from St.John\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-10-17 19:09 [#00042909]

Aphex twin, also known as England's Richard James, was once a pioneer of techno and ambient electronic music, and he made records, particularly 1993's gorgeous Selected Ambient Works 85-92, that changed the course of electronic music. But since then, he has bravely charted a course toward tech-noise and slowly veered into unlistenability. With Drukqs, James delivers his most irrelevant album to date: a double CD, thirty-track compendium of indecipherable song titles, gratuitously weird sounds and occasional wisps of ersatz classical piano that are aimlessly pretty. The moody "Kladfvgbung Micshk" sounds like incidental music for a haunted-house movie by Damien Hirst, but tracks like this inevitably lead to tracks like "Cock/Ver 10," a hyperactive splutter of drum-machine beats and deflating video-game drones. The confused and self-indulgent "Gwarek 2" is a seven-minute soundscape that resembles something that Trent Reznor might have recorded after listening to the Beatles' "Revolution 9," then erased the next day. Among fans of IDM, or Intelligent Dance Music, as this sort of stuff is unfortunately labeled, rumor has it that James merely loaded this record with outtakes that have been eating up space on his hard drive for years, then released the album as a deal-breaker with his label, Warp. Or perhaps the explanation for the incoherence of the album lies in its punny, unfunny title. Either way, he should have never done Drukqs, because his new noise mostly just sounds fukqed up
What an ass. Poor fella cant handle anything unpredictable.
Captain Beefheart
on 2001-10-17 19:13 [#00042913]

Mitch Hedberg is my favourite comedian, start a profile thread so that I may talk about myself and feel that people want to know.
on 2001-10-17 19:14 [#00042915]

yea drukqs kicks ass. but i agree that the name idm is unfortunate - whoever made that up is an arrogant prick.
from St.John\\\'s Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-10-17 19:16 [#00042917]

that last line kills me man. What bull.
from Orange County, California, USA on 2001-10-17 19:16 [#00042918]

What he says makes sense tho... I mean drukqs is RDJ, and i'll like it and enjoy it, but its logical that he would do this to get away from Warp. Some of the tracks are just space fillers, and honestly each disc is only like 40 minutes, with careful recordking he could have fit all this onto ONE cd. Production CD's hold up to 80 minutes. The Bit, and the Happy birthday song stuff is dandy, but doesn't belong.
from St.John\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Newfoundland, Canada on 2001-10-17 19:19 [#00042920]

true true, but more music from aphex is good enough for me.
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