on 2001-10-17 22:04 [#00042995]

i think the idea of a membership-based system sucks ass. it would limit free expression because people would be afraid to say what's on their mind (good OR bad) for fear of being judged by others. each person would gain a reputation, some good, some bad. like someone else said, anonymity on this board is what makes it so quirky and fun - all the people who a very few others call "trolls" i find immensely entertaining and amusing. all that would end with a rigid, structured membership system. you created this messageboard to attract a community of aphex fans, and now you have it. this is us. the good, the bad, and the ugly. making it a membership-based system will only filter out certain people (including me - there's no way i'd register for a messageboard) and destroy the purity of the community as you now have it. i mean this is, after all, the beauty of the internet, right? why take a fantastic, cool, free place and put rules and restrictions on it to try and make it more like the real world?
-peace, whatever you decide.
from moon on 2001-10-17 22:05 [#00042996]

from moon on 2001-10-17 22:05 [#00042998]

why should the true fans without e-mail suffer for the minority
from Sweden on 2001-10-17 22:08 [#00043000]

i agree (why did u tell swedish webmasters to look here???)
on 2001-10-17 22:11 [#00043001]

oh i just assumed phob was swedish cuz the site is in sweden and he has a bit of a "text accent". am i wrong?
from Sweden on 2001-10-17 22:12 [#00043002]

text accent. what the hell does it mean? :)
on 2001-10-17 22:13 [#00043003]

well, he types like english isn't his first language.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-17 22:15 [#00043004]

I agree whoreheartedly... if there are problems with certain people, then they can be banned for a little while as punishment.. ;)
on 2001-10-17 22:21 [#00043005]

I disagree. strongly. Phobia does not have time to monitor stupid people's behaviour all the day and night.
You don't have to be worried about your opinion until you are solid, and legal...
on 2001-10-17 22:26 [#00043006]

what i'm saying is that phobia shouldn't have to monitor anything - just let the board do what it will. i think that's the most natural way of handling it, and it provides the most fertile breeding ground for communication and ideas. only if someone tries to fuck with the code of the board or something comparable should the webmaster step in. implementing a membership system casts phobia in the role of a law-enforcement officer and us in the role of citizens required to be "good".
ted maul
from ee on 2001-10-17 22:27 [#00043007]

'you dont have to be worried about your opinion until you are solid and legal.........'
no offence but what the fuck does that mean? keep the board free from sanction and censorship.
from stockholm on 2001-10-17 22:40 [#00043010]

he's swedish, well...i think so cos he speaks swedish
David The Dog Fucker
on 2001-10-17 22:53 [#00043014]

I like the idea of a registration system, you're all asses.
David The Dog Fucker
on 2001-10-17 22:55 [#00043015]

And this board has no "base," it's just three or something people, the new board wont censor people, I doubt it'll be anything like Joyrex's.
anonymous #2
on 2001-10-17 22:59 [#00043020]

oh, we're all asses because we disagree with you? that's odd... i guess the people who have differing views on abortion or whether aphex is good or have a different sexual orientation than you are all asses as well.
David The Dog Fucker
on 2001-10-17 23:32 [#00043052]

Yeah, they're asses. No, I'm sorry, do you want to continue making your "polls" and "Some Sash is good" posts.... You bitch.
Anus Invader
on 2001-10-17 23:38 [#00043060]

Look what you did, you stupid fuck.
on 2001-10-17 23:40 [#00043064]

ah yea, that's what i love about this board.
\\\\/\\\\/ooƒer_Attack¹ ² ³
from Milan on 2001-10-18 07:38 [#00043197]

Tune^fx: I am waiting for V5... Have a good work!!!
on 2001-10-18 07:41 [#00043200]

They shouldn't have told us about V5 so early, they're dicks, what will replace the RDJ in the top corner, before this it was a cirecle from Joyrex, was it? Will it be an image from Drukqs, will the new site be darker or more happy?
from Sweden on 2001-10-18 11:46 [#00043231]

pyroglif: No, it was not not a circle from Joyrex. What do you mean anyway? Btw, we haven't announced a releasedate for V5 yet.
anonymous: You are still anonymous since you don't have to provide your real username - damn, call yourself "anonymous" then. It's not like we gonna phone you and confirm it's really you behind that username.
We don't censor the board due to different opinions - without your opinions the MB would die.
Conclusion: The membersystem will be implemented.
on 2001-10-18 12:22 [#00043235]

the type of anonymity to which i'm referring involves not being tied to any specific username in general. this is what encourages people to share their true opinions on all matters, because the fear of gaining a bad reputation on the board is absent. ah, but whatever. i'll just find other boards to frequent, there's plenty other good ones out there.
from Sweden on 2001-10-18 13:09 [#00043250]

