from miami, FL on 2001-10-20 23:21 [#00044025]

why do pop magazines even review other music. In the new RollingStone review they bashed the new Aphex twin album saying it is just uncontrolled chaotic noise. Personally I think they should stick to their boy bands and leave the reviews up to the magazines who appreciate real music. When the people at Rollingstone stop kissing the Backstreet Boys ass maybe then decent music will be reviewed.
from Netherlands on 2001-10-20 23:29 [#00044026]

I agree. They should stick to their own commercial shit. Aphex Twin is for pure music lovers, the ones who are prepared to LISTEN to music (and not just putting a CD in their CD player) Do I complain about their music? Oh wait, I do :-D
on 2001-10-20 23:29 [#00044027]

they have to offer confirmation to the tastes of their constituency. it's as easy for them to do that by continuing to define for their audience what they _don't_ and 'shouldn't' like, as to hype what they do.
plus, they're just lazy ass journos with no ears.
Jeremy kwhy
on 2001-10-21 00:43 [#00044037]

they're the same as you knobs who mention n'sync and backdoorboys here, justifying your own tastes to make yourselves feel better about who you are. DrukQs is the worst album Richard has released. Any of his old albums are more entertaining, interesting, 'Intelligent' than this. The silly thing is, if you ask yourselves seriously, you know it!
from u.s.a on 2001-10-21 02:31 [#00044045]

Jeremy kwhy: Wrong.
from the UK 2 on 2001-10-21 03:18 [#00044048]

I love pears. Soooo juicy
from miami, FL on 2001-10-21 06:07 [#00044068]

hey jeremy if you don't like aphex twin that much then why the hell are you even on this site
on 2001-10-21 10:07 [#00044083]

i enjoy most of afx's sounds along w/ tons of other music. i listen to stuff from the mainstream, underground and some forgotten. REAL MUSIC is different from individual to individual. whatever calms the beast.
as far as mainstream goes, afx is there in my opinion. i've heard his music in three tv commercials so far in the past year plus a music video on MTV. if i recall correctly, one of those commercials was an anti-drug announcement. 8)
from europe on 2001-10-21 10:48 [#00044084]

jeremy... drukqs a great album. and the silly thing is, if you ask yourself, you know it.
from europe on 2001-10-21 10:50 [#00044085]

of course you have to ask yourself seriously. is drukqs a great album? you know it. it is. seriously.
from Stamford, Ct., USA on 2001-10-21 14:08 [#00044095]

what the fuck is a boy band? who the fuck are the backstreet boys? what the fuck is rolling stone?
what the fuck is a boy band? who the fuck are the backstreet boys? what the fuck is rolling stone?
Its the fucking drukqs.
Jeremy kwhy
on 2001-10-21 14:48 [#00044098]

corrupter, read my post again you think prick! DrukQs is shit, I like a lot of his other music...you are too stupid!
Vampire Angel
from San Juan,Puerto Rico on 2001-10-21 15:53 [#00044105]

Corruptor, I'm with you 100%. What the FUCK do Rolling Stone magazine ever knows about good music. They just do nice review to producer-made-in-the-studio-krap-music, a/k/a pop music. It is not convenient for them to do a nice review about Drukqs because they will loose the Pop-credibility they have, fuck 'em really, dont pay attention to them, just to your own taste. I think is one of his best work so far. Its a combination of organic ambient/drill-n-bass and some experimentation. Now, anybody that doesnt like Aphex Twin shouldnt be here at all. DRUKQS is the best cd so far this year....
on 2001-10-21 17:01 [#00044111]

why do you get mad with a bad review of drukqs... it's not even your album.
from miami, FL on 2001-10-21 19:10 [#00044121]

oh jeremy you are so right, because when i hear afroman sing because i got high i feel so much smarter
from planet claire on 2001-10-21 19:14 [#00044123]

i have never respected the reviews in the fallowing mags:
spin rolling stones
thank you
on 2001-10-21 20:35 [#00044158]

rolling stone have an agenda - reinforcing prejudice among their buyers. aphex fans have an agenda - not seeming to have wasted their lives following a possibly-mediocre talent who couldn't possibly put out a mediocre album. therefore neither of you listen with unprejudiced ears. therefore you all lose. what does drukqs sound like? nobody knows.
from Sweden on 2001-10-21 21:50 [#00044169]

i cant understand why some people say druqks is just uncontrolled noise... theres so many beautiful melodies and chords on that album!
Vampire Angel
from San Juan,Puerto Rico on 2001-10-21 22:11 [#00044172]

Fedular. And this time I speak for myself. I can be able to be very objective on any album review, but the real truth hurts. If an artist doesn't have talent I will say it too. Everybody knows the story on how the Backstreet Boys, Cristina Aguilera, N'Sync and Britney Spears, and others like that were born.So-called artists just made up by rich producers wanting to get richer by explotating young guys and girls providing them with sexy outfits and much more...
But then again, I will stop here because some people here and not so here couldn't understand me or my pint of view. I do understand how Drukqs sound, but maybe I will tell later from my point of view.......
Neo-Geo-Hippy-Tosser-Yeah whatever arsehole.
on 2001-10-21 22:59 [#00044175]

althought jeremy is being harsh about it,he is right in some aspects...you should expect that kind of review to come out of an mtv regulated era. Everything nowadays aims at ages 10-15...who really cares if its a bad thing?> if we were in the late 80's we would be hating metal and synthpop....andi know some of you enjoy that synth pop...if you cant understand my point,then you should continue bickering on deaf ears.
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