redi v ider
on 2001-10-17 06:44 [#00042534]

i added another applet to my site if any of you would like to see it:
...mm M mm...
on 2001-10-17 06:52 [#00042544]

That's very interesting too, just like your new pixel, makes a twisted cooridor effect. I have sort of an idea for one, have a six sided star (with 6 points going outward and 6 indentations going inward obviously) Now make the indentations drift outward and the outer points drift inward to make a new star in reverse. Then just do something more interesting off of that idea, maybe have 32 sides or something. I sent my drawings yesterday afternoon, you can look at them, use them for kindling etc.
re di vider
on 2001-10-17 06:59 [#00042549]

that would be really cool... maybe i could also have the vertices of the star moving around at random, or in cool ordered patterns...
on 2001-10-17 07:11 [#00042550]

Yeah, randomness makes almost everything better. I love videogames, and random elements are always the most enjoyable, such as in doom2 where every time you play the same level, it's different because of the chaos of the many interacting monsters... whereas in the N64's goldeneye shooter is practically the same every time you play the same level. Random enemy placement upon starting, random wall locations, random exit points, all would make it better.
on 2001-10-17 07:18 [#00042551]

I'm going to have to get into that code someday. So you use a "random number generator" for random stuff? I forget how that works exactly, it can't be completely random, that's impossible. It divides a 4 digit number by something then takes the last 2 digits and divides again..., I forget.
red iv ider
on 2001-10-17 07:20 [#00042552]

yea java has a random number class included, i have no idea how it works, but you're right - it's not purely random. theoretically nothing is, the term "pseudo-random" is used a lot to describe things that for all intents and purposes are random.
re di vider
on 2001-10-17 07:24 [#00042553]

oh yea and you can draw that pattern yourself with a pencil - you just draw a triangle, but on the last leg, when you go to connect it to make a complete triangle, keep going just a little further and make a slight overhang. then, from that overhang, draw a line to the next corner of the triangle, but overhang it again, etc. etc. so you'll end up going in a "circle" around the triangle. my friend showed me how to draw it but it took me a while to figure out how to implement in code.
on 2001-10-17 07:29 [#00042554]

So basically you take classes in college about "java" to learn this great stuff? I suppose I could find books and read myself to avoid a series of painful classes. You could have a square incribed in a circle incribed in a square inscribed in a circle... repeat etc. and all the squares rotate slowly clockwise and they grow bigger slowly. But it could be a loop, the 2nd to last square would turn until it is in the exact same spot and size as the outermost square previously was. I saw a neat simple proof that a square incribed in a circle inscribed in a square has exactly half the area of the outer square (in some mensa book I got at that library sell).
on 2001-10-17 07:36 [#00042555]

Yes, I see now, it's a lot simpler when you locate the rule guiding it's construction. There's so much that is possible to do... You could make every next triangle a brighter yellow...make the tempo be slow at start and increase for each one... have 2 triangle patterns going at once... have a square instead... have every overhand be slightly longer (proportional to the others) etc. I'll be hooked if I ever learn that stuff. I'll try to make psychotic videogames out of it. We need some new videogame makers, ones that use hypnotizing patterns and such.
red ivi der
on 2001-10-17 07:37 [#00042556]

you know, you really should check out programming, i think you definitely have the mind for it. since i did take a class, i don't know all the good resources for learning, here's a good section of the sun tutorial to check out:
http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/i ndex.html
if you'd really like to learn, i'd suggest doing a search in google for "java tutorial" and see what comes up. once you know the basics, you can start being creative with it, and learning more will happen automatically as questions naturally arise. it's fun shit.
redivid e r
on 2001-10-17 07:40 [#00042557]

hell yea man you've got the idea - anything you can think of that is discrete in nature can be done. sometimes figuring out how to do it can be a bitch though, there's been lots of times where i just lie on my bed, concentrating hard as hell for like 10 minutes straight trying to organize everything in my head. but when you finally get the prog to work you get this rush of excitement...
on 2001-10-17 07:44 [#00042558]

So "java" is a software program? Do you have to know all kinds of weird computer input lingo, typing weird commands and stuff, or can you use windows or something and control it more intuitively, visually? I'll definately check it out eventually.
on 2001-10-17 07:47 [#00042559]

