from Berlin on 2001-10-17 22:56 [#00043016]

reply here if you are the "elitist" scum of this messageboard... according to Chicken Paste Man!! I am... Mommy, wow! I'm a big kid now!
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-17 22:57 [#00043017]

i hope i'm the most elite scum here. i really want to win this contest...
on 2001-10-17 22:59 [#00043019]

If there was one lifeboat with room for one person only and we were all drowning, I clearly would be the one given the lifeboat, by unanimous vote.
re div ider
on 2001-10-17 23:01 [#00043021]

haha i'd vote for u
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-17 23:01 [#00043023]

i would drown you. i would make a boat out of dead drowned people it i had too.
on 2001-10-17 23:05 [#00043026]

And there's proof, I'd vote for me too of course... naturally, as I'm most worthy, obviously...
on 2001-10-17 23:07 [#00043028]

You got that from Saturday night live right? They show that like 12 hours a day on comedy central, but it deserves that length of air play, and south park too.
from Berlin on 2001-10-17 23:14 [#00043032]

once your completely drowned... i'd cut you up w/my survival knife and eat you... then I'd shit you out and eat you again... only this time shiting it out into the survivors mouth as they were sleeping :) have a nice day.
on 2001-10-17 23:20 [#00043036]

There's nothing like a handy dandy trusty survival knife. Your plan won't work unless you have really fast metabolism... I'm glad you consider me worthy of passing through your digestive track, I hope I provide you with lots of nutrients. It'll be hard to digest the skull though, I don't even know if a trusty survival knife will get through that. I read the brain can't feel pain and this at least is comforting if one ever decides to take a bullet to the head on purpose.
from moon on 2001-10-17 23:22 [#00043039]

mmmmmmmmmmm chicken paste
Toxic Advenger
on 2001-10-17 23:28 [#00043047]

I might be, I've been posting here for about a year and a half, slightly, but since I left school about two weeks ago, I've been posting here pretty much for 12 hours a day, this is a sad lifestyle so I intend to return to school today, my clothes smell, so I'm going to smoke wearing them to get rid of the "bad what the fuck" smell and replace with "oh, stinky smoker" smell.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-10-17 23:32 [#00043050]

yes, it's true. the brain feels no pain because it lacks receptors. what exactly is the definition of elitist scum here? i've been coming here for a few years now. perhaps i will invent the survival chainsaw. much better a cutting through stuff and fending off things with jaws and claws.
on 2001-10-17 23:40 [#00043062]

Don't cut a shark with one or you'll get it bloody and the other sharks will smell it... and don't punch a shark because their skin is very tough and would cut you and they would smell that blood.
Hurby The Shark Saftey Consultant
on 2001-10-17 23:41 [#00043065]

And don't cum in the water, they can smell it. Shark's are attracted to vagina fluid and feces.
on 2001-10-17 23:44 [#00043067]

I need an appointment hurby, I'm scared of sharks... do you specialize in crocodiles too?
gilmer the croc safety consultant
on 2001-10-17 23:45 [#00043068]

no, that would be me.
gilmer the croc safety consultant
on 2001-10-17 23:46 [#00043069]

never, EVER stick your head between a crocodile's open jaws when it's hungry. just so you know.
Hurby The Shark Saftey Consultant
on 2001-10-17 23:47 [#00043071]

Fuck Gilmer, he doesn't provide a reliable service, crocodiles are just like sharks that live on land, they can be reasoned with, just don't annoy them and they wont attack you.
gilmer the croc safety consultant
on 2001-10-17 23:49 [#00043072]

if a croc tries to attack you, you can hypnotize it by swinging a big piece of steak back and forth slowly in front of it's eyes - and make sure the blood drips into it's nostril, that's the crucial part.
on 2001-10-17 23:52 [#00043075]

I think the ecology of earth drastically changed when the meteor killed all the dinosaurs. We were no longer put in check by other living things. Who would win a bear or a shark?
Hurby The Shark Saftey Consultant
on 2001-10-17 23:53 [#00043077]

A shark on land, perhaps. A bear can beat a shark in a sand pit. A foetus in a pear tree, now that's another story all together.
from moon on 2001-10-17 23:54 [#00043079]

i own a turantula
mssng ll th vwls
on 2001-10-17 23:54 [#00043080]

a vietnamese pot-bellied pig could kick all their asses.
Hurby The Shark Saftey Consultant
on 2001-10-17 23:54 [#00043081]

I've got to go to school now, I want you to know that I love you and whatever you do I'll be proud.
on 2001-10-18 07:33 [#00043193]

i am the most elite-ist of them all. i am so that i have formed a 'crew' called the PRETENTIOUS IDM ELITE-IST CREW.
we are very elite/pretentious for the following reasons: we do not speak much, because frankly everything we could say would surpass you in all forms verbally
we are quite witty and will comment on your mistakes, even the smallest aspects
every member has earned a doctorate in the study of bpm, the underlying principles of idm and so forth
you need not give us the liferaft, for we have our own, constructed from materials quite similar to the hit 80's show McGuyver.
that is all :D
on 2001-10-18 07:38 [#00043198]

The people responsible for MacGuvyer's crazy antics, machines and tricks were recently asked by the army for creative ways to stop terrorism, I think that's funny.
on 2001-10-18 07:40 [#00043199]

i think its one of many reasons to bring that show back on the air.
chicken paste man!!
on 2001-10-18 10:08 [#00043217]

well. i've never come across such a prick in my life.
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 19:31 [#00043345]

Them people over at Joyrex.com be mocking you cause your site is in the links of Jockeyslut.com. I think you should consider Joyrex your enemy, they stole your design, altering it slightly, took your pictures, bastards, bastards. Do you share photos with them?
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