a nice sound, but it's only an instrument like any other. why is music dated if the instruments are old? new things in music are not depending on the instrumentation. best example is stravinsky's le sacre du printemps using a large symphony orchestra. it has a complete different sound than the overblown late romantic symphonies. or compare beethoven piano sonatas and satie's nocturnes, schoenberg piano pieces, stravinsky's serenade for piano, shostakovich's peludes and fugues, cage's dream and philip glass' sathyagraha or etude no.1 for piano and in the end john adams' phrygian gates. in all those pieces there's the same instrument, but every piece sounds distinctive from the other.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 16:53 [#00045433]

i just never thought i'd hear fucking piano pieces on a goddamn aphex twin release, thats all. when i pop that shit in i'm prepared to be amazed, not put asleep.. granted the pieces are gorgeous, but they're just not RDJ.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 16:57 [#00045438]

why do you say that? if you gonna make stupid comments like that, at least try and explain yourself.
fuck these musicians
on 2001-10-25 17:04 [#00045441]

Narkotic, didn't you once say that SAW II was the first Aphex release you got and at first you were like 'what the fuck', but now you love it?
Maybe this is one of those things...
If not...what do I know. Oh yeah, I know I like drukqs a whole lot. That shit is awesome!
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 17:14 [#00045447]

First off.. I never said that I didn't love it. another thing, how could I explain myself any further? all of this just makes you look like sheep, following the herd. "oh, aphex made this, so i'll love it regardless.". think about it, if these minimal piano pieces and happy birthday songs were released on some other no name artist, you would shun the hell out of it.
my point is, this isn't directed towards any certain person, is that people like this release, JUST becuase aphex did it.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-25 17:21 [#00045454]

you said it just isn't rdj. explain that...and if you have trouble with that one, try explaining to me what exactly IS rdj, as your statement suggests that you knew this.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 17:24 [#00045456]

maybe I should put it into smaller words. RDJ can't even play the piano like that. when I think of RDJ, I think of great electronic music, ambient, stuff that is just totally abstract. not a total ripoff of a classical artist.
from Keele, UK on 2001-10-25 18:03 [#00045478]

Aphex created his own prepared piano as a kid (without knowing of Cage) but then, so did Boulez. I haven't actually heard Drukqs yet, but when I read that there are 'jungle' tracks, I fear for the cheese that may ensue, but with the prepared piano pieces, I can't wait. Call me a sick muthahubbard but one of my favorite tracks is IZ-US...
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-25 18:05 [#00045480]

i love IZ-US
on 2001-10-25 20:25 [#00045501]

YEah...IZ-US rules... :)
from bat country on 2001-10-31 02:53 [#00047310]

I saw NIN live and they played SAW2 between sets
from NYC on 2001-10-31 05:12 [#00047345]

^ that's crazy.
IZ-US is amazing, and thats the kind of song I'm talking about that drukqs lacks, that mind-blowingly beautiful exclusively aphex shit which I crave so so dearly...
from europe on 2001-10-31 10:06 [#00047442]

i love iz-us, and while listening to kesson dalef i had immediately to think of iz-us.
from europe on 2001-10-31 10:06 [#00047443]

i love iz-us, and while listening to kesson dalef i had immediately to think of iz-us.
from europe on 2001-10-31 10:08 [#00047444]

uh-oh, that's the first time that i'm posting something twice... sorry.
from Here on 2001-10-31 10:30 [#00047447]

Drukqs is, for me, well worth the wait. It may not have many "new" shit that we ain't heard before but WHO CARES? Be greatful that he actually released anything at all! You have your own thoughts about Drukqs but other people get different things from it.
I thought SAW2 was fucking awesome but some Aphex Twin fans prefer the more abrasive trax... he produces music for all tastes! So please, dont complain.
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