Richard D. James
on 2001-10-22 06:39 [#00044236]

from moon on 2001-10-22 06:45 [#00044237]

was an acquired taste.
Richard D. James
on 2001-10-22 06:47 [#00044239]

No, it sucks, I'm watching it right now and it's dull. I watched it the first time and just masturbated throughout, I came out of the cinema thinking it was good, now, re-watching it on cable, I see that it's shit, shit, shit.
Richard D. James
on 2001-10-22 06:48 [#00044241]

And an "acquired taste"? Catfood is an acquired taste, Magnolia is a shit film.
Richard D. James
on 2001-10-22 06:49 [#00044242]

To make myself seem more like Richard, I will say "lush" and "twat." Believe me, it's me.
from moon on 2001-10-22 06:50 [#00044243]

i thought it was good. i like how there isnt a normal fuckin person in the whole film.
if you think it sucks, rent 'momento', that will certainly make up for it.
Richard D. James
on 2001-10-22 06:53 [#00044246]

Oh, you think so, do you, you lush twat.
Richard D. James
on 2001-10-22 06:55 [#00044247]

I will accept your resignation if you tell me what this song is; the lyrics are "don't be so reckless, throw down your gun." The video features a guy sitting down, he's singing that.
from purf on 2001-10-22 07:01 [#00044250]

Richard D. James
on 2001-10-22 07:09 [#00044251]

Tell me, you lush bollock.
from purf on 2001-10-22 07:14 [#00044253]

the song in mind is 'text board' by the invisible knobs.
Paul Thomas
on 2001-10-23 11:06 [#00044659]

It's a great film, brilliant. Fuck you guys...I'll come and fuck you with my red hot video.
Paul Thomas
on 2001-10-23 11:06 [#00044660]

It's a great film, brilliant. Fuck you guys...
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-10-23 11:41 [#00044667]

Magnolia is a great film.
Oh how I enjoyed it on so many different levels...
Maybe you could only appreciate levels 1-3, but I enjoyed it up to and including level 37. Fnah...
You lush ginger cunt, you.
Richard D. James
on 2001-10-23 11:51 [#00044670]

PT Anderson fans are.... college students with hundreds of "faves" lists.
on 2001-10-23 13:37 [#00044711]

from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-23 16:09 [#00044742]

change your fucking name, you aren't richard james, YOU LUSH CUNT .
Magnolia was a great movie.
on 2001-10-23 18:39 [#00044758]

Magnolia was okay.....Boogie Nights was much better.....PTA is a talented bloke ..............personally I think Being John Malkovich is the best movie that's been released in years
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-23 19:00 [#00044765]

holy shit... boogie nights was good for the first HOUR, the next 10000 hours (exaggerating) was dragged on and boring as hell.. John Malkovich was like, what the fuck is this type of movie. me and friends left the theatre not knowing if we should laugh or act like we didn't even see it.
on 2001-10-23 19:37 [#00044768]

if you liked Magnolia, try Happiness...
Baron Von Picklefoot
from My special place ! on 2001-10-23 21:30 [#00044793]

I am in many movies try renting one of my movies I think you might like it !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!
from detroit on 2001-10-23 21:38 [#00044799]

i would rather watch this movie remade with an animatronic midget T. CRUISE…
'nough said
from detroit on 2001-10-23 21:39 [#00044800]

i would rather watch this movie remade with an animatronic midget T. CRUISE…
'nough said
anall sausage
from gutter on 2001-10-23 21:52 [#00044810]

it was crap
on 2001-10-24 00:14 [#00044872]

and there was me thinking that anyone who likes afx's music and his black sense of humour would also like a brilliant mind fuck of a movie like Being John Malkovich.......Narcotik.....
Kirnell Sanders
on 2001-10-24 00:20 [#00044873]

I liked Happiness, I don't think Magnolia "fans" would like it though. I do like the Michael Penn score in all of Anderson's films, especially Hard Eight. Storytelling, Todd Solondz's next film, will be released soon, about a month ago the site went up, it's only a coming soon page though. Storytlling
Kirnell Sanders
on 2001-10-24 00:22 [#00044874]

" John Malkovich was like, what the fuck is this type of movie. me and friends left the theatre not knowing if we should laugh or act like we didn't even see it."
And Narkotic is the type of person that requires a laugh track.
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