from UK on 2001-10-22 14:11 [#00044343]

I cant pronounce many of the tracks on the Drukqs album properly so I was wondering; can we make an unofficial phonetic track list? I think that would be cool. Anyone for some track name suggestions?
Beef McBeef
on 2001-10-22 14:18 [#00044345]

Or...... you could refer to the tracks as there number...
from europe on 2001-10-22 14:19 [#00044346]

gwarek2, i pronounce it like 'war' with g like in 'quite' and ek like egg. and 2 of course. i guess it does mean something that 'war' is in gwarek. and i love the sounds in it.
from UK on 2001-10-22 14:56 [#00044354]

I've been referring to them with numbers but it's not as nice.
Would've been funny if he named them *track ##* but with totally random numbers so it would confuse everyone when they talked about it!
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-22 15:06 [#00044355]

no it wouldn't - because we'd then just refer to the numbers allocated to them by the order in which they exist on the cd/record.
from UK on 2001-10-22 15:15 [#00044358]

CPM - you've totally changed dude. You lot are always so harsh to me.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-22 16:09 [#00044391]

how is correcting someone on the basis of logic harsh? for fuck's sake chrispy faces - you should see a shrink or some cunt like that on the count of being of being a 'little' over sensitive.
and, please, i'm sick of people telling me that i've changed - so i don't choose to say the same thing over and over anymore - that's because it gets boring...
don't you think so...Baron?
from UK on 2001-10-22 17:03 [#00044413]

whether it was on the basis of logic or not. It wasnt soft was it. I'm not being oversensitive *I am now but thats besides the point* you correct me all the time, even if there is no correct answer or statement. goodun.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-22 17:23 [#00044419]

oh pipe down you miserable fuck.
on 2001-10-22 19:38 [#00044452]

chicken paste you are a meanie. you can't come to my birfday party.
from NYC on 2001-10-22 22:39 [#00044491]

chicken paste man: "how is correcting someone on the basis of logic harsh?"
hmm, that arrogant, presumptious drivel reminds me of someone, what was his name again? ends with a flex or something like that.
from moon on 2001-10-22 22:43 [#00044494]

OH OH i know!!!!!!! tyranosuarus rex!!!!
from moon on 2001-10-22 22:43 [#00044495]

i mean |reflex|
from NYC on 2001-10-22 22:45 [#00044499]

I just wanted to use the word drivel, I so rarely get to in "real" life.
on 2001-10-23 01:38 [#00044528]

bess kuth ree pun um
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-23 10:33 [#00044655]

Xanatos - you've no need to say drivel you fucking little bitch - just say "i'm a big fucknose cunt with tits on my 'ead"
how dare you compare me to that canadian dipshit 'got no hope in life' pig wanker reflex.
wos the point? i don't give a fuck if you think i'm arrogant - i think you're a stinkin' rodent with a dildo up his arse - but i don't suppose you give a fuck about that either.
chrispy comes up with stupid ideas that suggest he has the imagination of a two year old dingo that died last week - and he amuses himself by posting them on this board - i then amuse myself by putting those ideas down...
and what if i am a bitch? eh? cunts.
from UK on 2001-10-23 11:12 [#00044661]

you must make a lot of friends. I think you need to have a word with yourself.
from UK on 2001-10-23 11:18 [#00044662]

I created this topic so people could talk about something other than how thick/immature/sick others are. Oh look what happened. AGAIN.
I'd rather have two year old humour than grotty 15 year old humour
yuovjhrtd d jimnÃs
on 2001-10-23 11:20 [#00044663]

from UK on 2001-10-23 11:21 [#00044664]

Wots that then?... I'll go ave a read
from UK on 2001-10-23 11:43 [#00044668]

I cant see the FAQs section of Joyrex. It wont let me! :(
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-23 11:50 [#00044669]

i make as many friends as i need to..but that's not the point.
all i did was post a logical response - and i get called a cunt....doesn't anyone expect me to retaliate?
from UK on 2001-10-23 11:59 [#00044671]

You're the only person saying that word
from UK on 2001-10-23 12:00 [#00044672]

Bring me duckpasteman anyday
Yuovxjhtd D JimnÃs
on 2001-10-23 12:01 [#00044673]

Dont confuse me with that man please.
and what if i am a bitch?
on 2001-10-23 12:10 [#00044674]

you lot should stop whining like a bunch of girls.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-23 12:12 [#00044675]

do correct me if i'm wrong - i was under the impression that a cunt was someone who is 'not nice', someone who could be called 'harsh' - and 'harsh' is what you called me chrispy faces.
now, if there is no need for a correction on that, i suggest you go and see your mummy as i believe that your nappy is leaking.
Sqiflkyjya D Jynwthipth
on 2001-10-23 12:45 [#00044683]

Stop that. A cunt is a fine thing. Soft and tender. Nothing to joke about.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-23 12:48 [#00044685]

in today's english language 'cunt' is used rather a lot to describe a large number of things - but mostly in reference to 'harsh' people.
Duff Man
on 2001-10-23 12:50 [#00044688]

CPM is right about one thing at least: the Baron's "act" was getting ooold. DUFF MAN AGREES!!!!
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-23 12:54 [#00044692]

i am chicken paste man!! and for fuck's sake....i am not CPM!!
Ruycu D. Juyre
on 2001-10-23 12:59 [#00044698]

Yeah, Mr. English Teacher. But i dont care and i dont mind. A cunt is a vagina. You cant change that. As much as a chicken paste man is a man made out of chicken paste.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-23 13:00 [#00044700]

no. i just eat rather alot of the stuff.
from UK on 2001-10-23 13:29 [#00044709]

Fine. You're a cunt. I'm a cunt.
What Topics do you want to see Chicken Paste Man?
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-23 13:46 [#00044713]

is someone angry? this is what i mean by over-sensitive. jesus!
from UK on 2001-10-23 13:53 [#00044715]

no ones angry are they? I think I've got over it by now. Can someone tell me how I can get hold of that FAQ at Joyrex about the tracknames? I cant get to it and reading the names of some people here, it looks like lots of peeps have already read it!
from UK on 2001-10-23 14:17 [#00044721]

ah, got it. I think Lornaderek is Lorna and derek, possible family members/friends of RDJs. His mum says their names in one of the tracks. cant remember.
hmm. What a useless piece of info.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-23 14:44 [#00044724]

i rest my case.
from UK on 2001-10-23 14:58 [#00044728]

what case is that then guff paste man?
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-23 15:01 [#00044729]

"what a useless piece of info" ....you said it yourself. now, please, don't start gettin' all offensive now.....or people may just think you're a little over-sensitive.
from UK on 2001-10-23 15:09 [#00044733]

I'm not gunna. I cant be fucked now. Have you heard the tourettes kid say fuck off in Ziggomatic v17
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