Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 20:45 [#00043365]

I keep trying to access this site, I've tried it twice and it loads all funny, it stops everything, it's fucked, really, I'll try and load it again later, I'm pretty sure it's new, it's got 2002 up top, anyway, if anyway can load http://www.aphextwin.prv.pl/ or tell me about it....
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 21:02 [#00043366]

I tried it again but it fucked up.
from drukqs on 2001-10-18 22:04 [#00043383]

keep us posted
from moon on 2001-10-18 22:06 [#00043384]

it works for me. looks creepy as all get out. reeeealy fuckin slow though.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-18 22:16 [#00043398]

ya its fuckin slow...the bloke is probably runnin it on a dreamcast with a 56K modem... dayum
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 22:21 [#00043404]

I'm not going to try it again, contact the fuckface and tell him how fucking slow his site is, that's the slowest site I've ever seen, seriously, I'm not going to wait for it to load, something was loading that was 2 mb, and it just kept going, I got as far as to see the Drukqs buttons, email him and complain.
from moon on 2001-10-18 22:26 [#00043408]

phil, you're a freakin dick, why dont you make your own God damn site if your so fuckin high and mighty.
from moon on 2001-10-18 22:27 [#00043409]

Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 22:28 [#00043410]

I do have a site you retard catshit. Ad it takes less to load then that shit.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-18 22:29 [#00043411]

phil collins suck0rz
from moon on 2001-10-18 22:29 [#00043412]

oh really .cool where's it at??
seriouly id like to know?
from moon on 2001-10-18 22:30 [#00043413]

ya nark i here ya
from moon on 2001-10-18 22:31 [#00043414]

er, hEAR ya. before ol mister colins calls me a cat fuck or some shit
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 22:32 [#00043415]

Ah, me is penis, me want know adress, ah, google, ga. Take a guess you playdoh head shit ankle
from moon on 2001-10-18 22:33 [#00043417]

haha, funny.
you suck ass solo too, baldy!
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 22:35 [#00043418]

Fuck you, you cum eyed tie wearing weather man cock enlarger.
from moon on 2001-10-18 22:39 [#00043422]

heheh. i love your insults. no wonder your songs all suck ass you unnoriginal bastard!
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 22:41 [#00043424]

Fuck you, i'm not bald i'm just big boned, you horse headed half robot leg neck penis.
from moon on 2001-10-18 22:43 [#00043426]

oh yah you shiney-headed-octopus-face-vulva-boy?!
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 22:45 [#00043428]

Prostate eyed Weekend At Bernies Watchin' Bitch head neck arm anus head.
from moon on 2001-10-18 22:48 [#00043430]

shit licking rectum breated knuckle brained sperm guzzling SON OF A BEEEATCH!!!!
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 22:49 [#00043432]

Oh, ha ha, I am a cock leg, feed me cocks in my cock leg mouth, you fuck eyed testicled necked opal wearing fashion mistaked hat fuck fuck cum grip ears.
from moon on 2001-10-18 22:51 [#00043433]

damnit, fill colins, stop thinking about dick for a change, you little boy humping camel licking bugger eating queen.
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 22:55 [#00043438]

Fuck you, Phil is going to go have a bath while he waits for the site to load, then he's going to go to school and hand in his folio on why you're such a cock faced eat swallow cum chick cock fudge. I'll think about you when I'm masturbating, and laugh.
from moon on 2001-10-18 22:57 [#00043439]

lmao, its been fun phill
baby rapist
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 23:36 [#00043457]

Fuck you, the baby said it was four months, how was I supposed to know. How longs that been? An hour? It still didn't finish loading, it's a piece of shit, that's what it is.
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 23:37 [#00043458]

40 minutes, it was 40 minutes and it still didn't finish loading, I have to reset the computer everytime because it just wont do anything, fuck them, it's a trick.
from moon on 2001-10-18 23:38 [#00043459]

haha- secret plan to annoy phill collins with slow site working..yar
why dont you go to some kiddie porn site while you wait you damn faggot!
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 23:40 [#00043461]

I can't, everytime I open that site, everything stays still and wont click, all the information is coming in at once, but the cursor still spins which means it hasn't frozen.
from moon on 2001-10-18 23:42 [#00043462]

thats the police tracking your adress so they can arrest you for downloading kiddie porn jack monkey!
from moon on 2001-10-18 23:45 [#00043464]

oh shit. seriously phill its working fine on my computer , its not in english though.
all the graphics are from come to daddy.
not a bad site at all.
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 23:45 [#00043465]

Bluh, bloob, blabba, oog; that's the sound of your heart stopping when I kick you in the head with my custom made sneakers. Oh yeah, that's one point for Phil, zero points for SDAKLSFA.
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 23:47 [#00043467]

Ok, I'll load it again. Pysche, that's two points for Phil, zero points for LKDASJKLAS.
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-19 00:02 [#00043471]

I caught a glimpse of the bastard and then I accidently closed the window, then when I tried it again it did that fuck up thing. It's got a black header, with some sort of image on it, I know that.
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-19 00:04 [#00043473]

Oh, that's fuckin' worth it, it's just pictures from this site. I'm going for the main run this time.
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-19 00:13 [#00043478]

Bitter success, I got up to that Come To Daddy Banner but it keeps fucking up trying to load ctd-strip.jpg even though I tried it in a new window, they are fuckfaces.
from moon on 2001-10-19 02:25 [#00043518]

har har my modem is 10+mb in speed ive been checkin the site out all this time.
must say it has a good visuals section. to bad its not in english. fill colins
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-19 02:32 [#00043523]

But it's not the modem, everything loads up quick until ctd-strip.jpg, then it just sits there doing nothing, the loading cursor continues to spin and eventually I have to restart the computer, they're bitches, bitches, bitch.
from moon on 2001-10-19 02:33 [#00043524]

well that sucks then phill *pitty.
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-19 02:38 [#00043525]

I like you alot, give me the URL of another section of the site.
from moon on 2001-10-19 02:40 [#00043526]

uuuuuh im 18 phill isnt that a little old for your tastes. anyways, ive been using the exact same link/thingywhatever as you
from moon on 2001-10-19 02:41 [#00043527]

try http://www.aphextwin.prv.pl/
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-19 02:45 [#00043529]

No, for a different section on the site, not the home page, for example, this site can be found at www.aphextwin.nu, the message board can be found at www.aphextwin.nu/mb, what is the url of a different section of the site, any section, the pictures section.
from moon on 2001-10-19 02:50 [#00043530]

oh ok i get what your sayin. but.... it would apear that none of the links are changing the site url thingy at the top at all!?
strange......must be why it takes so long to load. no matter what link. it says http://www.aphextwin.prv.pl/
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-19 03:05 [#00043533]

It's in frames then, open link in a new window, do, do it. I bet all the other pages are fuct too, it's probally just my computer.....
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-19 03:06 [#00043535]

I got something, is http://www.aphextwin.prv.pl/opis.htm the front page without the top?
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-19 03:09 [#00043537]

zaq@inetia.pl zaczek3@poczta.onet.pl
they're the address to complain to, I don't feel like complaining anymore though.
from moon on 2001-10-19 03:11 [#00043538]

shit collins have you been THAT busy?? hehe how many e-mails did you send them?
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-22 08:37 [#00044267]

I really should complain, I can't be fucked though.
Peter Gabriel
on 2001-10-22 15:32 [#00044375]

Everyone just shut yer yaps!
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