Sure, the net is large enough for such "anonymous" users.
from UK on 2001-10-18 14:04 [#00043256]

There are tons of free email sites... try http://www.animenation.com
Anonymity isnt a good thing on a *community* messageboard. I cant wait for usernames. That way, people know what I feel about things. I dont feel I'll do anything worth banning.
from grmny on 2001-10-18 15:37 [#00043285]

yeah, and by the way - people on this board here will (registration or not) ban someone automatically - look at the |REFLEX|-"my pic"-post - i mean, there´s no chance ... :-A
on 2001-10-18 19:15 [#00043339]

I meant the bear video not the Joyrex site, damn my limited knowledge, I was looking at the "remember V3 and V2" and it was a circle with the bears, you know what I'm talking about.
on 2001-10-18 19:17 [#00043340]

Donkey Rhubarb, see, that's what I was talking about. Nevermind.
from who knows where... on 2001-10-18 19:37 [#00043346]

I think we do need a membership system. Plus no guest/ anonymous accounts. I don't really care about people arguing on this board, that's infact why i like this board. I think people should just stick with one "nick" and be comfortable with what they have to say. I believe this type of system would make ppl think more before they post -- they would have to provide a reason with what they think, instead of "your opinion sucks cock". The thing i get pissed about is all the different "nicks" posting on the board now, it just gets confusing -- that is why we should have memberships. As far as reputations go, "you reap what you soe" (sorry about that).
Also I don't think anything should really be censored. Only in "extreme" cases where a thread goes to total crap. The forum should be divided into "General" and "Aphex Only" sections, so if all someone wants is aphex then they would go to that forum. It would make things easier. Thats one of the downfalls of joyrex. ermm... later.
from who knows where... on 2001-10-18 19:38 [#00043347]

damnit. i swear i closed those tags. :X
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 19:46 [#00043352]

I agree with you, Mr Poopy Pants.
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 19:46 [#00043353]

Don't make too many "Topics" though, just 4 or so.
on 2001-10-18 21:22 [#00043369]

easyjesus, your opinion sucks cock.
on 2001-10-18 21:54 [#00043378]

I found an old page http://home8.swipnet.se/~w-86078/aphextwin/hearing.htm
from who knows where... on 2001-10-18 22:39 [#00043423]

i was counting on that reply. so predictable.
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 22:47 [#00043429]

I was counting on you saying "so predictable." So predictable.
from moon on 2001-10-18 22:49 [#00043431]

i was expecting you to say somethin stupid fill colins..... and you DID!
Phil Collins
on 2001-10-18 22:53 [#00043435]

I was expecting you to be a dick face, and you did be a dick face, you dickface.
on 2001-10-18 23:29 [#00043451]

yea, you dickface
on 2001-10-18 23:30 [#00043452]

i'm sorry for being predictable, but that doesn't change the state of your opinion, which still sucks cock.
on 2001-10-18 23:42 [#00043463]

oh, we all suck cok because we disagree with you? that's odd... i guess the people who have differing views on abortion or whether aphex is good or have a different sexual orientation than you all suck cock as well.
on 2001-10-19 00:05 [#00043474]

ERRRM btw Phobiazero thats not me writing that dumb crap up there, clonez.
on 2001-10-19 00:08 [#00043475]

haha hes not very good, i spell rhubarb as ruhbarb, what a cock
from who knows where... on 2001-10-19 00:11 [#00043476]

on 2001-10-19 00:13 [#00043477]

on 2001-10-19 00:13 [#00043479]

no, your OPINION sucks cock. you suck anus-hole.
from who knows where... on 2001-10-19 00:15 [#00043480]

"john romero is going to make you his bitch"
on 2001-10-19 00:23 [#00043481]

sorry, i'm already carmack's bitch. but romero told me to tell you that you suck anus-hole.
from Sweden on 2001-10-19 09:46 [#00043599]

Come on, children! Why do you defend yourselves using such nasty words? You are messing up this topic completely. Stop this right away or else you'll get banned. I mean it.
Hugo Weaving
on 2001-10-22 08:35 [#00044266]

How will you be able to ban me if you're unable to sssspeak?
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