...turning your imagination into a code the computer can understand, seeing the end result of a wicked imagined... thing you came up with must be amazing. Computers are amazing, hell a toaster is amazing. I don't know if our species will survive much longer.
rediv i der
on 2001-10-17 07:47 [#00042560]

java is a programming language, it scares most people when they first look at it. here's the code to that triangle thing (it probably will look even more cryptic because in notepad i have it formatted to be more easily readable but i doubt this board will preserve the formatting):
import java.lang.*; import java.math.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*;
public class Seed extends Applet implements Runnable { Thread main = new Thread(this); int[] array = new int[6]; int x; int y; int x2; int y2; int xincr; int yincr; int red = 5; int green = 5; int blue = 5;
public void init() { main.start(); }
public void run() { for(int index = 0; index < 6; index++) { array[index] = 360 - (int) (Math.round(Math.random() * 40));
x = array[0]; y = array[1]; x2 = array[2]; y2 = array[3];
repaint(); try { main.sleep(30); } catch(Exception q){}
x = array[2]; y = array[3]; x2 = array[4]; y2 = array[5];
repaint(); try { main.sleep(30); } catch(Exception q){}
for(int loopy = 0; loopy < 50; loopy++) { x = array[4]; y = array[5];
xincr = (array[0] - x); yincr = (array[1] - y); array[0] = (int) (array[0] + (.08 * xincr)); array[1] = (int) (array[1] + (.08 * yincr));
x2 = array[0]; y2 = array[1];
repaint(); try { main.sleep(30); } catch(Exception q){}
x = array[0]; y = array[1];
xincr = (array[2] - x); yincr = (array[3] - y);
array[2] = (int) (array[2] + (.08 * xincr)); array[3] = (int) (array[3] + (.08 * yincr)); x2 = array[2]; y2 = array[3];
repaint(); try { main.sleep(30); } catch(Exception q){}
///////////////////////////////// x = array[2]; y = array[3];
xincr = (array[4] - x); yincr = (array[5] - y); array[4] = (int) (array[4] + (.08 * xincr)); array[5] = (int) (array[5] + (.08 * yincr));
x2 = array[4]; y2 = array[5];
repaint(); try { main.sleep(30); } catch(Exception q){} } }
public void paint(Graphics t) { setBackground(Color.black); Color shade = new Color(red, green, blue); t.setColor(shade); t.drawLine(x, y, x2, y2);
if(red <= 250) { red += 5; green += 5; blue += 5; } }
public void update(Graphics t) { paint(t); } }
on 2001-10-17 07:57 [#00042561]

yikes, heh heh. I'm sure it would... eventually become more friendly. So if it's just basically a language, does this mean I could type that in MY notepad and it would make that... or do you have to have some sort of software or something else to do it?
rediv i der
on 2001-10-17 08:02 [#00042562]

yea, but you have to have a compiler, which is free on the java.sun.com site. you're right, it eventually becomes a LOT more friendly - the first time i saw code i was like uuuuhhh. a compiler takes high-level language instructions (like java code) and converts them into machine code instructions (011101001010). so java code is made to be user friendly, otherwise i'd have had to type like a zillion zeros and ones.
i dunno if you're familiar with any dos commands, but when you install the java compiler it adds a command called "javac". you just javac the text file (which you save with an extension of ".java") and it converts it into a ".class" file (machine code). then you reference the class file from within an html file and oila.
on 2001-10-17 08:02 [#00042563]

That's what windows was designed for right? To make the hostile DOS environment easier for humans (who have evolved with eyes and spacial imaginative ways of thinking) to click and drag visual windows and such? The only reason they'd make androids resemble humans is so we can identify with them more easily.
on 2001-10-17 08:08 [#00042565]

Thanks a lot, this is all really helpful.
Later, M.
rediv i der
on 2001-10-17 08:09 [#00042566]

you're exactly right - have you ever heard of the concept of "chunking"? for instance, machine code is chunked into assembly language, which is still fucking cryptic as hell. assembly code is chunked into high-level stuff. like when you refer to a group of ten people as "them", you've chunked instead of explicitly listing their names off. or take cigarettes. cigarette -> pack -> carton -> box -> transfer truck full.
i think you have a programmer's brain. you'll probably like these images:
http://www.gc.maricopa.edu/business/sylvester/cis164/catinh at.gif
rediv i der
on 2001-10-17 08:09 [#00042567]

oh cya
on 2001-10-17 08:22 [#00042569]

Ha ha ha, a cat in the hat fractal! That's one way to look at it, heh heh. That first image along with some others is in mandelbrot's "the fractal geometry of nature" book, the one who coined the term. Scaling symmetry is all it is, but has really interesting effects and nature seems to use it repeatedly. Take a triangle and divide every side in thirds and make a new triangle on the middle third. repeat repeat etc. You know that brocoli like fractal, made of angles that repeat on the ends of angles? Well you can make code for all the angles to be, say 45 degrees, then gradually shrink, 44, 43, 42 etc, so the whole construction would change in a very interesting way.
Gotsta go.
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